$7.99 Games at Circuit City

[quote name='MaxBiaggi2']Here's hoping these will be the first of many sale CC online prices in the coming days. :D[/QUOTE]
It's not Hitman contracts, it's the second game that's $7.99 dark knight. Contracts was $5 though a little while ago on EB. I grabbed the pricegrabber rebate on that one. :D
Agh, I'd be in on RotK if the shipping wasn't bad, but it seems like they just tell you to pick it up in-store. Don't see anything to add it to cart.
I went yesterday to my CC and was very methodical in the way I attempted to make my purchase of Hitman 2 for the PS2.
First I went to get the game, it was marked $19.99. I asked the gentleman working in the games section to price check the title for me. He did, and it rang up $7.99. Then, I asked if CC honored competitor's coupons. He said they did, but that I would have to go to the customer service desk rather than the regular cash registers.

I went to the customer service desk and the manager was there. So I handed him my game, I handed him the coupon. He read the coupon, threw it out, scanned the game, and told me it was $8.xx. I said to him, how in the hell is the game going to cost more than $7.99 with a $5 off coupon? He said the coupon doesn't work on clearance items, which is clearly marked on the coupon. I asked why he threw the coupon away then. He didn't say anything, went into the trash, took it out and handed it back to me.

I then started to dispute whether the title was on CLEARANCE or on SALE. I made it very clear that there is a difference. A sale price is merely a promotional special to attract customers, clearance items are promotional as well, but the primary purpose is to clear the stock of that item. He said the game was on clearance, and I asked him by what means he is identifying the title as clearance. He says to me, "The game is marked $19.99, but it scans $7.99, that means its on clearance." I started laughing and I said "So, even games that are incorrectly marked as $49.99 when they're actually $45.99 are on clearance? You're telling me that $45.99 is your clearance price?" He says "well...no, but.." and then I interrupted him and said "look, how am I able to distinguish between what is clearance and what is on sale. There is a clearance box, which I imagine is intended to do just that, distinguish between the clearance items and the sale items, and this title was NOT in the box." The freaking idiot then says to me, "the box was full." I say to the guy, "the box is half empty, what are you talking about?" He tried nearly every argument that I was able to see through. So I said to him, "bottom line, if this title were on sale, you would have accepted the coupon. But because the item is on clearance, you can't accept the coupon." He says to me, "right."

I go back to the guys working at the games section. I ask them if they can tell me whether the game is on clearance or on sale. They ask me what the game was, I told them, and they tell me it's on sale. They pull out a frigging 4th of July Sale advertisement that clearly indicates that the item is on SALE and not CLEARANCE. So I walk back to customer service with the flyer in hand and I tell the guy that first of all, he either lied to me about the status of the game as clearance or he was simply just didn't know whether it was on clearance or sale and decided it was on clearance to deny me use of the coupon. Then I said to him, now this advertisement clearly indicates the title as being a SALE item, and earlier I asked you very clearly that had the item been on sale and not on clearance, you would have accepted the coupon. At this point the guy doesn't know what to say, so he starts talking about the price matching policy. I say to the guy, I'm not asking you to ****ing price match the game, that wouldn't make any ****ing sense because it's more expensive over at other stores. I'm asking you to honor the coupon. The guy then starts making up some crap about how if the game is already cheaper at CC, then they can't accept the competitor's coupon.

Bottom line, he didn't want to give the game to me for $2.99 and it was clearly evident.
That's why you should have kicked him in the fucking face and asked to see his manager and tell his manager what an obvious idiot he is to be working for customer service and that he would probably mess up the burgers at McDonald's too and that he should be fired.
Go to circuitcity.com and send an e-mail to customer service. Mention your store number and the name of the manager (if you remember, if u don't its no big deal) Be sure to include what happend at the store as you have mentioned above. Be sure to include that you have been a loyal customer and will not take your business to Best Buy.

I've personally e-mailed them and have gotten my problem resolved and then some. I got a call from my local store's GM apologizing for the incident and promising to give me a near cost price on anything I wanted. I ended up getting a laptop for $450 AR =) [supposed to be 550]
I mean to be fair, the guy was clearly not doing his job in lying to you and trying every excuse in the book to avoid being a nice salesperson, he deserves to get himself fired quick, and you're just assisting in the process, it's not mean. :twisted:
[quote name='THE DARK KNIGHT']The $5 off any PS2/PSP BB coupon will be honored in-store as well folks........$2.99!
I'm getting Hitman contracts for sure.[/QUOTE]

Where and How do you get this coupon?
Man you're a smart shopper and brave. I wouldn't have thought to corner him with all those questions and trap him in his own lies. If they were smart, they would've pointed out that it's a copy.

Is this a special insert? I went to my CC yesterday but I didn't see this ad. They had one but it was just the weekly ad covering the whole week. I wanted to bring it to BB to pricematch it.
[quote name='Kidtrunks1128']Bottom line, he didn't want to give the game to me for $2.99 and it was clearly evident.[/QUOTE]

Well of course, he didn't want to give you a brand new game for more than 60% off the sale price, which was already more than 50% off the regular price most other stores sell it for. In my experience, getting stores to accept competitor coupons has always been YMMV, especially when dealing with a manager. Just be happy that you got the coupon to work in the past. :D
My girlfriend suggested that I speak to the district manager. The idiot I spoke to at the customer service desk was actually the store manager. Perhaps I will try to get that guy fired. Show him his place. I wonder if he even graduated from High School.

In any case, I know that most of you probably wouldn't have gone through the trouble, but seeing as how I'm a law student, I welcomed the challenge. But there are certain individuals that can NEVER be beaten in an argument: idiots.

You live and you learn.
Problem is, Kid, a retail store can refuse service to any customer at any time for any reason. In fact they don't have to give a reason. While he was obviously trying to weasel out of honoring CC's price match policy, he didn't have to sell you anything at all.

Sorry if I sound like a snot.
Yeah, I was informed that the manager had the authority to override any transaction at all. Thus, some individuals may be allowed the use of the BB coupon in conjunction with a $7.99 sale, and others won't. This, of course, opens questions to why similarly situated people are being treated differently. It's the basic principle of unfairness. The guy was a punk from the very beginning, throwing away my coupon without even telling me that he wouldn't accept it. I thought he was throwing it away because it went through, not because he wouldn't accept it.
it does say on the coupon "no copies" which is the excuse i am given when i get refused this coupon at BB or CC.(same thing twith the tru coupon that was $10 off 2 games under $20 over the winter)
Am I the only one who still associates "ROTK" more with Romance of the Three Kingdoms rather than Return of the King?
[quote name='JSweeney']Am I the only one who still associates "ROTK" more with Romance of the Three Kingdoms rather than Return of the King?[/QUOTE]

Most likely. When I see ROTK, I always think of Return of the King. I remember someone having ROTK 3 or something in their trade list, and I was like they made a Return of the King 3? :drool:
[quote name='JSweeney']Am I the only one who still associates "ROTK" more with Romance of the Three Kingdoms rather than Return of the King?[/QUOTE]

Nope you're not the only one. Romance of the Three Kingdoms are far more common for me than Return of the King. LoL. Seeing ROTK game on sale gets me excited than I realize its return of the king. =(
[quote name='JSweeney']Am I the only one who still associates "ROTK" more with Romance of the Three Kingdoms rather than Return of the King?[/QUOTE]

I always abbreviated that RotTK (pronounced roh-tot-key), so it isn't an issue for me.
[quote name='JSweeney']Am I the only one who still associates "ROTK" more with Romance of the Three Kingdoms rather than Return of the King?[/QUOTE]

What about Rise of the Kasai? ;)
Just sent a letter via e-mail to CC customer service. The letter was about 2 pages in length, single spaced. I recommended a severe censure and disciplanary action of the manager on duty. I also requested that they honor the coupons at CC consistently so as to comport with their policy that nobody should have to pay more than they should for anything.
[quote name='THE DARK KNIGHT']The $5 off any PS2/PSP BB coupon will be honored in-store as well folks........$2.99!
I'm getting Hitman contracts for sure.[/QUOTE]

Not all CCs accept competitor coupons!
[quote name='XboxHardcore.com']Not all CCs accept competitor coupons![/QUOTE]

This is true. I've never seen any documentation in-store or on their website that says it's store policy, and the CC employees here in town (Springfield, MO) have never heard of it. YMMV.
[quote name='Kidtrunks1128']Just sent a letter via e-mail to CC customer service. The letter was about 2 pages in length, single spaced. I recommended a severe censure and disciplanary action of the manager on duty. I also requested that they honor the coupons at CC consistently so as to comport with their policy that nobody should have to pay more than they should for anything.[/QUOTE]

And this is who you thank when your CC won't do it anymore.
[quote name='Kidtrunks1128']Just sent a letter via e-mail to CC customer service. The letter was about 2 pages in length, single spaced. I recommended a severe censure and disciplanary action of the manager on duty. I also requested that they honor the coupons at CC consistently so as to comport with their policy that nobody should have to pay more than they should for anything.[/QUOTE]

Wow. Just wow. Do you really think a manager is going to really be worried about somebody who freaks out over a competitors coupon?

It was $5 man. $5 off a $7.99 sale price of a game that retails for $20 almost everywhere. Get a life. Yeah the cashier could have handled it better but you are taking this WAY too far.

And you can keep dreaming on them honoring coupons from everybody. You are lucky as hell they ever took coupons at your store in the first place. Im sure youve made it so they ll never make that mistake again. Congrats!

[quote name='Kidtrunks1128']so as to comport with their policy that nobody should have to pay more than they should for anything.[/QUOTE]

I would LOVE to see this policy written somewhere. I would die laughing if it were true. That is the WORST business idea ever. Stockholders would sell as quick as they could. "nobody should have to pay more than they should for anything." So what? Sell everything at COST? HAHAHAHAHA!

P.s. By the way, you ll make a great lawyer. You are already full of yourself and *it*.
Return of the King is eligible for a $5 dollar pricegrabber rebate... even if they don't accept the coupon, it's still possible to get the game for 2.99.

And if they take the coupon - hell, it's like they are paying you 2 dollars to play the game.
To be totally honest, I was bored that day. I couldn't have cared less whether I got the game for $2.99 or $7.99. What bothered me was the guy absolutely refused to admit that he just plain didn't want to sell the game to me for $2.99. Instead he tried to throw excuse after excuse at me literally hoping that one of them would make sense. It's one thing for a manager to say that they don't want to sell games for $2.99, it's an entirely different thing for a manger to blatantly lie about it over and over again.

Next time you go to your CC, go to the customer service area. There should be a green (or yellow) poster board that states their price match policy. The first few lines say something similar to "Nobody should have to pay too much. We know what it's like to pay too much for something when you shouldn't have to."

I was more concerned with getting that guy censured than I was getting the coupon honored. Had the game been $49.99, he would have accepted the coupon no problem.

Now, to the friggin idiot who's trying to blame me for YMMV, piss off. Secondly, to the absolutely ridiculous "get a life" comment directed towards me, you can piss off too. I fail to see how I need to "get a life." I'm ranked 7th in my class, I'll be earning $125,000 as a 1st year associate at a corporate law firm. I'm going to "have" a lot more than you could ever dream of. Looks like you're the one who better start getting a life. So, to review, piss off you frigging trolls.
[quote name='Kidtrunks1128']My girlfriend suggested that I speak to the district manager. The idiot I spoke to at the customer service desk was actually the store manager. Perhaps I will try to get that guy fired. Show him his place. I wonder if he even graduated from High School.

In any case, I know that most of you probably wouldn't have gone through the trouble, but seeing as how I'm a law student, I welcomed the challenge. But there are certain individuals that can NEVER be beaten in an argument: idiots.

You live and you learn.[/QUOTE]

Hey, I didn't graduate high school, was that a generalization?
[quote name='Kidtrunks1128']To be totally honest, I was bored that day. I couldn't have cared less whether I got the game for $2.99 or $7.99. What bothered me was the guy absolutely refused to admit that he just plain didn't want to sell the game to me for $2.99. Instead he tried to throw excuse after excuse at me literally hoping that one of them would make sense. It's one thing for a manager to say that they don't want to sell games for $2.99, it's an entirely different thing for a manger to blatantly lie about it over and over again.

Next time you go to your CC, go to the customer service area. There should be a green (or yellow) poster board that states their price match policy. The first few lines say something similar to "Nobody should have to pay too much. We know what it's like to pay too much for something when you shouldn't have to."

I was more concerned with getting that guy censured than I was getting the coupon honored. Had the game been $49.99, he would have accepted the coupon no problem.

Now, to the friggin idiot who's trying to blame me for YMMV, piss off. Secondly, to the absolutely ridiculous "get a life" comment directed towards me, you can piss off too. I fail to see how I need to "get a life." I'm ranked 7th in my class, I'll be earning $125,000 as a 1st year associate at a corporate law firm. I'm going to "have" a lot more than you could ever dream of. Looks like you're the one who better start getting a life. So, to review, piss off you frigging trolls.[/QUOTE]

haha you're great man! In a douche sort of way of course! Do the world a favor, don't reproduce. Can you see us all the way up there from your legal high horse?
[quote name='billyknoxville']haha you're great man! In a douche sort of way of course! Do the world a favor, don't reproduce. Can you see us all the way up there from your legal high horse?[/QUOTE]

Yeah this guy seems like a yuppie asshole too me.

[quote name='Kidtrunks1128'] I'm ranked 7th in my class, I'll be earning $125,000 as a 1st year associate at a corporate law firm. I'm going to "have" a lot more than you could ever dream of.[/QUOTE]

:lol: I love egos on the internet, especially when they choose user names like that. :rofl:
[quote name='Kidtrunks1128']My girlfriend suggested that I speak to the district manager. The idiot I spoke to at the customer service desk was actually the store manager. Perhaps I will try to get that guy fired. Show him his place. I wonder if he even graduated from High School.


Clearly, he did graduate from high school because he is not the one crying over $5.00.
[quote name='therealdeal19']Clearly, he did graduate from high school because he is not the one crying over $5.00.[/QUOTE]

Touche! Now lets go be real successful and argue with circuit city employees about a video game.
[quote name='supadupacheap']Wow. Just wow. Do you really think a manager is going to really be worried about somebody who freaks out over a competitors coupon?

It was $5 man. $5 off a $7.99 sale price of a game that retails for $20 almost everywhere. Get a life. Yeah the cashier could have handled it better but you are taking this WAY too far.

And you can keep dreaming on them honoring coupons from everybody. You are lucky as hell they ever took coupons at your store in the first place. Im sure youve made it so they ll never make that mistake again. Congrats!

I would LOVE to see this policy written somewhere. I would die laughing if it were true. That is the WORST business idea ever. Stockholders would sell as quick as they could. "nobody should have to pay more than they should for anything." So what? Sell everything at COST? HAHAHAHAHA!

P.s. By the way, you ll make a great lawyer. You are already full of yourself and *it*.[/QUOTE]

I think Dale Gribble said it best:
"I am outraged!!!! How do you plan to play-cate me?!?"
[quote name='Kidtrunks1128']
I'm ranked 7th in my class, I'll be earning $125,000 as a 1st year associate at a corporate law firm. I'm going to "have" a lot more than you could ever dream of. [/QUOTE]

Lesson to all: Don't overestimate your worth. Just because you may earn more money doesn't make you better than someone else. If you said that to someone's face get ready to be put into your place.

Money will only go so far - at the end of the day you're still a lawyer. j/k....sort of
[quote name='Kidtrunks1128']Now, to the friggin idiot who's trying to blame me for YMMV, piss off. Secondly, to the absolutely ridiculous "get a life" comment directed towards me, you can piss off too. I fail to see how I need to "get a life." I'm ranked 7th in my class, I'll be earning $125,000 as a 1st year associate at a corporate law firm. I'm going to "have" a lot more than you could ever dream of. Looks like you're the one who better start getting a life. So, to review, piss off you frigging trolls.[/QUOTE]

Doesn't anyone find it ironic that someone bragging about making $125,000 is concerned over a $5 BBY coupon being denied at CC?

I'd give Kidtrunks a week before he is banned... tops.
[quote name='Kidtrunks1128']Just sent a letter via e-mail to CC customer service. The letter was about 2 pages in length, single spaced. I recommended a severe censure and disciplanary action of the manager on duty. I also requested that they honor the coupons at CC consistently so as to comport with their policy that nobody should have to pay more than they should for anything.[/QUOTE]

Seriously the OP is whining too much. Big deal you didnt get your game for 2.99. Writing a two page letter to CC customer service? That isn't very a smart move coming from a prelaw student. You're still young and you have a lot to learn. Who the hell would want to read a 2 page letter about someone complaining? If you're going to file a complaint, make it short and simple. I think your cause will backfire and they will adjust their policies in the near future. You just informed the CC customer service that there is a loophole in their policy and it is costing them loss profits. Denying you the coupon was a "no brainer" move on the manager.
[quote name='Kidtrunks1128']
Now, to the friggin idiot who's trying to blame me for YMMV, piss off. Secondly, to the absolutely ridiculous "get a life" comment directed towards me, you can piss off too. I fail to see how I need to "get a life." I'm ranked 7th in my class, I'll be earning $125,000 as a 1st year associate at a corporate law firm. I'm going to "have" a lot more than you could ever dream of. Looks like you're the one who better start getting a life. So, to review, piss off you frigging trolls.[/QUOTE]

Why don't you look this up - offer to negotiate.

The only troll here is you. And if you don't like it, here's a great idea:

Sue me.
[quote name='demomanTNA']Doesn't anyone find it ironic that someone bragging about making $125,000 is concerned over a $5 BBY coupon being denied at CC?

I'd give Kidtrunks a week before he is banned... tops.[/QUOTE]

Gah, you beat me to it.
Then again, he could simply be fitting into the equation of the corporate fucks who make way above their intelligence worth. He'll be bitching he can't find the power button on his laptop in no time.
Only $5, eh? I wonder why people try to get gas at the cheapest station possible when they'll only be saving a buck or two?

Answer: Money adds up. It might not seem like much but multiply it by 10 and that's 50 -- is that not much either?

AFAIK this site is called Cheap Ass Gamer... if you're truly frugal $5 is something.

Another thing, the only reason why kidtrunks was upset was because the manager blantantly lied to him.

Don't see why some of you guys are easy to criticize a CAG member and defend CC. It's not like any of you own CC.

If you guys can't post anything constructive, do us all a favor: Don't POST!
[quote name='zionoverfire']:lol: I love egos on the internet, especially when they choose user names like that. :rofl:[/QUOTE]


Nothing like being a hotshot lawyer and representing the DBZ at the same time.
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