40% Off Puzzle Quest for PC

This game is very addictive. I already have it for DS - what multiplayer options are there for PC? Is there anything else substantial over the DS version?
I have it for DS otherwise I would get it for PC.
BTW, what level do you need to defeat Bane?
I am tired of grinding. LOL!
You need to be maxxed out at level 50, and have the right equipment and stats...

As far as multiplayer, the PC version lets you play over a LAN and also over the internet (if you have your opponents IP address...there are no dedicated servers to Puzzle Quest that I know of...)
I'd suggest getting the 360 version of this if possible since it'll be the only release that will get the expansion. Personally I prefer it on the DS so I can play during work breaks/laundry/waiting.

I was able to beat lord bane on normal at lvl 44 using 2 god-like items made with the rune of the gods. Basically the only good way to beat him is get to the point where you do 50+ damage with each set of skulls you take. If you try to beat him using spells he'll resist them a lot and you'll end up screwed.
I'm not really worried about the XBOX 360 expansion. I'd rather wait for Puzzle Quest: Galactrix in a few months.

I've also seen the PSP version on the clearance rack at my K-Mart. Can't remember how much it was since I already have the DS and PC versions...
The PSP has a couple of broken features. Companion abilities don't work. The best versions are the X360 and PC versions. Using this coupon, the PC version is $11.99 vs. $15 for the X360 one, I think... I also like the PC one the best since you can play with a mouse.

The easiest version is the DS one, since you can continue to by attribute gains at your castle even when you are level 50. If you want a version for on-th-go, I'd get the DS, even though the PSP version has much better graphics. The DS one isn't broken and is easier to play with the stylus.
I was tempted to get this for 360, but just bought it for mobile (wanted a fun game for those times when I'm waiting around for something). Yeah, it's a small version, but still a great game and $6.99 so what the heck.
I have the PC one and the DS one. That's the perfect combo to me. Unless you have an Xbox 360 and want the expansion. I'll still take the PC one with mouse control over X360 any day...
looks like the code is still good

so if I pick this up, can I put it on my 2 home PCs (deskop, laptop) w/o any funny business?
There's an expansion called Revenge of The Plague Lord coming which adds four new hero classes, new spells, and new quests. So far it's only announced for XBox Live Arcade, though.
bread's done