$7.99 Games at Circuit City

Wow, not a single one of you know how to read, do you? Actually, scratch that, not a single one of you know how to comprehend what you read, do you?

I stated VERY clearly that what prompted me to argue with the manager and send a 2 page letter to customer service was his conspicuous hiding of the truth: that he didn't want to sell the game at $2.99. If he had said this, I would have understood it as a corporate policy and left. However, he made every effort to throw excuse after excuse at me, not once did he try to tell me the truth. THAT'S what pissed me off. So, all of you punks who STILL don't get it, I wasn't pissed off about the $5, I was pissed off about him lying to a customer.

Oh, and pal, pre-law my ass. I'm IN law school. 4th most competitive student body in the country. And no, I never said that earning $125,000 would inherently make my life more worthy than someone else's. Please, spare me the equivocation.

Bottom line, its punks like you who make it easy for me to excell at what I do. You can't read clearly and understand what it is you've just read. Either that, or you don't care what I say and just feel like trolling. Which is it?
[quote name='Kidtrunks1128']

Bottom line, its punks like you who make it easy for me to excell at what I do. You can't read clearly and understand what it is you've just read. Either that, or you don't care what I say and just feel like trolling. Which is it?[/QUOTE]

you're a bitchy little punk on a power trip, that's what makes everything so funny.
Dude, if I were becoming a lawyer, I wouldn't try to piss anyone off. I don't know if Indiana has one, but most states have a character and fitness requirement to practice law in the state. Get too many people saying that you're unfit and they might not license you. Without that license, you aren't going to see any of that $125K.
[quote name='killerpandas']Dude, if I were becoming a lawyer, I wouldn't try to piss anyone off. I don't know if Indiana has one, but most states have a character and fitness requirement to practice law in the state. Get too many people saying that you're unfit and they might not license you. Without that license, you aren't going to see any of that $125K.[/QUOTE]
Just to get your license, regardless of what state you live in, you have to be approved by the ABA.
These "fitness" requirements refer to things like criminal records and substance abuse problems, not being a jerk.
Oh, and I am not from Indiana.

And billysuxville, you're about as full of **** as the manager I spoke to the other day. I'm bitchy? I've complained about ONE thing, and that's the manager's lies. Go ahead and try to explain to me how that's funny? Pal, either you don't know what "funny" means, in which case I suggest you look it up in the dictionary, or you DO know what "funny" means and you're just pulling **** out of your ass. Now, I'm sorry if you have such a MASSIVE inferiority complex that my being accomplished makes you feel inferior. That's not my problem, in fact, it is very much your problem. So deal with it, rather than trolling on a mesasge board to hide it.
[quote name='purevim']Only $5, eh? I wonder why people try to get gas at the cheapest station possible when they'll only be saving a buck or two?

Answer: Money adds up. It might not seem like much but multiply it by 10 and that's 50 -- is that not much either?

AFAIK this site is called Cheap Ass Gamer... if you're truly frugal $5 is something.

Another thing, the only reason why kidtrunks was upset was because the manager blantantly lied to him.

Don't see why some of you guys are easy to criticize a CAG member and defend CC. It's not like any of you own CC.

If you guys can't post anything constructive, do us all a favor: Don't POST![/QUOTE]

To be honest the OP was being an ass to began with. Once the guy told him it was a clearance item he should have STFU and left but being the whiney litte bitch he is, he whined on. CC is not Burger King where you get things your way.

Besides in one of his other posts he said "To be totally honest, I was bored that day. I couldn't have cared less whether I got the game for $2.99 or $7.99". That right there shows you that he doesn't care about the $5 at all.

Funny how a guy who hates to be lied to is going into a field where all they do is lie.
[quote name='Kidtrunks1128']
Oh, and pal, pre-law my ass. I'm IN law school. 4th most competitive student body in the country. And no, I never said that earning $125,000 would inherently make my life more worthy than someone else's. Please, spare me the equivocation.

FYI "equivocation" does not mean "equivalence" or whatever you thought it meant when you used it. I guess that's not on the LSAT.
[quote name='Kidtrunks1128']Just to get your license, regardless of what state you live in, you have to be approved by the ABA.
These "fitness" requirements refer to things like criminal records and substance abuse problems, not being a jerk.
Oh, and I am not from Indiana.

And billysuxville, you're about as full of **** as the manager I spoke to the other day. I'm bitchy? I've complained about ONE thing, and that's the manager's lies. Go ahead and try to explain to me how that's funny? Pal, either you don't know what "funny" means, in which case I suggest you look it up in the dictionary, or you DO know what "funny" means and you're just pulling **** out of your ass. Now, I'm sorry if you have such a MASSIVE inferiority complex that my being accomplished makes you feel inferior. That's not my problem, in fact, it is very much your problem. So deal with it, rather than trolling on a mesasge board to hide it.[/QUOTE]

Such language for someone who is planning to be a lawyer. Good luck in front a judge with that.

Onto the post, Nothing too great. Maybe I'll get around to picking up RotK
Perhaps you should start your own site if you find the inhabitants of this one to your disapproval?

Maybe, cheap-asshole-lawyers.com ?

I'm ranked 7th in my class said:
piss off[/b] you frigging trolls.

as someone who has already graduated from law school and I was PRESIDENT of my school, you should know that class rankings don't mean shit if people don't like you. After your first job noone cares what your rank was. Furthermore, $125,000 is nothing nowadays, the really good lawyers get in on business deals to make multi-millions. With that kind of salary you would have to work 20 years just to afford a shack in LA. Also by telling people you are a law student gives you know authority because you yourself could not even bring a case until you pass the bar anyways.
[quote name='Kidtrunks1128']Wow, not a single one of you know how to read, do you? Actually, scratch that, not a single one of you know how to comprehend what you read, do you?

Bottom line, its punks like you who make it easy for me to excell at what I do. You can't read clearly and understand what it is you've just read. Either that, or you don't care what I say and just feel like trolling. Which is it?[/QUOTE]

Wow... with an attitude like that, I certainly would NOT want you to represent me in court even if you were the last lawyer on the planet.

Someone ban this idiot please.
Bottom line, its punks like you who make it easy for me to excell at what I do. You can't read clearly and understand what it is you've just read. Either that, or you don't care what I say and just feel like trolling. Which is it?

Yeah, but some of us excel at spelling, champ.
I got LOTR: TROTK (PS2) for $2.99. I bought it yesterday for $7.99 but forget to take $5 off PSP/PS2 coupon with me so i endup take a trip to CC again and get the customer service adjust $5 different plus taxes.

Also, they Pricematch Game Rush 30% off all Nintendo Softwares. I pickup Kirby Canvas for $23.44 after pricematch (thought it on sale for $29.99 but the price go up $34.99).
[quote name='Kidtrunks1128']
I stated VERY clearly that what prompted me to argue with the manager and send a 2 page letter to customer service was his conspicuous hiding of the truth: that he didn't want to sell the game at $2.99. I'm bitchy? I've complained about ONE thing, and that's the manager's lies.

2 pages written by a whiny lawyer over $5 and just cause you were bored. Your ego is so blown out of proportion, I find it funny that you're acting so defensive. Certain people know when to stop but I don't think you know when. You're just asking to be flamed over and over again and you're fighting for a lost cause. Plus you're making a lot of friends. I think everyone here likes you. We welcome lawyers like you with open arms. You're making new friends each passing day more than me. I'm jealous of your success.

P.S. Can you give me some pointers on how to make friends and be liked?

On the sidenote: You sound familar... Aren't you the author of "How to win enemies and start worrying?" And I think your book was best seller or something. It was #1 and you have everything to brag about.
[quote name='Masterkyo']I got LOTR: TROTK (PS2) for $2.99. I bought it yesterday for $7.99 but forget to take $5 off PSP/PS2 coupon with me so i endup take a trip to CC again and get the customer service adjust $5 different plus taxes.

Also, they Pricematch Game Rush 30% off all Nintendo Softwares. I pickup Kirby Canvas for $23.44 after pricematch (thought it on sale for $29.99 but the price go up $34.99).[/QUOTE]

Are you sure you didnt lie now? The lawyer here will file a complaint against you and he's going to write a 5 page paper to CheapyD. The lawyer is bored, you better watch your back.
[quote name='urzishra14']so like.. anyone else get in on these deals or are we going to give more posts to the whiner?[/QUOTE]

The CC here "couldn't find" ROTK for ps2, even though the computer said he had some.
You were "president" of your school? Right. Explain to me how a student is also the "president" of the school he attends. Doesn't happen pal. I'll have to presume you meant "class president." In which case, "president" of your class doesn't mean you did well, it just means you were popular. Our class president isn't even in the top 20% of our class, but she sure is hot.

Oh, and you were right, after your first job nobody cares what your class rank was. You're absolutely right. But for your first job, your class rank is paramount. That is, if your class rank is extremely low, you're going to be hard pressed to find a good job, a good job that will get you to another job where they won't care about your class rank. Furthermore, getting invited to participate in law review is also based on class rank. Law review is yet another make-or-break factor in landing your first big job, a job that will get you another job where they won't care about your class rank. Did you make law review? Might you give me the name of the publication and your article?

Furthermore, I find the absence of your class rank a little more than conspicuous. I wonder, "president," what was your class rank and where did you go to law school? And to make such a bold statement that $125,000 is "nothing nowadays," you must be making much more than that. In fact, you must be a millionaire! Everybody hail the millionaire! The millionaire who is so damn wealthy that he searches on CAG for great deals on video games!

And by the way pal, some of the best lawyers get paid VERY little. You see, you are associating a "good lawyer" with his salary, which is absolutely absurd. Many "good lawyers" work for the public and get paid horrible salaries. But, I guess to you in your imaginary world where you were president of your law school while you were also a student, all "good lawyers" are money hungry and go after the big pay-off.

Finally, I would like to point out your obvious misuse of the word "know." Know, if you actually now what it's like to be in law school, you would now that attorneys who have passed the bar are not the only individuals who are permitted to represent others in court. I suspect, either you weren't ambitious enough or you weren't even in law school if you don't now that. So, if you're contending that being a law student gives me know authority, I'd like to now what kind of authority you have to make such a statement first.
Children please, take it to PM.

Just like the old saying, "Fighting over the internet, is like competing at the special olympics, no matter who wins, your still a retard"

OP, thanks for the post. I will probably be looking for LOR tomorrow when I go on my 10 dollar shopping spree.
you must have some kind of inferiority complex or something by flaunting how much you are "projected" to make in front of other people and attacking me for pointing that out. I am just here for the fun of finding good deals just like everyone else.
[quote name='jngx80']Lesson to all: Don't overestimate your worth. Just because you may earn more money doesn't make you better than someone else. If you said that to someone's face get ready to be put into your place.

Money will only go so far - at the end of the day you're still a lawyer. j/k....sort of[/QUOTE]

A twenty-five cent bullet will take down a millonaire just the same as it will a vagrant on the street.
Listening to this back and forth has been hilarious, and that special olympics comment was the clincher. Had me rolling. Hit it right on the head.
Dude needs to chill, or he will be ragged on til someone gets banned.
I have tried the 5$ coupon thing at CC and it is definitely YMMV kinda thing, sometimes they are fine, deduct it right away no prob, sometimes they want to stonewall me....simple solution, is the game one you cant try again later for?
I got battlestar galactica for ps2 a couple weeks back was marked value game 14.99....been looking for it for a while and would have gladly paid the 14.99 if they didnt take the coupon, which i had to be persistent yet polite to get, first they said, no we dont take them, i told them i have in the past, she asked a manager, she comes back, "its a copy", I tell her thats how it printed out its from an email I got from them (ok, what do YOU tell them? not gonna say from my cheapassgaming website, thank you very much.), she disappears again, comes back, okay no prob, it worked. Have to be prepared to pay or walk away. Once the arguement is over, its over, just try again elsewhere if that important to you.
I dont really want to get into a brawl with a manager, to the point my picture is on their office wall, with a sign saying "watch this guy, he is shady, dont serve him", they have that right, and it aint worth it....be friendly and you get farther, I get by more than 50% of the time I do a YMMV deal.........you argue to the point of stupidity they WILL remember you.
[quote name='purevim']Only $5, eh? I wonder why people try to get gas at the cheapest station possible when they'll only be saving a buck or two?

Answer: Money adds up. It might not seem like much but multiply it by 10 and that's 50 -- is that not much either?

AFAIK this site is called Cheap Ass Gamer... if you're truly frugal $5 is something.

Another thing, the only reason why kidtrunks was upset was because the manager blantantly lied to him.

Don't see why some of you guys are easy to criticize a CAG member and defend CC. It's not like any of you own CC.

If you guys can't post anything constructive, do us all a favor: Don't POST![/QUOTE]

Money is a commodity, as is time. If it's worth sitting in line for 20 minutes to fuel up at a place that's 25 cents cheaper a gallon, more power too you.
If your time isn't valuable enough that it's worth spending the amount of time it takes to hammer out a few irate missives on a message board, yell at some customer service drones, and then fire out a tersely worded letter to thier management, go ahead. Hell, 5 dollars is barely worth the 5-10 minutes of my time it would take to argue with the cashier, and definately not worth the aggrivation.
If you love your money that much, good for you.
However, I just don't see where the return on investment is.
[quote name='bball1515']seriously,
you must have some kind of inferiority complex or something by flaunting how much you are "projected" to make in front of other people and attacking me for pointing that out. I am just here for the fun of finding good deals just like everyone else.[/QUOTE]
Aw, it looks like I caught the rat in his trap. A law student can pick someone posing to be a law student out of a lineup with his eyes closed. It isn't difficult.

And by the way, the post by fitzcain was about 100x more helpful than any of you. It's a YMMV, I get that, but what REALLY bothered me was the principle. This manager was willing to blatantly lie to me to save the $5.00. If that isn't corporate policy I don't know what is.
The funniest thing about all of this is that if this issue gets escalated all the way to corporate, you could bet that in the next email that goes out to all the managers, they'll be told that this Best Buy coupon is under no terms to be accepted.
At which point it would make this entire situation rather like cutting your nose off to spite your face.
Any real reason why this thread should be kept open, since it's nothing more than a rampant flame fest?

'Cause if someone can give me a reason why it should stay open and not get the door shut on it, I'm all ears. Otherwise, I think we can close it down quite handily.
[quote name='shrike4242']Any real reason why this thread should be kept open, since it's nothing more than a rampant flame fest?

'Cause if someone can give me a reason why it should stay open and not get the door shut on it, I'm all ears. Otherwise, I think we can close it down quite handily.[/QUOTE]

I'd say lock it, shrike. Any valuable information could be easily migrated to the other CC threads.
[quote name='shrike4242']Any real reason why this thread should be kept open, since it's nothing more than a rampant flame fest?

'Cause if someone can give me a reason why it should stay open and not get the door shut on it, I'm all ears. Otherwise, I think we can close it down quite handily.[/QUOTE]
I can't think of a reason to keep this open. It's a repost as pointed out in the second post. That and the flame fest. ;)
[quote name='JSweeney']I'd say lock it, shrike. Any valuable information could be easily migrated to the other CC threads.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Scarface7']I can't think of a reason to keep this open. It's a repost as pointed out in the second post. That and the flame fest. ;)[/QUOTE]

Makes sense to me. The respective parties can take it to PM's.
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