360 or PS3 for a Fickle Ass Gamer?

PS3 has some great games coming out, and you'd enjoy it, but if you can only afford one 360 is the logical answer.

If you can afford both I'd get the 360 first.
[quote name='BULL_Ship']but get the warranty on any console you buy unless it says Nintendo on it.[/QUOTE]
You are so wrong about that it's kinda funny.

No console has ever given me any problems aside from the GC. The gameboys were very well built, yes. Everything else? Not so much.
[quote name='whoknows']You are so wrong about that it's kinda funny.

No console has ever given me any problems aside from the GC. The gameboys were very well built, yes. Everything else? Not so much.[/QUOTE]

Nintendo products are built very well. I still recall all the shit I've seen Cubes and controllers go through, and still play fine. Hell, I've dropped my old one and it tumbled a good 5-8 steps down some concrete stairs and still played fine (aside from the somewhat busted disc tray).

PS1, PS2 and the original run of Xbox's were built like complete shit, on the other hand.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']Nintendo products are built very well. I still recall all the shit I've seen Cubes and controllers go through, and still play fine. Hell, I've dropped my old one and it tumbled a good 5-8 steps down some concrete stairs and still played fine (aside from the somewhat busted disc tray).

PS1, PS2 and the original run of Xbox's were built like complete shit, on the other hand.[/quote]

I don't even want to know how many times I dropped my NES controllers from > 3 ft. above the ground because of those tangled wires.

Still works like a champ to this day :D
[quote name='whoknows']You are so wrong about that it's kinda funny.

No console has ever given me any problems aside from the GC. The gameboys were very well built, yes. Everything else? Not so much.[/QUOTE]

I think it's different for everyone. I've had 2 360s die, 2 PS2, and 3 PS1's in my life, and I own about every system there is. I do think old PS1 and 2's die more then a lot of stuff, along with 360.

Also, BC on the 360, on stuff it works with, isn't too bad. I'm not sure if PS3 upscales well on old games, but it's always nice to have one less system hooked up to an HDTV and to have it display decently. Same goes for PS3 though, I guess, it would be nice to play PS1 games like that.

Ooh, I did just think of something Nintendo made that was built like crap...anyone else blow through N64 controllers?
I have a ps3, and a xbox360. I admit it. I like them both alot. The only thing that bugs me about the 360 is how it is built. My first 360 got the red ring of death. The one I have now has screwed up once or twice. That is one reason I have more respect for the ps3. I'm pretty sure it want go dieing on me. Only negative thing I have to say about the ps3 is the lack of games, and some games dont look as great as I figured. My advice is buy them both :D
[quote name='The Mana Knight']360 consoles are dying all over the place right now. It might be best to avoid the red ring disease.[/QUOTE]

Well, at least they fix them for free, and the newer ones don't seem to be dying as bad, I think. Still, it is a hassle.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']Nintendo products are built very well. I still recall all the shit I've seen Cubes and controllers go through, and still play fine. Hell, I've dropped my old one and it tumbled a good 5-8 steps down some concrete stairs and still played fine (aside from the somewhat busted disc tray).

PS1, PS2 and the original run of Xbox's were built like complete shit, on the other hand.[/QUOTE]
It's great cubes can go down stairs and still work fine, but when I use mine normally for what it's intended without throwing it down stairs it gives me DRE's.

I'm not the only one either, a friend of mine's GC has the same problem. It's half the reason he got a Wii, the other half being he's a Nintendo fanboy :p
How about selling off your wii and buying both the 360 and ps3. If not I would pick up a ps3 based on what you prefer in games. Do you have an HDTV? If so keep in mind you have to buy the HD-DVD player separate on the 360. Another thing to consider is how MS rapes you on the cost of a hard drive. The ps3 you can pick up any external hard drive for more memory in the future. The 360 lineup of games is much better right now but the ps3 will catch up. Another option would be buy 360 bundle now and if you sold the wii pick up a 40gb ps3 off sonystyle site and use their cc for $100 savings. 40gb ps3 for $299.
Good luck in the decision.
I think we can all agree that it's almost always going to be YMMV when it comes to personal console quality experience. For me, my PS1 and PS2 both died through everyday use. Neither of them were dropped. Nintendo has had one chink in their sterling chain that everyone knows about, the NES. I don't think blowing into the cartridge was supposed to be part of the original operating instructions.
This title could, possibly should, read "360 or PS3 for a FAG" or "360 or PS3 for a F.A.G".

[quote name='The Mana Knight']According to this article:

I definitely agree the Wii has the strongest lineup from now until the end of the year.[/QUOTE]
I think the first comment, left for that fabulous article, sums it up nicely:

I love how this guy tries to ignore recently released AAA 360 exclusives like they're suddenly going to cease to exist.

Terrible article, really.
[quote name='Brak']I have both, and I barely touch That Triple.[/QUOTE]

Ditto. At least until I got Oblivion GOTY on the PS3 last week. Now it's a more even split between the Orange Box and Oblivion.

If I could only have one of them, the PS3 would be the one taking a walk. Being able to play Blu-ray movies is a big plus for some people but if I'm sitting on a couch, in front of my TV, I'm generally there to play videogames.

The RROD danger is everpresent but I'm one of the lucky ones. I still have the 360 I purchased in March of 06 and it's never had a problem. Here's hoping that it blows up soon if at all, I'd hate to get outside of the warranty window.
XBox 360 for this year by far. Next year is debatable depending on if titles actually meet their release dates, and if they are actually good.

I would say XBox 360 by a long shot but you have to be concerned about your product being faulty, even with the new system heatsinks and chips theres no 100% guarantee that the system will work. For all you non-believers I've had a working system since one month after launch and not one single freeze/read error and It's on 40 hours a week. I know It's a matter of when the system breaks down, but if It's in a four year time frame I could careless since the 720/xbox3 would be out.

The 360 has the best titles out and support to date. Period. The future is always debatable, but why buy a PS3 now if your only going to play one or two games? Buy one when the good games are actually out, and the price could be even cheaper next year? At the current rate of price drops and system model revisions the ps3 *should* hit $300 by next fall, and the 360 core might even be cheaper by then if your willing to wait.
bread's done