75% of teens surveyed say interest in video games is declining


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Via Jostiq

Piper Jaffray Completes 10th Bi-Annual 'Taking Stock With Teens' National Study of Teen Shopping Behavior and Brand Preferences

Video game section snipped...

"The students were also surveyed on video game products and other consumer electronics. Results of the survey point out 79 percent of student households have at least one video game platform and 58 percent of students stating that they are occasional game players (playing at least monthly). In addition, 65 percent of student households own Sony's PS2, 50 percent own Microsoft's Xbox and 26 percent own Nintendo's GameCube. GameStop was recognized in the survey as the leading retailer for pre-owned video games with 60 percent market share and 29 percent market share for teen video game purchases. The survey also pointed out that 75 percent of teens say their interest in video games is declining and 78 percent indicated they spent less time playing in 2005."
That's me right there. My gaming time has lessened so much mainly because MOST games don't innovate very much. Most of us have years of gaming under our belt and we can only play what is essentially the same game on different systems so many times.

Well, i just realized that I'm no longer a teen so I don't fit the demographic, but still.
Well, when I first got my driver's license, my interest in video games would have declined too. Here's guessing that their interest spikes back up after their first semester of college.
My interest when I first started college dropped because of spending time studying and working. My interest has increased slightly but I don't have much time to play games.
It's the same reason the interest in movies is going down:

They suck.

I've bought maybe 2 or 3 games that have been released this year, the rest I've been catching up on older games that I never played through. Look at the games that are coming out recently, even the games that have a lot of hype like B&W2 end up being mediocre. There is no innovation as stated in an earlier reply. That's why I'm personally looking forward to the Nintendo Revolution, finally something that combines something innovative with older games that are still fun to play.
[quote name='IndyDad']Well, when I first got my driver's license, my interest in video games would have declined too. Here's guessing that their interest spikes back up after their first semester of college.[/QUOTE]

My thoughts exactly.
[quote name='IndyDad']Well, when I first got my driver's license, my interest in video games would have declined too. Here's guessing that their interest spikes back up after their first semester of college.[/QUOTE]

That happend to me I stoped playing for the most part until around 20ish
This is what happens when your first system is a PS1. Most of the kids today don't have that solid good-gameplay foundation that most of us were lucky to get, as they were born into the "graphics race generation". Maybe in 20 years there will be a major decline in video game interest, and we'll be able to get back to square one (when gameplay mattered).
If they surveyed the same group of people in 5 or 6 years, they will find that the interest in games will have increased again. High school kids have a lot going on in their lives, sports, extra-curriculars, so naturally, they would have less time and interest for gaming.

I'm 32 years old, and my interest is at an all-time high. It's just that I don't have time to play more than 2 or 3 hours per week.
[quote name='Kfoster1979']That happend to me I stoped playing for the most part until around 20ish[/QUOTE]
me too, but I did play a lot in college around 19 or so
[quote name='lordwow']It's the same reason the interest in movies is going down: They suck.[/QUOTE]

I've heard this argument thrown around periodically, but there's no solid evidence to support it because it's simply an opinion. I think there are plenty of great new games today, and video game hardware and software sales (as well as movie DVD sales) have been steadily rising year after year (unlike movie box office receipts).

Anyone that wants to bury their head in the sand and miss out on everything new by casting a blanket "they suck" statement across the world is welcome to do so. Ignorance is bliss.
Age 4-12 - Priorities: gaming, outdoor activities, sports.

Age 12-16 - Priorities: gaming, girls, sports.

Age 17-18 - Priorities: girls, gaming, driving around like a maniac.

Age 19-21 - Priorities: drinking, girls, exercise, gaming.

Age 21-Present (24) - Priorities: girlfriend, exercise, gaming, drinking, work.

As you can see, my gaming priority has been declining over time.

I contribute this to growing older, games becoming more generic (as mentioned by others), other interests growing in proportion, and the like.

I'm certainly no teen, but I see why their interest in games declines as well - boobies and booze.
I have to agree with whoever said that more games just suck now. They just did a survey about movies from this year, and the question was "why haven't you attended as many movies in theatres this year?" The #1 response: the quality is terrible. Now, let's think of why the quality is terrible--lack of originality, remakes, etc. You could say the same for video games.
[quote name='rallen']When asked what teens are replacing their video game time with, a astonishing 84% responded, "Tits".


I didn't realize bird watching was so popular with todays teens.
Video game sales have been increasing per year since 2002, so the industry must be doing something right. After all, who'd buy games that "suck"?
The peak of video games, in my mind, came around when the Nintendo 64 did. After that, it's just been a competition to see who can throw out the most games with the most realistic graphics the soonest. I remember playing N64 games until my eyes felt like they were going to explode, and passing the controller around with my friends to see who could get the best overall score in Starfox 64.

Ever since then, I haven't cared as much for video games. I've played and beaten every single NES/SNES/N64/PSX game that I have, but I've only ever played about 20 of this generation's games.

They just suck.

Most games are stripped down versions of other games. Super Mario 64 is to Tak as Madden 2004 is to Madden 2005 in my mind. Once in a while a good game, like Ratchet and Clank, comes along and I play it. Other than that, I think I've wasted money on all of these sealed games.
[quote name='shieryda']Video game sales have been increasing per year since 2002, so the industry must be doing something right. After all, who'd buy games that "suck"?[/QUOTE]

Marketing and hype drives a lot of game sales. There are plenty of people buying games that aren't good. These are typically casual gamers who don't know any better, allowing companies to continue to churn out bland sequels year after year.
im totally bored with video games. its just the same game slapped with a new game half the times now ...maybe they upgraded some stuff but not worth playing... i thought i would of liked the new pokemon game for the Cube but i though I played this type of crap years ago and tossed it back to gamefly.... its been almost 6 months since i got into a game (disgaea )
Don't worry, as teens approach maturity and become distracted by things like "girls", a new crop of teenagers will rise to take their place as gamers!
Teenagers, bah. What do they know? Nothing. Thats what.

You have to wonder what the results of a similar survey would be if done, say, every year for the past 10 years. Maybe it wouldnt be all that different.

I wouldve liked to have seen how the survey was worded.

Have you read the comments posted under the article? Some of them are goofy.
*Thats because MMOs are the future
*Oversaturation of the same genres
*Been bored ever since I saw the Revolution.
I don't believe in surveys anymore.

For all we know the teens said that their interest was declining and they didn't buy 20 games a month anymore - only 19. :?
I've basically come down to the conclusion that the only games I love any more are driving titles and FPS's. I'll buy games with either just to have new maps and variations but fully expect all of them to play the same.

The bright spots this year gaming wise for me have been Forza and Far Cry.

If teens were more interested in games than chicks, driving, hanging out, drinking/drugs I'd think they were giant nerds.
[quote name='PittsburghAfterDark']I've basically come down to the conclusion that the only games I love any more are driving titles and FPS's. I'll buy games with either just to have new maps and variations but fully expect all of them to play the same.

The bright spots this year gaming wise for me have been Forza and Far Cry.

If teens were more interested in games than chicks, driving, hanging out, drinking/drugs I'd think they were giant nerds.[/QUOTE]

Drugs? :lol:
my interest in playing games have been declining now for the past 2 years. i actually spend more time talking about gaming than i do playing games. but i think once i get a DS my interest will rise slowly again.
I don't take much stock in survey's *cough* elections*cough* .

I gotta disagree with the interest going down. girls are girls but games are games infact my girlfriend is bitching at me to stop typing this and go play evildead regen so we can enjoy bruce campbell time. of course I'm 23 though. if teens are losing interest in games then adults have doubled theirs otherwise I wouldn't be stuck pumping out 400$ everytime a new **** system comes out . ITS SUPPLY AND DEMAND SISTER!
I was the fat, smelly loser in high school, so my life revolved around games. I would recommend more social interaction at that age, plus poon is better than any game. ;-)
I'm one of those 75 & 78%'s. I guess the older you get, the less interest you have in video games. I KNOW my average playing them has decreased, but occassionally I will still play them, I just picked up RE4 (yes I know, I'm late), so that will be something to get me back into them.

Honestly, I think as people get older, their responibilities increase, which doesn't allow a lot of time to play. I used to think it was neccessary to play as much as I can, but I usually never get a chance to pick up a controller and start playing unless I either: 1. Bought a new game and want to finish it | 2. Bored out of my mind and want something to do | or 3. Have some friends to play a multiplayer game. Multiplayer is a MAJOR feature I look for when buying a game. I usually won't buy a game that doesn't have it unless I can get a cheap deal on it.

But anyways that's my opinion, although I wish RE4 was multiplayer (which would be freakin sweet) I still will probably love playing it as I've heard EXTREMLY good things about it.
ITs not so much that my interest in games is decline; Its more other shit that taking away my free time.
bread's done