3rd parties are deathly afraid of Nintendo


262 (100%)

Software developers worried about the Wii, hesitant to make games

88 Comments by Scott Jon Siegel Oct 11th 2007 12:55PM
Filed under: Nintendo Wii, Business

With shortages possibly running into early 2008, it would appear that the Wii is a clear-cut success in the current generation of consoles. So why are software companies so nervous to develop games for Nintendo's white wonder?

IGN reports on a recent article from The Nikkei Business Daily. After speaking to a number of software houses on the future of the Wii, The Business Daily reveals that several developers, preferring to stay anonymous, expressed concerns over the longevity of the system, and were hesitant to develop games in the event of the Wii's popularity dropping suddenly.

Several houses perceive the motion-sensing Wii as a fad, and believe its success to be ending shortly. This could possibly be in response to the Wii's sales in Japan, which The Nikkei Business Daily reports are at their lowest point since late last year. Several developers also blamed Nintendo for their hesitancy, claiming that the company puts third-party developers at a disadvantage while ensuring the success of first-party titles. It remains to be seen if any of this Wii fear is justifiable, although a lack of third-party confidence is never a good sign for a console manufacturer.

Will this shit ever end? Yeah Nintendo makes some good games...here's an idea, make good games like Nintendo and your games will sell. It's not fucking brain surgery. Who the fuck is running these companies? Did God Of War sales hurt shit bag shit fest game x's sales on the PS2? I think Monster Hunter 3 on the Wii is a pretty good sign that the Wii is safe. If you make a good game on the system you will not spontaneously combust. This shit is so fucking old and tired it is fucking ridiculous. I'm so tired of hearing this shit. If Nintendo made games for the XBOX360 would HALO cease to exist and sell? Why is everyone so fucking scared of Nintendo? Wake the fuck up people!
We just had a thread about this.

It boils down to the fact that Nintendo does give themselves advantages, but also that third parties are pissed that they can't let their fourth string dev teams port last years shit anymore since Nintendo has achieved a much stronger position in the industry.

Edit: Which doesn't mean that third parties won't still do that - they will. I'm just saying that they'd rather throw some shit out there and cry when it doesn't sell.

And, again, best counterexample: Resident Evil 4. Two year old game, but it has good graphics and good gameplay. Scandelous.

It's not going to change anytime soon, nor stop the bitching.
I think its because Nintendo is allowing a lot of crap games to pass through...Chicken Shoot for instance...whatever happened to "Quality over quantity" All these "budget" games that are flooding the console are making it look bad.
[quote name='MisterHand']First charging for demos, and now this? What's next -- a delay in the release date for Smash Brothers?[/quote]:lol:

I approve of the mention that Wii sales are frighteningly low at 168,000 for September. When the PS3 and PS2 are somewhere in the vicinity of 60-70k each. The Wii is a fad!
Alongside this we have that article about 3rd parties shying away from the PS3 because of development cost and marketshare issues.

So they're all developing for the PS2/DS now? I guess thats alright with me, but they cant do it forever.

Alternatively: Home consoles am doomed.
[quote name='botticus']:lol:

I approve of the mention that Wii sales are frighteningly low at 168,000 for September. When the PS3 and PS2 are somewhere in the vicinity of 60-70k each. The Wii is a fad![/quote]

I don't think it is the total units sold for the month that concerns them, but the drop in total units sold from the previous month..the ps2 & ps3 sales, while low, have remained in the same area for awhile. My belief for awhile has been once the wii hits the 15 - 18 million mark that the monthly sales would have a big drop off. I think that there is at least 15 million die hard nintendo fans that have or plan to scoop the system up. Add another 2 million or so of the alleged new demographic that nintendo is targeting that have already bought it and that would put it in the range of 17 million units. That is just my opinion, I have no proof to back it up, besides the fact that I haven't touched my since last dec. The mario series games don't interest me, only zelda and metroid. I played thru most of twillight princess. I bought it as I was expecting a baby, and figured we could try playing that when she was around 2 years old.
Alright granted it was just a crazy ass rant but seriously, this shit needs to end. Someone should put up posters:

Good games + Wii = $$$
Bad games + Wii = $0

Carry on.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Alongside this we have that article about 3rd parties shying away from the PS3 because of development cost and marketshare issues.

So they're all developing for the PS2/DS now? I guess thats alright with me, but they cant do it forever.

Alternatively: Home consoles am doomed.[/QUOTE]

The 360 seems to be doing fine on the 3rd party front.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']I generally use a Japan centric perspective, so in that respect I left them out intentionally.[/QUOTE]
Because you live in Japan.
[quote name='jkam']Alright granted it was just a crazy ass rant but seriously, this shit needs to end. Someone should put up posters:

Good games + Wii = $$$
Bad games + Wii = $0

Carry on.[/QUOTE]

Your rant was good. It's how I feel most of the time I browse a forum these days with all of the Wii hate and stupidity. I thought I had seen fanboyism and hate before, from gamers and developers, but since the Wii things have risen to a whole new level of insanity that leads to crazy stories like this.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Because I only own one western developed game. Maybe two.[/QUOTE]
Did you import all your games from Japan?

I can tell you that in my household and many other people I know, the Wii was/is a fad. Hell, one of my crazy asian have-a-hard-on-for-Nintendo friends just admitted today that he is bored of the Wii and getting a 360 with Forza and Marvel this weekend. I can see why the developers are hesitant.

However, that isn't to say that the developers didn't dig themselves into their own holes. Had they not tried to push so many ports and crappy games onto the Wii, people would be less reluctant to buy games for the Wii. I have 3 games on the Wii right now, and am only looking at 2 more games, SSBM and Mario Kart. Why? Because the developers have shown me that they are cheap bastards who make shit games, and that when it comes to the Wii, I can only go first party.
It seems like a silly fear, that GOOD first party games will somehow hurt the third party stuff. I really can't fathom that fear.

Look at the SNES generation. The main reason the N64 and cube were so overpowered by great first party games is because thats more or less all there was, VERY low 3rd party support.

I think once some of the bigger name Japanese games, like dragon quest swords, come out on the Wii the 3rd party developers will find their testicles and make games for the Wii.
[quote name='zewone']Because the US market should matter more to you.[/quote]

Because I live here? Thats it? Surely there are more reasons than that.

This article is from Japan anyway. Originally from The Nikkei Business Daily
I wonder if they mean they position and market their First party games in such a way that it gives them a good edge for selling in the market. Meanwhile they treat third party games are like "oh yeah well this games coming out on our system but hey lets show you mario galaxy one more time!". If the console developer won't help you push your game then a lot of times it goes unheard of especially since a lot of these developers may not have a ton of cash for promoting a new title. I know I see a ton more advertisements for first and second party games from nintendo and next to none for anything else. Save red steel it got a lot of advertising when it first came out mind you it was launch title as well.
[quote name='zewone']Because the US market should matter more to you.[/QUOTE]

Not if you mainly play games from Japanese developers. Success over there matters more in getting good exclusives (or even ports) from big Japanese developers.

Of course it has to sell well enough here for such games to get brought over here though.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Because I live here? Thats it? Surely there are more reasons than that.[/QUOTE]
How many of your games were bought here, rather than imported from Japan?

If there was no US market, you wouldn't play half the games you do. Your interest in it, should be vested.
[quote name='dmaul1114']
Of course it has to sell well enough here for such games to get brought over here though.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']I eat Thai food everyday. I guess I should eat American food more. Because I live here.[/QUOTE]
Over your head, but that's okay. I didn't expect much from you.
This is not something I agree with - and don't want this pushed around - but Nintendo has pretty much survived without third parties for 2 generations now.

On some level, they do not need them.

Gamers do, and that's the difference (and hence why I don't agree with this idea at large).

But the problem is that third parties could ignore Nintendo for a long time, or just do the worst job ever with games for 8-10 years now. They didn't expect the Wii to do what it is doing sales-wise, and now they are complaining that they can't get their foot in the door.

Well, yeah. You played a part in that door being closed for a long time now, so I'm sorry you are trying to run back and cash in without making any effort.

I do think Nintendo needs third parties, as would gamers as a whole. The question is - does Nintendo think it needs third parties?

That's a different thing to consider.
[quote name='Scrubking']Your rant was good. It's how I feel most of the time I browse a forum these days with all of the Wii hate and stupidity. I thought I had seen fanboyism and hate before, from gamers and developers, but since the Wii things have risen to a whole new level of insanity that leads to crazy stories like this.[/QUOTE]

I don't think that it's fair to equate Wii hate with stupidity. Of course, it is *you* posting, so all's fair, I guess.

I disagree with the idea that Resident Evil 4 is a benchmark that money can be made on remakes, to a degree. It differs from the other Wii shovelware in a number of ways: first, it is a franchise with far more brand appeal than, say, Splinter Cell or Prince of Persia even. Not many franchises can make that claim. More importantly, it was already a big hit before. I don't know how Godfather (which I've read is quite good on Wii), or PoP, or Splinter Cell sold prior to being out on the Wii, but a lukewarm game rereleased almost verbatim, is not going to catch on. The 360 and PS3 got this stuff too: Godfather for $60 on 360/PS3 comes to mind immediately. I'm sure there are other examples.

Most importantly, I believe, is price. Consumers balked at $50 for an identical version of a game that was $20 on PS2/Xbox. RE4, which already had a litany of advantages, MSRP'd at $30. The improvements it offered, like the others, were pretty marginal, but reasonable for $10 more. NOT $30. I don't think RE4 would have sold well at all (better than the other pap, for certain) if it started out at $50.

I don't really blame Nintendo, despite Strell's point about resources. Looking at "Ninjabread Man," "Chicken Shoot," and the like, it's clear that the Wii has little to no quality control in what they allow for the console. They carefully craft their own titles, while lax quality control allows any dickbag developer to sell their crap and try to sucker enough fools in at $50 to turn a profit.

3rd parties are excited to work with Nintendo because of an easy market to enter (thanks to loose restrictions), but they're also (pitifully) afraid of genuinely investing in crafting a game due to said crowded market. I don't know of any example of a console, err..., "overgaming itself to death," and I don't see the Wii being one to start that trend. I do, however, take each and every third party Wii title with a grain of salt.

That said, I did have a remarkably hard time not buying MLB Power Pros this week.
[quote name='Scrubking']Your rant was good. It's how I feel most of the time I browse a forum these days with all of the Wii hate and stupidity. I thought I had seen fanboyism and hate before, from gamers and developers, but since the Wii things have risen to a whole new level of insanity that leads to crazy stories like this.[/quote]
I just want to refer to your signature.

"Gameplay is what makes a game worth playing - not story or graphics"

I find this signature to be retarded. First, I can understand that graphics do not matter all that much to you, but you claim that gameplay does. Since when have any recent Wii games had good gameplay? The only game my Wii even gets to see right now is Wii sports and now that tech demo is worn out. Next, how can you say that story doesn't tie into gameplay? They go directly hand in hand, with graphics either one step behind or right on pace. Gameplay = the experience of playing a game. Graphics enhance the experience and a story line creates the experience. Thats completely contradictory to what you are saying!
Who said I didnt care about the U.S. market. I have a vested interest in U.S. marketshare. That doesnt mean I have to care about western developers one tiny bit. I can instead focus on how well Japanese developers do in the US market
[quote name='zewone']Exactly.[/QUOTE]

But still, success in Japan is tantamount, else there is nothing to be brought over.

If it just sold well here, and not in the Japan (like the X-box and 360) then the lineup would lack Japanese games just as the X-boxes have (though the 360 is doing a bit better) despite selling pretty well here.
[quote name='BattleChicken']
Look at the SNES generation. The main reason the N64 and cube were so overpowered by great first party games is because thats more or less all there was, VERY low 3rd party support.

Isn't that a lot of nintendo's own doing. They allegedly were a bitch to deal with, and other platforms came that were competive with the Big N's machine. That is the reason I thought 3rd party support had left Nintendo with the N64 and cube..(also the 64 used the cart instead of disc).
[quote name='help1'] Sicne when have any recent Wii games had good gameplay? [/QUOTE]

Metroid Prime 3 kicked all kinds of ass, as did Zelda. Super Paper Mario was ok as well. RE4 kicks ass if you haven't played it elsewhere.

If Wii Sports is your cup of tea, there are plenty of other minigames out there, some of which may appeal to you.

If not, you should sell the Wii it seems to be even less for you than it is for me. :D
[quote name='dmaul1114']But still, success in Japan is tantamount, else there is nothing to be brought over.

If it just sold well here, and not in the Japan (like the X-box and 360) then the lineup would lack Japanese games just as the X-boxes have (though the 360 is doing a bit better) despite selling pretty well here.[/QUOTE]
I could agree with most of what you're saying, but not about that 360 comment.

The 360 has more "Japanese" style games (JRPGs, simulators, and a ton of Japanese devolpers support (Capcom, Sega, etc.) than I can think of, compared to the Wii and PS3.
[quote name='mykevermin']

3rd parties are excited to work with Nintendo because of a crowded market thanks to loose restrictions, but they're also (pitifully) afraid of genuinely investing in crafting a game due to said crowded market. I don't know of any example of a console, err..., "overgaming itself to death," and I don't see the Wii being one to start that trend. I do, however, take each and every third party Wii title with a grain of salt.


Have you ever really spent some time browsing a very large PS2 section? I realize Nintendo's quality control is non-existent at this point and (some may not realize) the official Nintendo seal of quality is now just the official seal (recent EGM article) but...There are always going to be crappy games on any console that is #1 in market share. At this point until 3rd parties start delivering some truly inspiring non-ported Wii games everything they say is pretty much bullshit.
[quote name='jkam']Have you ever really spent some time browsing a very large PS2 section? I realize Nintendo's quality control is non-existent at this point and (some may not realize) the official Nintendo seal of quality is now just the official seal (recent EGM article) but...There are always going to be crappy games on any console that is #1 in market share. At this point until 3rd parties start delivering some truly inspiring non-ported Wii games everything they say is pretty much bullshit.[/quote]Hell, Ninjabread Man and that lot of games that were just released on Wii are still just ports of PS2 games that were only released in Europe.
[quote name='jkam']Have you ever really spent some time browsing a very large PS2 section?[/quote]

Nope. Never. I ask GS employees to put six titles in a brown bag and I buy the first one I grab out.

I realize Nintendo's quality control is non-existent at this point and (some may not realize) the official Nintendo seal of quality is now just the official seal (recent EGM article)

It should be semantics, really. I doubt that they really believed, say, anything made by Acclaim, *EVER*, deserved the word "quality" next to it any more than "Chicken Shoot." I wonder why they changed the word.

but...There are always going to be crappy games on any console that is #1 in market share. At this point until 3rd parties start delivering some truly inspiring non-ported Wii games everything they say is pretty much bullshit.

Yes. There are crap 3rd party games on the PS2. And the Xbox. And every system ever, frankly. But even the most ardent (read: Strell) and idiotic (read: Scrubking) Wii-aficionados lament how the Wii is being used as a dumping ground. There are promising 3rd party titles coming for the system, without a doubt. Some developers tried early on (Red Steel, Trauma Center) to make unique titles. For some reason, though, shovelware because the norm. The ratio of shovelware to compelling 3rd party titles is *overwhelming* on the Wii, IMO. That's the point I'm trying to make.
[quote name='zewone']I could agree with most of what you're saying, but not about that 360 comment.

The 360 has more "Japanese" style games (JRPGs, simulators, and a ton of Japanese devolpers support (Capcom, Sega, etc.) than I can think of, compared to the Wii and PS3.[/QUOTE]

That's why I said it's doing better. Most of the Japanese games it's getting are pretty mediocre--see Blue Dragon.

It's not closing in on getting any big games like Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest etc. and some of the games from companies like Capcom are really western style games--i.e. Dead Rising.
[quote name='Strell']This is not something I agree with - and don't want this pushed around - but Nintendo has pretty much survived without third parties for 2 generations now.

On some level, they do not need them.

Gamers do, and that's the difference (and hence why I don't agree with this idea at large).

But the problem is that third parties could ignore Nintendo for a long time, or just do the worst job ever with games for 8-10 years now. They didn't expect the Wii to do what it is doing sales-wise, and now they are complaining that they can't get their foot in the door.

Well, yeah. You played a part in that door being closed for a long time now, so I'm sorry you are trying to run back and cash in without making any effort.

I do think Nintendo needs third parties, as would gamers as a whole. The question is - does Nintendo think it needs third parties?

That's a different thing to consider.[/QUOTE]

This is soo right on point, Nintendo came out with better hardware for both the N64 and the 'cube, but apparently their arrogance (which they have admitted to) prevented much in th eway of third party support. The design and fabrication of the Wii and DS is such that Nintendo can make money on both the hardware and software, and develop games in-house with minimal expenditure of funds, thus maximizing profits in what was probably perceived as a "going it alone" situation of their own making, one that is no doubt apparent with their arrogance towards online and timely game development. The success of Wii as a gaming machine will not be because of Nintendo, they only care about the money of course (as do all companies), but because of third party games that really work with the controller and as well as possible with the crappy online. I believe that MOH:Heroes 2 will be a determining game as to whether third parties can make really good games for the Wii...
[quote name='gkargreen'] The design and fabrication of the Wii and DS is such that Nintendo can make money on both the hardware and software, and develop games in-house with minimal expenditure of funds, thus maximizing profits in what was probably perceived as a "going it alone" situation of their own making, one that is no doubt apparent with their arrogance towards online and timely game development. [/QUOTE]

That's definitely it in a nutshell, and it's a good situation for them as it's all straight profit.

Just sucks for any gamers (like myself) who hoped the Wii would have enough real games to keep them satisfied, as that's not looking likely. Even people like myself , who are far from being hardcore gamers in terms of amount of time have/are willing to devote for games look to be hard pressed to be satisfied with just a Wii in the house.
I believe one major problem that is hurting 3rd parties on the Wii is that they aren't following Nintendo's business model. Nintendo's new mantra for the past couple of years has been to branch out away from the hardcore gamers and start appealing to the more casual gamer and expanding the userbase towards non-tradional gamers.

Nintendo recently released that the DS has a 53% female user base, and the Wii has a 51% female user base. Of course, there has always been women playing video games, but these numbers are probably much higher when you compare them to the female user base of Sony's and MS's consoles. How many average women do you think, if given the choice, would rather play Wii Sports, Halo 3, or Motorstorm?

It has been Nintendo 1st-party titles leading the casual gaming market, and the 3rd parties just follow with similar games. How many Brain Training knock-offs have there been? How many pet sims have followed Nintendogs?

My point is that most 3rd party devs are just doing what they always do and making the same types of games they always have, and only deviating when they see how successful Nintendo is doing by taking chances and creating non-traditional types of games. And its these non-tradional games that are driving sales of the DS and Wii.

Third party devs are just making the same types of games they've been making for the past 10-20 years, just with prettier graphics. This isn't how you build sales and Nintendo realized this several years ago. If 3rd party devs want to create successful games for the Wii, they need to take more chances instead of just doing what they've always done, or making bad clones of Nintendo's 1st-party titles. That's why they make comments like "The Wii is a fad!" because taking chances is full of risk, and they would rather Sony or MS succeed because its safer to go with what's worked in the past than to try something new.

The word of video games is changing. This isn't the same market that existed 10 years ago. Developers need to get off their ass and realize this.
Krymner...although you make good points the last sentence is totally way off. As a previous Wii owner, I too thought it was great and such, but it wore off, on the other hand, I play my X360 every minute I can....its a blast, not saying that games aren't being inovative anymore but saying that the current formula that's being used still works and its what people play. Gaming can evolve even if its within the same formula....take for instance "Portal" just play a couple minutes of that game and you'll see what I mean...now put it on the Wii and what do you get?...same game with a "light gun" type interface...meh.
What's their proposed solution? Politely ask Nintendo to make fewer games, and of lesser quality?

If third parties made Nintendo-caliber games, then they would sell more units. You shouldn't be asking the public to buy your inferior titles.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']I play my X360 every minute I can.[/QUOTE]

Yes, because you're either a plant, or the most polite fanboy ever. ;)

That said, I do agree with your point that placing a new interface over the same old games does not dramatically alter the idea of "interaction" and how that effects gamers. It changes it, sure...but do does the sixaxis. Both are unique, but neither revolutionize the industry (as of yet).

I also think that Krymner's citations about females being 51 and 53% of Wii/DS owners is totally incorrect and absurd. I'd be hard pressed to believe that it's even 40%, to be honest. Then again, I was the guy who balked at a researcher in the middle of a presentation when (after I asked him), he claimed that 1 in 5 WOW players was a female (the player, not the character). I don't believe that either. I *DO* believe that female players are increasing, but it's more from "not very many" to "slightly more than that." NOT 50%+. Do any of you think for a second that more females game on the Wii than males?

[quote name='evilmax17']What's their proposed solution? Politely ask Nintendo to make fewer games, and of lesser quality?

If third parties made Nintendo-caliber games, then they would sell more units. You shouldn't be asking the public to buy your inferior titles.[/QUOTE]

I'd settle for Nintendo having stricter quality control, instead of *3* versions of "Petz" (horsies and doggies and platypi! Oh MY!) coming out on the same day, personally. But, that's asking Nintendo to cut their bottom line, which is a bad idea. It works for Sony ("please reduce your profit margin, because we're not buying the PS3 until you do"), but it's a wholly different scenario for Nintendo.

But, the argument here doesn't seem (to me, at any rate) to be about the number of crap titles. It's the lack of quality third party games out now, and on the horizon. The complaint here seems to be "hey, would you put out a little *less* shit, and allocate those resources to games that are of superior quality? We're not talking Nintendo caliber, but somewhere between Nintendo and Chicken Shoot." Which is rather reasonable, IMO.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Krymner...although you make good points the last sentence is totally way off. As a previous Wii owner, I too thought it was great and such, but it wore off, on the other hand, I play my X360 every minute I can....its a blast, not saying that games aren't being inovative anymore but saying that the current formula that's being used still works and its what people play. Gaming can evolve even if its within the same formula....take for instance "Portal" just play a couple minutes of that game and you'll see what I mean...now put it on the Wii and what do you get?...same game with a "light gun" type interface...meh.[/quote]Sure, the formula works, for most of those who have been playing such games for years. But is the formula expanding the base of consumers who buy video games? That is what Nintendo has challenged, and how or when we'll know if they're right remains to be seen.

And myke, I think those numbers of female gamers were from Nintendo, so they've probably got some skewed research somewhere. Maybe counting the moms who bought it for the family? Based on the voting channel, it's strongly skewed towards the male side. Someone who is bored could probably get numbers. But things like males vote 24.7 and 75.3, females vote 27.2 and 72.8, and the cumulative ends up 24.9 and 75.1.
[quote name='jkam']Alright granted it was just a crazy ass rant but seriously, this shit needs to end. Someone should put up posters:

Good games + Wii = $$$
Bad games + Wii = $0

Carry on.[/QUOTE]
Except that's probably not true since crap has been selling on the Wii.

A "friend" of my bought Two Thrones...I mean Rival Swords for the full $50 and said it was worth it even when I told him he could find the PS2 version for ~$10 if he looked.

Then he was looking at MK Armageddon and said he wanted it. I told him how much cheaper it was on every other console and he said "but this one is on the Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!".

So in short, crap does sell.
[quote name='botticus']And myke, I think those numbers of female gamers were from Nintendo, so they've probably got some skewed research somewhere. Maybe counting the moms who bought it for the family? Based on the voting channel, it's strongly skewed towards the male side. Someone who is bored could probably get numbers. But things like males vote 24.7 and 75.3, females vote 27.2 and 72.8, and the cumulative ends up 24.9 and 75.1.[/QUOTE]

I think the voting channel is a select sample of gamers because it's voluntary. I hate to use anecdotes, but I've never voted on a thing yet.

That said, the reason I wouldn't give it much credibility is because it is voluntary. Like the 20% of WOW players are female stat I mentioned earlier, the researcher said that it came from a WOW census, which was voluntary and offsite. So, you had a limited group of WOW players who even knew about it, and even fewer who did it. Those who did not answer the census are probably similar in a number of ways that, by their omission, the data gained from the census becomes unreliable.

short story long, the data on female gamers comes from Nintendo, but I still don't buy it. I'm willing to believe, with no supportive evidence, that there are more female gamers who own a DS than a PSP, or a Wii than a PS3/360 (mostly based upon the popularity of the DS among Japanese adults of both genders who were not previously gamers)...but over half is a substantial stretch for me.
bread's done