3DS Battery Life: "3 to 5 hours"

[quote name='Dead of Knight']3-5 hours WITH the brightness lowered. WTF? If it weren't from Nintendo themselves I would think it to be a joke. That's just terrible. And of course, they didn't say how long it lasts with high brightness. Is that because it may be as low as 1-2 hours? Jesus. And people were in an uproar about the PSP's battery time when it was nowhere near this bad.

Also, the Japanese launch lineup sucks. I probably won't be getting this at launch as planned...[/QUOTE]
Haha yeah I think I'll stick with my DS Lite. I hate 3D shit anyway.
Thankfully I've never been in a situation where my PSP or DS runs out (or even gets particularly low...my PSP usually says 87% or whatever by the time I recharge), so this would be fine for me, I think. Hopefully there will be options to get more power as needed.

The one thing I really dislike about the NGP is its sealed battery, and at least this (presumably) doesn't have that issue :(
[quote name='Wolfpup']Thankfully I've never been in a situation where my PSP or DS runs out (or even gets particularly low...my PSP usually says 87% or whatever by the time I recharge), so this would be fine for me, I think. Hopefully there will be options to get more power as needed.

The one thing I really dislike about the NGP is its sealed battery, and at least this (presumably) doesn't have that issue :([/QUOTE]

Sealed via screw, but not different than the DS line or GBA SP. Battery is presumably just a somewhat standard connector.
Wait...are you sure? If there was just a normal screw to remove, that's no big deal at all. I thought it was going to be like you had to disassemble the thing, probably make a mess of the innards, possibly require weird screws, etc.

I'm totally fine with it if it's just like the DS/GBASP. I mean I like how the PSP you don't even need tools, but it's not a big deal on the Nintendo handhelds to change it.

I'm worried it's not that easy though, since they talked about it is the way it is because of the touch surface on the back (plus the Go was like that too).
[quote name='Wolfpup']Wait...are you sure? If there was just a normal screw to remove, that's no big deal at all. I thought it was going to be like you had to disassemble the thing, probably make a mess of the innards, possibly require weird screws, etc.

I'm totally fine with it if it's just like the DS/GBASP. I mean I like how the PSP you don't even need tools, but it's not a big deal on the Nintendo handhelds to change it.

I'm worried it's not that easy though, since they talked about it is the way it is because of the touch surface on the back (plus the Go was like that too).[/QUOTE]

Sorry I was refering to the 3DS. The previous Nintendo portables had a basic Phillips #00 screw holding down the battery cover.

The photos for the NGP arent clear... They could be renders, but it kind of looks like there arent any visible screws... meaning clips, or worse glue.
Oh, darn :( Yeah, I'd thought they said it was sealed :(

I do with the Nintendo portables worked without their batteries though.
[quote name='The Omniscient Lemon']Haha yeah I think I'll stick with my DS Lite. I hate 3D shit anyway.[/QUOTE]

Can't stand it in movies. I've tried it out multiple times, and it's just too much strain on my eyes when things come at you. The images projected just look too hazy as well. I don't blame you if that's what you hate about 3D. And yeah, the DS lite is awesome. It can play DS games for a long time, and GBA games last forever.
I've seen one "3D" movie-Avatar-and it's the last I'll ever see. Glad I saw it in "3D" so I could dismiss the whole thing, and not think "oh, well maybe if I had seen a better one".

-I don't want to wear glasses over my glasses
-I don't like the dark, screwed up color image
-I don't like that for over 6 hours afterwards my vision was WEIRD...like I can't describe it because I've never felt anything like it. I didn't get a headache like a lot of people do, but the act of SEEING felt very, very unpleasant and wrong
-the "3D" detracted from the film. By about 20 minutes in I would have liked to have shut it off.
-It turns out "3D" isn't even actually 3D. It looks less 3D than do normal images in a movie theater or on a TV. It just does a series of a few flat layers. Congratulations, you have a flat layer of things happening in front of another flat layer, with a flat desk on top of that.

In Avatar, I even saw a gun "bent" between two flat layers! The character swung it towards the camera, and half of it went from one layer to a higher layer, so it had a jump/bend in the middle of it.

That's especially funny that IT ISN'T EVEN 3D! I'm starting to hear more people talk about that now, multiple pocasts, Ebert, etc. have talked about how it makes things look LESS 3D, but at the time I saw Avatar I had no idea it would look so cheesy and fake.

Meanwhile it's been 12 years since MV48 could have been rolled out in theaters, which is an ACTUAL improvement in technology. I'd LOVE to see a great action film filmed in this. (Kill Bill and The Matrix Reloaded could have been done in this!) Ironically, this improves resolution and lets action happen faster while still clear, while "3D" you have to slow stuff down


[quote name='The Holy Pretzle']I don't see where the complaints are coming from: is an electrical outlet really that hard to find if you're going to play for such a long time? Where and what are you doing if you're going to play for 3-5 hours straight without access to an electrical outlet? And how often are you in that kind of situation?

Didn't get to charge it overnight? Car charger. If you're careful with your technology (even remotely) battery shouldn't even be that big a problem.[/QUOTE]

For people traveling long distances, this is a problem.
I don't see why people are harping on 3D. Just because Hollywood, as usual, fucks things up doesn't mean the game industry will follow suit. I think, if done right, 3D can be an incredible asset for entertainment. If anyone is going to do it right, it will be Nintendo. Although, if credit had to be given, Sony's Motorstorm Apocalypse seems to be getting great previews on its 3D content. I think those two companies are ultimately going to push the boundary in 3D pretty far.

At the very least, I'm happy that Nintendo is going to push boundaries once again into territory that has largely been relegated to failure. For this industry to survive, it needs innovation. Nintendo is not the only ones who do just that but they are a big force that pushes for it.

So for that matter, I'll be getting my 3DS day one. Not expecting the most mindblowing 3D but I am awaiting the potential that it has to unlock that element shortly down the road.
Because '3D' isn't even 3D, and tons of people can't even use it, and even then it kills immersion, etc. It's just a marketing scam.

I'd be a lot more inclined to pick up a 3DS if it didn't have "3D".
bread's done