$7.48 for Drill Dozer (GBA)


3 (100%)
I went shopping at Target yesterday and happend across a stray clearance shelf, and what did my wondering eyes behold but Drill Dozer for only $7.48! I have never seen it below $29.99 anywhere in town!

I also found Marc Ecko's Getting Up for $9.98, which is also not a bad deal. I would post it in my regional board, but I only saw one copy of each game, so I probably got the last of them.
Yeah I bought it at Best Buy for $9.99 . Good game. After that I saw it at my local Target for $14.99 but that was a couple months ago I think.
Quite possibly one of the ugliest colored (speckled brown) GBA games to date, but definitely worth $10. I bought mine the day it dropped at BB. 3 copies were on the Target endcap here recently as well.

BTW: I found the local Thrift Store that gets all they mysteriously disappearing Target clearance items. They even have a section in the store dedicated to the Target stuff. I found a brand new/returned car charger for my cell phone for $1.
I already have this game...but saw it for $15 a few weeks ago on clearance at Target. If it's dropped to $7.50 at my Target I may grab a copy for trade bait.
[quote name='gaelan']are target clearance prices nationwide or store managed?[/quote]
they're per-store, so while my Drill Dozer might be down to its lowest, i.e. $3.74, yours might only be down to $7.48, or even more. even within a given region, all of your local stores may vary. oh, also, if you see the price ending in a "4", that bad-boy ain't goin' any lower. in fact, they're usually pulled from the shelves at that point, so be swift!
My Target has nearly a million copies of Drill Dozer for $7.48, so I'll just wait for the price to drop even furthur if possible. If not, oh well. Its just one less game on my backlog.:lol:
just to let you folks know: on average, when a game drops to its absolute lowest, ie: it ends in a "4", it is usually immediately pulled from the shelf, and sent back to salvage/Goodwill. that means that unless the employee is either way dumb, or not paying attention, you won't find it any lower than $7.48. you should bite the bullet and buy it now... if you wait, you run the risk of not being able to buy it at all.

basically, the $x.x4 items are a crapshoot, rather than an inevitability.
[quote name='Kerig']Quite possibly one of the ugliest colored (speckled brown) GBA games to date[/quote]

Haha, very true! It's not a flattering color at all, especially when it sticks out of the DS a good 3 inches.
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