360 only has 512 MB of RAM.......

[quote name='Mookyjooky']I was counting SDRAM.

Thats like counting all the ram on your graphics card(s) and audio card in your computer, having a gig of SDRAM and saying you have 2 gigs of ram.... ummm no. You have a gig.[/QUOTE]

SDRAM was only half of main memory on the Saturn. At the very least you have to credit it as having 2 MB of memory.

However, since this is a game console with a very specific application, the video RAM is certainly a valid consideration.


Look at the memory breakdown of the Playstation. Is this a 2 MB system while the Saturn isn't? Do you think the inclusion of 512K memory for caching from CD-ROM isn't a significant consideration when a similar allocation is needed on the PS1?

Both machines were effectively 3.5 MB designs with some portions of memory pre-allocated to specific functions as is likely for a device with a narrowly defined application. If you were designing a PC exclusively for game applications the amount of dedicated video RAM would be a major consideration. If, for instance, I have a shared memory system like the original Xbox, that 64 MB is for everyrthing. But if the GPU has an additional 16MB exclusively for its own use as frame buffer and faster access to texture and geometry data, that changes the system substantially. It won't help much for running something like Word but for a game console it's a major addition to the machine's capability.

If the PS1 and Saturn lacked their dedicated 512K sections for storing audio samples, those would have to live in main RAM, which means they'd need to be of lower quality and/or fewer to be handled along with everything else that needed to be there. While not every game fully exploited all of that 512K, far many more would easily have used twice as much.

So, in the case of a game console, such dedicated memory blocks must be taken into consideration since they aren't optional as they would be for a PC that makes sound during games but is largely silent while running Office apps. Any game is going to need a fair chunk of memory for rapid access to audio data. Having dedicated memory rather than one big lump means having to make an educated gues as to what will be enough but not too much (gotta keep costs in mind) but it also means that it can be wired in such a way as to give the audio processor direct access without ever coming into bus contention with other parts of the chipset.

So yes, if you have a dedicated gaming PC produced in volumes of millions of dedicated units, that gig of RAM dedicated to the audio and video subsystems is hugely important. It makes a trememndous difference in what the developers can do compared to the same system using shared memory for all functions and having only half as much.

In the early days of AGP, one of the things Intel liked to tout was the money savings from having less memory on the video card and just doing fast writes from main RAM. While it was true that a properly written game that required a 4 MB card in a PCI slot could perform as well with a 2MB card in an AGP slot, developers considered it a hassle. It meant dealing with yet more memory configurations and enabling low memory video cards wasn't how developers wanted to exploit AGP.

It isn't unusual for a PC game to list separately its minimum requirements for system RAM and video RAM. If those cumulatively come to 80 MB (64 +16), on a shared memory system that is what you'll need. (A bit less on a game written just for the shared memory system since it won't be duplicating data into the area allocated for video use but the only 'PC' treated like that is the Xbox.) In real life this would translate to needing 96 MB in the PC because of how RAM is incremented but you get the idea.

If you think the separate video and audio RAM on a console like the Saturn or PS1, imagine what developers would have faced without it.

And before you ask about the 10 MB section on the Xbox 360 GPU, that isn't the same thing. That is purely a processing buffer. It isn't used to store anything, it's just a place frame data gets processed for anti-aliasing and some other effects before passing through the rest of the GPU. You cannot store data there and repeatedly access it. So while it has great utility for visual quality, it cannot be thought of as part of the total system memory.
1) Even for PC's 2 years ago 512MB was enough Ram.

2) PCs need to run an OS and other applications in the backgrounds which SUCKS up additional memory.

Does it matter to console gamers that the PS3 only has 406 MB of usable RAM? It does, the OS takes up 96 megs.

BTW, the X360 doesn't have 512, it uses 32MB for it's OS.
[quote name='PS3isaMistake']Does it matter to console gamers that the PS3 only has 406 MB of usable RAM? It does, the OS takes up 96 megs.

BTW, the X360 doesn't have 512, it uses 32MB for it's OS.[/QUOTE]

It remains to be seen what Sony is managing to do that justifies allocating so much memory but it is silly in both cases to say the machines have less than 512 MB of RAM. If it provide the whizzy automation of task deployment Sony and IBM have promised, that memory reservation will be a major part of what makes the PS3 special compared to more conventional designs. It all depends on if consumers can see a difference that motivates their spending.

It would be one thing if the memory usage by the OS was for things that didn't directly serve the console's purpose but that isn't the case.

On the 360, for instance, the far better support for user supplied music during games come entirely from that OS functionality and memory it consumes. On the original Xbox, to allow an alternate sound track of the player's choice, it was up to the developer to implement that within the game. Microsoft supplied some sample code and codec for doing the job but in terms of labor and memory taken from other game needs, it was entirely the developer's job to make it work.

Doing it on the 360 is trivial by comparison because it just means passing some instruction to the OS and letting it do its thing. The same applies to a great deal of Xbox Live functionality. Microsoft can require that all games by Xbox Live aware because they've done nearly all of the work and developers get a major set of features for little effort on their part compared to rolling their own. The developer and consumer alike is getting a lot of value from that 32 MB.

A comparable memory usage is the GUI in most modern desktop operating systems. Having a standardized set of functions for drawing Windows, dialogue boxes, etc. that makes it simple to produce software with a consistent look and feel to other apps on the OS and thus with a reduced learning curve, is well worth the memory it consumes. Back in 1985 some people had trouble understanding why a 128K MAc was little more than a demo and a 512K just adequate. The memory usage for the GUI made for a good deal less user memory than on a non-GUI system. But the money for that additional RAM needed to make a usable GUI system was well worth it because of how much it improved the user experience.

Other OS services that consume RAM are more valid tagets of criticism. Windows by default has services enabled that are of little or no use if you aren't logging into a domain. Thus frequent article on which services to disable to free up memory and CPU time.

That is less of an issue on the Xbox 360 since it has such a narrower range of intended uses. A person who never, ever connects his machine to Xbox Live's free services may whine a bit but he knew going in that online services, paid and unpaid, were a big selling point of the machine.
[quote name='Zoglog']1)


Everyone is talking about it...this heatwave makes it seem so...and that drab ass worst winter ever no snow at all....blah
bread's done