4/18 xobx update & disc read errors fixed?


Okay....so my 360 has been having severe Disc Read Errors/ disc unplayable errors for the last month or so where i would be able to play a game for about 30 minutes, before the disc read error message pops up. Then the 360 would not be able to read discs of any types (game & dvds) and i would be forced to shut the 360 down and wait a couple hours before being able to play again.

I called warranty to get this repaired and i was about 1 day away from being out of warranty. MS finally sent me a coffin. So i was going to ship my xbox360 back for repairs.

However, the same day, 4/18, my xbox360 got an update from xbox live. And now it looks like the update must have done something to fix my console cuz my disc read error is now gone. i've played my 360 twice since then....first time for about 1.5 hours with no problems. Now I jsut played for about 3 hours...still no disc read errors.

Anyone know if this latest updae included a fix for disc read errors? Should i still send my console in for repairs? ie. in case this is just a temporary fix and it will go bad again after more play. If i don't send it in, i will be out of warranty the next time i have disc read errors. What happens after u send in an xbox for repairs? does that automatically extend the 1 year general warranty for another year?
I have been having issues recently with my rock band disk. It is pristine, worked fine, then like a week or so ago I would play 1 song, it would lag after I finished it and then would say disk unreadable. Then I would eject the disk, put it back in, not needing to restart or anything, and it would work just fine the rest of the session. I havent had it on in a few days, will have to check to see about that update and if that fixed it.
I doubt the update had anything to do with it... stranger things have happened though. Because your warranty is about to expire I would just go ahead and send it in... better safe than sorry.

I think the warranty gets extended to at least 90 days, but I'm not 100% sure - never needed a repair (yet).
[quote name='relicbane']I have been having issues recently with my rock band disk. It is pristine, worked fine, then like a week or so ago I would play 1 song, it would lag after I finished it and then would say disk unreadable. Then I would eject the disk, put it back in, not needing to restart or anything, and it would work just fine the rest of the session. I havent had it on in a few days, will have to check to see about that update and if that fixed it.[/QUOTE]

Same here. With TWO diffent copies of RB. it would especially give me a DRE after playing DLC
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