4th of july close calls.


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I am sure we have all had a close call on the 4th. A finger almost blowing off. A aireal firework blowing up 5 feet in the air and in your face, a roman candle ball going by you moms car gas tank etc. so place you best close call 4th story here I think I am not alone in wanting to hear everyone dumb actions or list the dumb thing you have done with fireworks. (nothing in animals butts though thank you)
While i've never screwed up like that this does remind me of what I heard on the news yesterday, someone threw a lite firecracker at a horse, the horse mistook it for food , ate it and had it blow up in its mouth. Lost two teeth and was bleeding pretty bad, they showed a pic of it and blood was just dripping down. fuck up man
We tried to go to a party at my friend's cousin's house last night in Carson, CA. Unfortunately we never made it because the area we were in had so many fireworks whizzing past my car it was nuts. I got hit by one or two and decided to get the hell outta there. People were standing in the middle of the main streets lighting fireworks. Whatever, it's natural selection...
It was raining most of the evening, so we had a shortened drunken pyrotechnics. Now what's sad is my friend was able to shoot bottle rockets from his hand but ended up cutting his hand when he tripped and smashed a beer bottle. The neighbor lit his garbage can on fire and dumped a handful of random fireworks in it, it sounded cool, just had to dodge a few random things sent flying from it.
Hmm, all I have is stupid stuff I did when I was little kid.

When I was 10, we blew a small hole in the street. Not a close call, but even that age we knew that you don't light fireworks off in your hand.

It was neighborhood effort. Me and all my friends got all the fireworks we could, opened them up, and poured the gunpowder into a coke can. We filled it up completely. One of the neighborhood kids, the m80 expert, made a nice long fuse for the thing too.

The street I was living on at the time had a really huge cul-de-sac. We placed the coke bomb in the center of the street, and then hid behind a block wall like 40 feet away. (Because every G.I. Joe knows about SHRAPNEL). We sent the m80 expert to light the 5 foot long fuse. He lit it, and ran.

20 seconds later, BOOM! There was a huge loud explosion, some aluminum shrapnel hit a nearbye car, and there was a 10 inch crater left in the street. One of the neighborhood kid's ears were ringing for a week, and he had to go to the doctor to have it check out. We also now had a pothole in the street that pissed all the adults off when they ran over it.

Now that I think about it, I'm surprised we didnt blow ourselves up playing with crap like that. Or get caught by our parents making it. Go figure, some kids blow off their hands playing fireworks regular fireworks, we make a small bomb and come out alive.

The week after that, we decided to set smoke bombs off in my neighbor's house. The dummy dropped a lit smoke bomb on the carpet and set the carpet on fire. We had to run and throw a couple buckets of water and use our super soakers on it to put it out. (Because calling the fire department at that age would have meant BIG TROUBLE). Since they had this crappy ass dark brown carpet, you could hardly tell it had been burned.
i have a nosy neighbor not too far down the street, a year ago me and a friend lit the neighbors mailbox post on fire and put 3 or four fire works in the box itself.... it looked like it imploded or something.... it was sweet
while lighting a firecracker, and huge explosion was going on and i jumped. in the process, i ended up lighting my finger instead of the firecracker
Oh ya, appearently, is is legal to sell mortars and bottle rockets here in WI, but it is illegal to light stuff off the goes off the ground, go figure. The cops showed up last night. I was wasted so I didnt care. I was like, "Bitch, I'll go back to Cook County to prove my point" Cook County is the maximun security prison around here. It was a lot funniet last night.

Ya, dumping out all of the gun powder and making your own is way more fun!
There was that one time we were lighting bottle rockets and one fell over and was about to fly at my brother. I've never seen him jump so high. Especially for an asian.

well last night we had these things that were like cherry bombs, but each one was a set of 3 medium sized cherry bombs, so that there would be 3 seperate explosions in the air. we lit one of those and dropped it in the tube that it came with and stood back like 5 feet lol... then all 3 blew up in the tube... was pretty crazy.

another time i took a m2 and duct taped it to my back porch, because i noticed that when they exploded, they blew out the middle of the firecracker, so i wanted to see what would happen if i duct taked the middle really good. well, the ends blew off and made a 2 inch wide hole in the side of our house.

another time, me and a friend were in my backyard with a strip of those firecrackers that has like 10 or 20 on a single fuse. Usually when you shoot those, a handful of the firecrackers on the string will come off during the explosion, and they'll be laying on the ground with a really short fuse. So me and my friend were picking up the one left on the ground with the little fuse and trying to light/throw them before they exploded...lmao.. well my friend picked one up and lit it and as soon as he lit it, it exploded in his face and he couldn't hear anything.

this other time me and some other kids were in our friend's backyard shooting bottle rockets. Me and my friend were jokin, taking the sticks off the bottle rockets, lighting them, then walking past somebody and dropping them at their feet and walking off and it usually scared the crap out of the person and we would laugh. Well i dropped one at this kids feet and the bottle rocket flew up and burnt a hole in his brand new shirt... i laughed my ass off, but he got pissed and went home.

this other time, me and my friends, and my friend's dad were shooting bottle rockets across the street at each other. We were holding the stick and lighting the bottle rocket, and then letting it shoot out of our hands.. well then i picked up this rocket that had a stick about half an inch thick and for some reason i decided to do the same thing with that and shoot it at my neighbor lmfao. i lit it, and this huge thing of sparks and smoke went all in my face. I think it ended up going up into the air instead of across the street... but i couldnt stop coughing for like 5 minutes.
I was shopping at Circuit City and I almost missed the only copy of Mega Man Network Transmission. That's the only close call I had.

And before anyone says it, I know what this topic is about.
Uh, Before we lit any fireworks my friend hit someone's car with a frisbee. That was about it. As for the fireworks, I was busy doing other stuff while they set them off.

This was the first year I actually went somewhere on the 4th of July - ironically, it was a graduation party.
I dont light off fireworks anymore because it scares my dog, but I did watch the Spider Man cartoon marathon on Toon Disney. I watched the show back when it was on Fox Kids, and it had been years since I had seen an episode.
We were setting off fireworks a few years ago and someone tried out one of those small green tanks that are supposed to go down the street and fire a small firecracker or something. The wheels stuck and the thing fizzled out. After about thirty seconds the guy who lit it said "that sucks" and bent over to pick it up. The tank fired and hit his forehead as he was bending over. One of the funniest things I've ever seen.
I didn't have any close calls, but I spent 10 hours in front of the TV watching every Rocky movie on AMC. Those were good times.
[quote name='BigNick']Oh ya, appearently, is is legal to sell mortars and bottle rockets here in WI, but it is illegal to light stuff off the goes off the ground, go figure. The cops showed up last night. I was wasted so I didnt care. I was like, "Bitch, I'll go back to Cook County to prove my point" Cook County is the maximun security prison around here. It was a lot funniet last night.

Ya, dumping out all of the gun powder and making your own is way more fun![/quote]


You should put all your posts into a book.
[quote name='CTLesq'][quote name='BigNick']Oh ya, appearently, is is legal to sell mortars and bottle rockets here in WI, but it is illegal to light stuff off the goes off the ground, go figure. The cops showed up last night. I was wasted so I didnt care. I was like, "Bitch, I'll go back to Cook County to prove my point" Cook County is the maximun security prison around here. It was a lot funniet last night.

Ya, dumping out all of the gun powder and making your own is way more fun![/quote]


You should put all your posts into a book.[/quote]
I forgot to add that you can buy liquor at the firework stores too. WI is truely a messed up state. Only here does forest preserve mean enclosed hunting ground.
Liquor at a store that sells things that blow up!? Wow, I can only imagaine if someone dropped a match in that store.

We have a big fireworks show in pittsburgh, well someeone got shpot right before it

and thats about ti for this 4th of july
Some idiot was firing a .45 behind my house. Not cool. That and all the fireworks were scaring the shat out of my dog
My cousin's M-80 was a dud. It's hard to get fireworks when they're illegal in most counties and police and parents actually care if you fire them off...
bread's done