$69.99 XBOX360 Wooden Fender Strat Replica for RB1/2/3

Thank you for finding this! I've been wanting one for ages and have been kicking myself for passing up the $99.99 ones when they were Amazon specials. This time I jumped at it.
Awesome deal!! Just know that once you use one of these you can't go back to the dinky plastic ones... I think that's a good thing?

Had mine for over a year with moderate playtime and never had any problems that new batteries wouldn't fix!
Great guitar, except for the extremely loud and annoying clicking noise while strumming. I'm just fine with the clicking on Guitar Hero guitars. But this is much louder.
As nice looking as these are, the next thing I'll buy for RB (if I ever do it) will be a pro guitar. Having spent so much time with Pro Keys and Pro Drums mode lately, the regular gameplay just doesn't do it for me anymore. Now if only I could get a deal on the MadCatz Mustang for this price!
yeah i was considering the pro guitar but to be honest my wife is a bassist in a band and i used to play bass, id rather play rb for the 5 button gameplay because we play it to relax and for parties/drinking so its less stress with the 5 button. however I do plan on getting a regular guitar later this year just to putter around with
Love the straight-down action of the frets of this (vs the wobbly buttons on the standard RB plastic guitars) and the clicky strum bar (vs the silent squishy one on standard). I agree w/ aem, though: the strumbar on this is more clicky than on a regular GH guitar.

That said, as soon as I found a deal on the Logitech GH wooden guitar, I wound up going right back to that one because I generally prefer the shorter neck length and button layout of GH controllers. (But man, this thing is way too orange.) The strum bar is quieter than the standard (a duller thud rather than a "click").

Am I the only one that hates that RB controllers require three batteries instead of two? It makes recharging batteries more trouble than it ought to be since I have to divide my four batteries into two groups A) a pair that always gets charged and B) a pair where I alternate which of the two gets to be the "third wheel."
OP......thanks for posting this. I picked one up when you first posted it. I checked it out today and decided to grab 2 more as presents. I opened it up and wow. These are some dang slick looking controllers. The three double A batteries thing seems like it would be a bit annoying, but nothing too burdensome.
bread's done