Hello CAG community. We are selling 4000 MS point codes and XBL 12 month codes. Please check out our prices below and we hope to work with you soon.
Note: USA Only for Points
4000 MS Point - SOLDOUT
Xbox Live membership 12 months - SOLDOUT
We accept Amazon Checkout and Google Checkout.
All codes are to be sent to the email of the buyer, nothing else. This is for security purposes so it is easier to prove we are legit if someone charges back a code.
We are on most of the day, so don't hesitate!
Contact [email protected] via e-mail... Please specify if you wish to use Google Checkout or Amazon Payment in e-mail.
Instructions for Amazon Checkout and Google Checkout will be sent through e-mail!

OUT OF STOCK - 4000 MS points
OUT OF STOCK- 12 Month subscription Codes
Scammers! - Please do not do business with the following.
Scott Carlson -[email protected], PayPal:[email protected]
Old Thread - 37 Vouches
Old Thread - 3 Vouches
[quote name='Tissu69']Professional and fast.... Turnaround time 7 minutes from paid to code.

Will be doing more business with this guy..!!![/QUOTE]
[quote name='Xtrminatr']Took about 10 minutes for the transaction from start to finish. Great seller.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='HomieGFunk03']Bought 3 codes from VinnyB. Went perfectly. Quick, easy and honest. Highly recommend.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='xhonzi']Done and done. Forgot to check my gmail account (which is tied to my Google Checkout, naturally) since I hardly ever use it.
Points are aleady in my account. Prepared for some hot deals this week.
And to think I almost paid full price for some![/QUOTE]
[quote name='DertyFoot']I also just purchased some points. Went very smoothly. Even late at night. Much thanks.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='monstericreated']Sent an email.
Edit: Payment sent, code received. Very easy.[/QUOTE]
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