3DS Games FS

yeah i would be unless i get it somewhere else by then

EDIT: DOes using the map code automatically uses the lnacer code?
cause all i did so far was follwed the instructions on the back to get the maps, i didnt much care for the gold stuff and the 48hrs live trial
so maybe i didn`t use it yet?
[quote name='IXI Dragunz IXI']Map and Lancer are different codes. If you don't use the Map code I'll do the trade right now.[/QUOTE]

i`m at work right now, so i will verify when i get home what i actually used and then PM you
i don`t want to agree yet and turns out i used the code u actully want.

i saw some guys online with the gold Guns, looks terrible thats why i didn`t bother with it.

so i`ll PM you once i chek up on it
[quote name='62t']interest in a Little Big Planet theme code for the Hammerbust code?[/quote]

would that be a theme for PS3 ?
if it is then no, cause i hardly ever use my PS3 but if it`s somthing else LMK i might be interested

I'm looking for the Flashback maps code for Gears 2. Anyone who has it and would like to trade, please email me at hyserure @ gmail.com.

[quote name='hoey093']ill trade a 1 month code (worth $10) for a gold hammerburst code[/quote]

Thanks,but i have nearly 9 months left on by live sub. so i don`t really anymore right now.
[quote name='subzero']Hey there noob ....[/quote]


[quote name='SpitFire158']How come DR with the guide is $50?[/quote]

well thats $5 off if u get them together($15 + $40 would have been $55)
and the Guide is in brand new conditoin.
bread's done