5 Game Xbox 360 Bundle - eCost daily deal $25

I was just about to post that you would probably get three of the BK games, and I peaked into the thread only to see three BK games. Weak bundle, and it is actually costing more then they are worth to buy seperate.
Why would anyone want to buy the BK games? They sucked ass. Even for kids, there are way better movie (Wall-E, UP) and kid friendly games out.
Thanks for posting OP, but this deal isn't Cheap-Ass enough.

And besides, isn't eCost considered a terrible selling website with horrible customer service?
Come on guys, go easy on him. He did good by posting a deal, and its not his fault that this deal is so bad that it burns my monitor.

BTW, did you guys see the disclaimer at the bottom?

"Warning: Burger King video games may cause unexpected vomiting, depression, feinting and suicidal thoughts or actions upon contact. Proceed at your own risk."
That dude has sold 93 of those crazy bundles. NINTY-THREE?! If you guys can get them for less I suggest you bundle them on Ebay.
[quote name='cgw1710']eCost's daily deal through eBay is the following games for $25 with free shipping.

Lego Indiana Jones
Kung Fu Panda
Pocket Bike Racer
Big Bumpin'
Sneak King


I have to ask...Did you a bundle?
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']"Warning: Burger King video games may cause unexpected vomiting, depression, feinting and suicidal thoughts or actions upon contact. Proceed at your own risk."[/QUOTE]

They should put that warning label on Whopper wrappers. Man, I haven't had a Burger King burger in the last five years that hasn't made me violently ill. Maybe cut back on the laxative sauce, King.

Off topic, yes, but it needed to be said.
Yeah last night after the bar I stopped and got a Whopper and puked it up this morning. Awful stuff.
bread's done