$60 wiimote & I gotta buy batteries???


CAG Veteran
Why aren’t these things rechargeable?? That's pitiful. I haven’t bought batteries in so long... almost every electronic item I have is rechargeable. I wonder how bad these will eat batteries with the rumble, speaker, etc all packed in there. Come on Nintendo... I mean come on... No really come on! This is my biggest gripe about the system, I can live with the price and bundle... but $60 bucks for a non-rechargeable controller is too much.
Unless you wat us to go blind, change your font color.

And about the batteries, just get some rechargeable batteries and a charger. Problem solved.
[quote name='Purple Flames']Unless you wat us to go blind, change your font color.

And about the batteries, just get some rechargeable batteries and a charger. Problem solved.[/QUOTE]
Exactly. On both counts.
What bothers me more about the remotes now, since I'm over the price and the batteries, how we will track personalization. Will we rely on the LED or are we ever going to get more controllers?
As long as it doesn't eat through batteries quickly, I dont think its that big of a deal. Still though, they should have been rechargeable.
Wow they have rechargeable batteries in stores! Thanks for the great advice!! I was just about to buy some zinc and copper plates and hook them up to the lightening rod on my barn... My point is that these should have built in, but replaceable rechargeable batteries, just like almost every other consumer electronic device sold in the last 5 years.

And yes I do want you to go blind.
[quote name='DrediKnight']I was just about to buy some zinc and copper plates and hook them up to the lightening rod on my barn
That could cause a FIRE!!!

Smokey the Bear says "Only you can prevent barnyard fires"
No thanks & I won't.

My opinion is that this is a bad design. I guess some folks like the batteries as they are. I myself would like to have my controllers not need third party items to work or to put more waste into landfills. I'm glad my ds does not need me to buy new batteries every other week am surprised that Nintendo would go this route... I am guessing it's another cost saving measure much like the omission of DVD capabilities. It makes me sad to see the big N crippling their flagship product like this.

As far as the font colors, seriously lighten up. The above was actually my first post on CAG and when I copied my text into word to spell-check I could not see the white text on the white background so I changed it to something I could see. Anyway point noted. I will never use colered fonts again. Personally I hate those little similes some people put in their posts, but try not to get too bent about them. It's so nice to get such a warm welcome by CAG members.

And for those that may be interested, I don't know if this has been posted here yet, but you can see what the online press kit is for this release by going here:


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Ok look, since you obvoiusly haven't thought about this, let me teach you something.

Rechargeable packs are good in the short run. And by short run, I mean about 6 months.

After that, regardless of how you've taken care of it, charged it, used it, etc, it WILL begin to lose charge capacity. Case in point - my cell phone has gone from having a charge that could run for 2-3 weeks with 10 minutes of talking a day to one that goes dead within 2 days. Even my DS is having issues - I've noticed at least a 30-40% drop.

The batteries will die after a while, and chances are good that Nintendo would have made it against your warranty to open up the Wiimote and change them out. Which means in a few years, you'd need to drop $40 bucks on an entire new controller because yours is going dead. (Apple is always in trouble for this sort of thing.)

Not to mention they'd factor that into the price of both the system bundle AND the Wiimote itself. I'm guessing it would add 10 bucks to the system and 15 minimum to the Wiimote standalone.

THEN they'd need to include a way to charge it - either a straight DC input OR some sort of charging cradle. That's another cost that would add in both instances.

SO instead of having people bitch about something like that, they released it to use batteries, just like the Wavebird, which NO ONE complains about because the battery life kicks ass. I'm guessing 60 hours is a HUGELY conservative estimate, especially when the WB is quoted at 100 hours and I never seem to have to change them but once a year (and even then I just recharge my rechargeables).

Finally, what would you rather do - change out the batteries, or have to wait 90 minutes to have it recharge while you were in the middle of beating Metroid Prime 3?

Just get rechargeables. They are cheap, they last forever, they do the job, you can have backups available, you can replace and change them yourself, they are environmentally friendly, and you can use them in all sorts of things like Wavebirds, plug-n-play systems, etc.

So just do it and shut up. This is useless whining that has a totally viable solution, ESPECIALLY when the alternative was a LOT MORE bitching had the price been increased (which it would have easily).

You want rechargeable ones you can mess with yourself. And if you think about it for more than 20 seconds of knee jerk reaction, you'll understand.
No rechargable batteries? What is this the 80's?

This is too awesome, nintendo is doing doubletime laying one filthy turd after another.

And strelll, what are you talking about Lithium Ion batteries dont have marker issues like rechargable batteries from the early 90's. They dont lose energy quicker either... Lithium has never done that.

Also, Strell... when did you decide to become Nintendo's Spokesman? You dont even try to understand the otherside... you protect Nintendo like a protective mother. You used to be really cool, one of my favorite posters... now all you do is attack people when they say even a very small bit against nintendo. I'm sure you've had awesome experiences with nintendo, but this is retarded. You make up shit that doesnt even relate to modern times.
[quote name='Strell']Ok look, since you obvoiusly haven't thought about this, let me teach you something.

Rechargeable packs are good in the short run. And by short run, I mean about 6 months.

After that, regardless of how you've taken care of it, charged it, used it, etc, it WILL begin to lose charge capacity. Case in point - my cell phone has gone from having a charge that could run for 2-3 weeks with 10 minutes of talking a day to one that goes dead within 2 days. Even my DS is having issues - I've noticed at least a 30-40% drop.

The batteries will die after a while, and chances are good that Nintendo would have made it against your warranty to open up the Wiimote and change them out. Which means in a few years, you'd need to drop $40 bucks on an entire new controller because yours is going dead. (Apple is always in trouble for this sort of thing.)

Not to mention they'd factor that into the price of both the system bundle AND the Wiimote itself. I'm guessing it would add 10 bucks to the system and 15 minimum to the Wiimote standalone.

THEN they'd need to include a way to charge it - either a straight DC input OR some sort of charging cradle. That's another cost that would add in both instances.

SO instead of having people bitch about something like that, they released it to use batteries, just like the Wavebird, which NO ONE complains about because the battery life kicks ass. I'm guessing 60 hours is a HUGELY conservative estimate, especially when the WB is quoted at 100 hours and I never seem to have to change them but once a year (and even then I just recharge my rechargeables).

Finally, what would you rather do - change out the batteries, or have to wait 90 minutes to have it recharge while you were in the middle of beating Metroid Prime 3?

Just get rechargeables. They are cheap, they last forever, they do the job, you can have backups available, you can replace and change them yourself, they are environmentally friendly, and you can use them in all sorts of things like Wavebirds, plug-n-play systems, etc.

So just do it and shut up. This is useless whining that has a totally viable solution, ESPECIALLY when the alternative was a LOT MORE bitching had the price been increased (which it would have easily).

You want rechargeable ones you can mess with yourself. And if you think about it for more than 20 seconds of knee jerk reaction, you'll understand.[/QUOTE]
I don't really want to turn this into a 360 vs. Wii thread and that is absolutely not my intention but I absolutely love the way they handled the batteries on their controllers.

You can use regular batteries if you want or if not you can but the batter pack to plug in. You can continue to use the controller while its being charged with a plug in cable. I know this would be inconvenient for the Wii because of the movement aspect but not to the point that they couldn't consider using it at all.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']
Also, Strell... when did you decide to become Nintendo's Spokesman? You dont even try to understand the otherside... you protect Nintendo like a protective mother. You used to be really cool, one of my favorite posters... now all you do is attack people when they say even a very small bit against nintendo. I'm sure you've had awesome experiences with nintendo, but this is retarded. You make up shit that doesnt even relate to modern times.[/QUOTE]

What the hell makes you think Nitnendo wouldn't use the same batteries they use in the DS?

And what makes you think they won't lose charge, JUST like the ones in the DS?

And what makes you think they wouldn't lock that shit down tight to keep eople from changing it themselves, WHEN they could sell you another one at $50 bucks a pop down the line?

So stfu. You people bitch and complain about having to buy two bucks worth of batteries every 4 months? You're just finding a reason to bitch. It's even more retarded considering there's a solution staring you in the damn face.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']I don't really want to turn this into a 360 vs. Wii thread and that is absolutely not my intention but I absolutely love the way they handled the batteries on their controllers.

You can use regular batteries if you want or if not you can but the batter pack to plug in. You can continue to use the controller while its being charged with a plug in cable. I know this would be inconvenient for the Wii because of the movement aspect but not to the point that they couldn't consider using it at all.[/QUOTE]

Point taken.

But what makes everyone think someone isn't going to make a rechargable battery pack?

It might not come from Nintendo but it'll appear definitely.
[quote name='Strell']Point taken.

But what makes everyone think someone isn't going to make a rechargable battery pack?

It might not come from Nintendo but it'll appear definitely.[/QUOTE]
We only saw one rechargable battery pack for the wavebird and it was horrible.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']We only saw one rechargable battery pack for the wavebird and it was horrible.[/QUOTE]

But the Wavebird wasn't the standard controller included with every system.

Wiimote is. Which means it's a potential cash flow for someone pimping a pack of their own.

Shit. There's no guarantee Nintendo itself won't make one, and we all know how much they like to make accessories.

Also, can you tell me if the Play and Charge kit comes standard with the system? Isn't it seperate accessory and cost like 40 bucks?
Yeah I wish they had a unit similar to the Xbox360 quick charge kit, I like that I can have 2 batteries charging at the same time and I can just swap when needed. I get all the AA batteries I can use for free anyways but a recharge kit would have been more convenient.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']

And strelll, what are you talking about Lithium Ion batteries dont have marker issues like rechargable batteries from the early 90's. They dont lose energy quicker either... Lithium has never done that.

You're thinkng of memory effect.

Li-ion batteries do lose capacity over time.
[quote name='Strell']Point taken.

But what makes everyone think someone isn't going to make a rechargable battery pack?[/quote]

Of course they will, Nintendo loves to come out with incomplete systems and then sell the add-ons.


If we're really lucky, they'll add features that make your games incomplete unless you buy them! WOOOOO!!
Juka, maybe the next time you can't make a good response, you should just stfu.

I mean, I did suggest that once already.
[quote name='Ugamer_X']You're thinkng of memory effect.

Li-ion batteries do lose capacity over time.[/quote]

Yup. The old nickel cadmium batteries would develop a memory of the last charge.

Lithium-Ion don't get that, but they can lose the zero point, degrading over time. It's a question of elasticity people!
Sweet now this thread has turned into a "Studing for my A+ Certification" thread.

Basically, I think the big issue is... Wii looks great, but under all that candy coated surface you'll find 5-10 years ago technology... waaaaay overpriced.

Gyroscopes arent expensive... and everything else is pretty much the same crap that was in the gamecube and N64. I'm sure even button size and analog control configs and sizes are the same so they can just retrofit the machines.... Nintendo has a problem with overhyping something, and letting you down in the end...

480p, widescreen optional, stupid ugly bars around my TV set, No DVD capability, lack of storage space, rebuying everything again with insane prices in VC, (Remember GBA Nes games for $20?) batteries, Months from launch and you barely know the price.

Christ, Zelda better come with blowjobs.
I may have missed this, but has anyone pointed out that the controller is $40 and not $60? I'm taking this from IGN - http://wii.ign.com/articles/732/732669p1.html

Here's the actual quote for those not in the mood to scan:

"Nintendo revealed that Wii's various controllers would be available to buy separately at launch. The Wii remote will cost $39.99; the nunchuck $19.99 and the classic controller about $20."

If this is old and the controller price has changed, links would be appreciated. Got to make a budget after all.
[quote name='499deal']I may have missed this, but has anyone pointed out that the controller is $40 and not $60? I'm taking this from IGN - http://wii.ign.com/articles/732/732669p1.html

Here's the actual quote for those not in the mood to scan:

"Nintendo revealed that Wii's various controllers would be available to buy separately at launch. The Wii remote will cost $39.99; the nunchuck $19.99 and the classic controller about $20."

If this is old and the controller price has changed, links would be appreciated. Got to make a budget after all.[/QUOTE]

I thought people where saying it was $60 because you basically HAD to buy the nunchuck for the wiimote. $40+20=$60
Thanks for the clarification. I was getting a little freaked out thinking that just the wiimote was going to be $60. That could add up fast and my pockets have limits.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']Sweet now this thread has turned into a "Studing for my A+ Certification" thread.

Basically, I think the big issue is... Wii looks great, but under all that candy coated surface you'll find 5-10 years ago technology... waaaaay overpriced.

Gyroscopes arent expensive... and everything else is pretty much the same crap that was in the gamecube and N64. I'm sure even button size and analog control configs and sizes are the same so they can just retrofit the machines.... Nintendo has a problem with overhyping something, and letting you down in the end...

480p, widescreen optional, stupid ugly bars around my TV set, No DVD capability, lack of storage space, rebuying everything again with insane prices in VC, (Remember GBA Nes games for $20?) batteries, Months from launch and you barely know the price.

Christ, Zelda better come with blowjobs.[/QUOTE]

um you should edit this again because your premise is largely bullcrap.
[quote name='usickenme']um you should edit this again because your premise is largely bullcrap.[/quote]

Ok, tell me what fake. Change my mind. Cause to me, it looks like the Gamecube 1.5 with minor light plume filters to make it look slightly blurry to cover up the jaggies.

But hey, its not all about the graphics. Really.

It does play VC games, which is really 85% of my Wii excitement. The other 15% having a game system my girlfriend thinks is cool.

But all in all, I dont give a shit about the Nintendo Bandwagon, nor do I dream to wrap my lips around Reggie's cock. So I'm just going on what I've seen, which isnt much since so little is concrete fact at the moment. But maybe Nintendo will change that soon. Either way, I'm not going to love a system because of what it could be.
Give me high quality rechargeable AA's over proprietary batteries any day. With rechargeable AA's, you can use them in practically any device, and you don't have to pay absurd prices for batteries for each specific electronic gizmo.
Strell, no offense here, but why do you take every anti-Wii comment as a personal attack towards you? Why do you feel the need to defend the Wii in every single thread that has anything to do with the system? Is it really worth getting into page-long arguments with two guys over batteries? Why do you let it bother you so much? If this guy doesn't want to buy a Wii because he has to buy separate batteries, let him not buy it. I see stupid shit all the time, but I just ignore it and move along.

I mean, there's really nobody else on the forums that do this for any of the consoles (save for a few that everyone considers assholes - and you know who they are.)

Again, I don't want to offend you, and I don't want a huge reply to this message, but I just don't get it.
To everyone who wants built-in rechargable batteries in their Wii Controllers.


It's twenty years later and I still play my NES. Hell, it's 27 years later and I still play my Intellivision. In fact, they're both hooked up and ready to play.

In Twenty or Thirty years, I want to be able to do that with the Wii. If the Wii controllers had a built in rechargable battery, it *might* be something that can be changed out at the user level (keep in mind that a *lot* of MP3 Players have batteries that are not) - there's no guantaree that anyone would be selling Wii Batteries in twenty years. I'd almost bet that AA batteries will still be around in some form or another.

You can buy a charger and 4 AA batteries at Wal*Mart for $10. Get one of those and stop whining because Nintendo isn't screwing the rest of us over.
I like how people tell other people to fuck off when they have no idea themselves.
I for one was talking about recharging the Xbox 360 way, You can use a MS rechargeable pack or 2 AA batteries, your choice same slot. So later on down the line(years from now) if your rechargeable dies you still have the option to use regular batteries. I think the battery bitching is very valid, I just hope the Wii has some sort of way to tell the strength of the batteries.
Geez - you people. I am sure Nintendo knows that people will be upset by this high price and are more than willing to include a 24K gold wrist strap for the "Bling Bling" effect.

There, you all happy now?
[quote name='Michaellvortega']I like how people tell other people to fuck off when they have no idea themselves.
I for one was talking about recharging the Xbox 360 way, You can use a MS rechargeable pack or 2 AA batteries, your choice same slot. So later on down the line(years from now) if your rechargeable dies you still have the option to use regular batteries. I think the battery bitching is very valid, I just hope the Wii has some sort of way to tell the strength of the batteries.[/quote]
The LEDs are supposed to light up to tell you that. The four LEDs on the bottom of the (are we really calling it this?) Wii-mote.
[quote name='DrediKnight']Wow they have rechargeable batteries in stores! Thanks for the great advice!! I was just about to buy some zinc and copper plates and hook them up to the lightening rod on my barn.[/QUOTE]
That's the funniest shit I've read on these forums in a long time! :rofl:
[quote name='Quillion']The LEDs are supposed to light up to tell you that. The four LEDs on the bottom of the (are we really calling it this?) Wii-mote.[/QUOTE]

awesome, good too know they got that right.
[quote name='Strell']
Also, can you tell me if the Play and Charge kit comes standard with the system? Isn't it seperate accessory and cost like 40 bucks?[/QUOTE]
No, but it's available none the less.

$20 and much more convient than changing batteries, plus I think I've saved money by using the P&C instead of regular batteries. Even rechargable batteries suck and are pain the ass to remember to charge. While with the P&C you can play while it charges, hence the name.
[quote name='UncleBob']To everyone who wants built-in rechargable batteries in their Wii Controllers.


The way the controller is designed, just like the 360, it doesn't need a built-in rechargable battery. I think only the OP asked for that. They can just make a device exactly like the P&C and charge it through one of the USB ports on the Wii.

That's what makes sense.
You could always get some batteries and a nice battery charger on Black Friday. :D

It won't be that far off from when the Wii launches.
[quote name='Quillion']The LEDs are supposed to light up to tell you that. The four LEDs on the bottom of the (are we really calling it this?) Wii-mote.[/quote]

I thought the four LEDs were what channel you're on wirelessly. So you know whos 1st player, 2nd and so on.
Can everyone here bitching please promise to bitch on the PS3 board about how their controller will have to use AA bateries ?

Just want to make sure you don't forget to waist your time in that thread too.
[quote name='KingDox']Can everyone here bitching please promise to bitch on the PS3 board about how their controller will have to use AA bateries ?

Just want to make sure you don't forget to waist your time in that thread too.[/QUOTE]
The PS3 controller uses AA batteries? Since when?
It looks like finally PS3 fanboys have something to bitch about the Wii that is a legitimate gripe rather then "LOL Gimmicks" or "LOL 30+ launch titles".
bread's done