9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors Official Thread

[quote name='bluesyncopate']I was intrigued by the glowing Destructoid review, but turned off when Tony Ponce decided to spoil exactly what happens in the "bad ending". His defense was that it's "obvious". Well, it wasn't obvious to me. I realize he was just excited about the game and wanted to share "what happens" with everyone, but it was bad form.[/QUOTE]

There are several bad endings, all of which have generally similar results but take different paths and reveal different things about the characters. Still, dropping the ending for a game is absolutely bad form. Sorry to hear it got ruined for you.
[quote name='utopianmachine']
The true ending with the whole
morphogenetic field and June and Akane and time warping and so forth brought more questions than answers. I would have appreciated something not quite so unresolved. My main thing now is, "So was June a ghost? How was she alive now? If she had been saved 9 years ago, why isn't everything peachy? How do Santa and June (Aoi and Akane) not know each other?"
Blah de blah. I guess that's a Japanese game for you.
I believe that what the game was hinting at, was she did not die 9 years ago, she was saved 9 years ago by the morphogenic field. So June, Santa and Seven, where the ones who arranged(or where in on) the 2nd game in order to keep the continuity from 9 years ago and keep June from disappearing. Santa and Seven where lying about June dying so Jumpy would see the situation as more life and death and be able to access the morphogenic field. Although the was lots of things the games left unexplained and I think the ending would have been more satisfying if they had been explained.
Also, it's entirely possible I'm crazy, but didn't in one of the multiple endings Lotus say that she had
three children -- Aoi, Light, and I think she didn't say the third's name. I keep thinking I'm remembering this, but I could be nuts.
[quote name='62t']Just got the "Axe" ending on my first play through. Going to try to get the true ending.[/QUOTE]

You have to get the safe ending before you can get the true ending.
[quote name='utopianmachine']Also, it's entirely possible I'm crazy, but didn't in one of the multiple endings Lotus say that she had
three children -- Aoi, Light, and I think she didn't say the third's name. I keep thinking I'm remembering this, but I could be nuts.

the two girls were specifically mentioned as contestants in the prior game.
I don't know how, but this game never even made it to my radar. I ordered it a few days ago and just got it today, so will be popping it in soon.
[quote name='utopianmachine']Also, it's entirely possible I'm crazy, but didn't in one of the multiple endings Lotus say that she had
three children -- Aoi, Light, and I think she didn't say the third's name. I keep thinking I'm remembering this, but I could be nuts.

You are nuts.
She has two children, both girls. One is named- I think it starts with an N, the other one isn't named at all. Where the fuck did you ever get that she's Santa and Snake's mother?
[quote name='Dead of Knight']You are nuts.
She has two children, both girls. One is named- I think it starts with an N, the other one isn't named at all. Where the fuck did you ever get that she's Santa and Snake's mother?

Lotus said that she had
two children that were in the first Nonary game. She said she was unable to get them to talk about their experiences there. I can't recall what she said their names were.
[quote name='utopianmachine']Lotus said that she had
two children that were in the first Nonary game. She said she was unable to get them to talk about their experiences there. I can't recall what she said their names were.
I believe she said she had twin daughters, the one daughters name was Nona Kashiwabara, Santa's real name is Aoi Kurashiki
I just got the game and the watch from Aksys website/store. I can't seem to be able to adjust the time on the watch itself. I can get it to light up/show the date and time, but that's about it. Anyone have this problem?
[quote name='itachiitachi']
I believe she said she had twin daughters, the one daughters name was Nona Kashiwabara, Santa's real name is Aoi Kurashiki

Thanks for clearing that up. No idea where I got my misinformation from. Just a lot of info blending over the four endings I played, I guess.
[quote name='gravel']Did endings one and two unlock at the same time for anyone else? Is there difference between the two?[/QUOTE]

My guess is:
Since the first ending requires you to know the code to open the coffin (only from the safe ending), you can't proceed any further if you never got the safe ending. Thus, Snake is stuck in the coffin and the game ends there
[quote name='Over easy']My guess is:
Since the first ending requires you to know the code to open the coffin (only from the safe ending), you can't proceed any further if you never got the safe ending. Thus, Snake is stuck in the coffin and the game ends there

If you get the safe ending before getting the coffin ending, you can't "get" the coffin ending without also getting the true ending. The coffin ending is exactly the same as the true ending except it stops with being unable to open the coffin, while the true ending continues on if you got the safe ending. So the game gives you credit for both upon completion of the true ending.
Finished this game not too long ago.I really enjoyed some of the puzzles in that they actually require you to think, but they're never feel too abstract or unfair, unlike most games of the adventure genre.

While the concept and logistics of the nonary game was quite inventive, I was really underwhelmed with the selection of characters and the writing. I was hoping they would evolve into realistic characters that I could relate to, but more often than not they remained as two dimensional as their depictions. And unfortunately the game doesn't have much humor to balance out the ridiculousness of the characters. Hotel Dusk definitely beats this game in that specific department.

All said, it's a good game, but not quite to the up to the hype built around it.
I really enjoyed some of the puzzles in that they actually require you to think, but they never come off as too abstract or unfair for their own good, unlike most games of the adventure genre. And the subtle hints that arise the characters was a nice way to ease the occurrence of unnecessary frustration.

While the concept, logistics, and even the morals of the nonary game were quite inventive and interesting in their own right, I was underwhelmed with the selection of characters and the writing in general. I was hoping each of the "persons" would evolve into realistic characters that I could relate to, but more often than not they remained as two dimensional as their generic manga style depictions would suggest. And unfortunately, the game doesn't have much humor to balance out the ridiculousness of the characters, like in the Ace Attorney series. Hotel Dusk definitely beats this game in that regard.

All said, it's a good game, but not nearly as mind-blowing as the hype would suggest and it's definitely not for everyone. It's a step in the right direction, though, and I'd love to see more developers build on this type of modest, yet effective gameplay.
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Just finished my third playthrough and have gotten what I think are all the bad endings thus far.
I got the Axe ending first, then the knife and now I got the submarine one. WTF!? Holy shit, who's this extra person that killed all of us? So many questions, like how all these people are connected, is Zero one of us, etc? I have a feeling either June, Santa, Clover, or Junpei were part of the 16 children that went missing and underwent the experiment. Also, I read from another forum that all this ice and Titanic talk will make sense. I guess in only two more playthroughs I'll have my answers LOL.
OK, I tried this again and still can't get into it. I understand the setup of the game but I just can't get into it. Am I doing something wrong?
[quote name='SynGamer']OK, I tried this again and still can't get into it. I understand the setup of the game but I just can't get into it. Am I doing something wrong?[/QUOTE]
IMO, the main seller of this game is the story, not the gameplay. If you aren't interested in who Zero is, why the 9 people are on the ship, etc., this isn't your game.
[quote name='moojuice']IMO, the main seller of this game is the story, not the gameplay. If you aren't interested in who Zero is, why the 9 people are on the ship, etc., this isn't your game.[/QUOTE]

This right here sums it up. At first, I just read about it and was like. AWESOME! Then i started to play it and I was like, It's ok. Now I'm on my second play through and I'm REALLY getting into it and I'm loving it even more. The story is what really gets it going I believe if you have the time and patience for the slow text. I'm a fast reader, so it sucks that I can't fast forward a sentence. Oh well.
Just ordered this, cost me $38 with tax/shipping so not bad considering I can't find it locally. Hopefully be here next week.

About how long does the game take?
[quote name='adriley313']i so want this game
after this weeks pick ups i will be looking for it[/QUOTE]

It is hard to find in B&M, so may want to check some websites. Amazon is way overcharging for it but other places you can find it for retail.
ya this weeks gaming cash has been spent on Mass Effect 2, Ghost Trick Combo and Kingdom Hearts re:coded and GS Guides.

Next week ill start looking.
Also want that white Assassin's Creed Brotherhood guide
It's all in the story, so you have to ask yourself if you're willing to fork over $35 for 5-10 hours of an interactive book.
ok i just ordered it from Aksys.com for $37 shipped including the watch. Glad they restocked and i dont have to wait weeks from Amazon.
[quote name='Hell Monkey']My copy is in Idaho somewhere last i checked the tracking.[/QUOTE]

Or tracking was off. It showed up yesterday. yay!
Ordered from Aksys a couple of days ago and just got my shipping notification via paypal. Hopefully I'll get it tomorrow so I can play it over the 3-day weekend, but I'm prepared to wait longer.
I've only finished the first group puzzle room, but I have to say I'm shocked at how NOT terrible the writing and translation is. I'm so jaded by bad video game stories these days :p Really really enjoying it so far.
I just loved this game soo much. What a story telling treat. I haven't read/played something this compelling since i started the Ace Attorney games on the DS.
Just finished the true ending. I can't believe i got through this game 4 times already.

The ending lasted longer than the end of Return of the King.

So what did it mean that they were picking up lotus on the road?
[quote name='confoosious']
But why would she look exactly like Lotus.

People seem to think it's because
they think they originally were going to have Lotus be revealed to be Alice, but they got rid of that storyline during production. That is just pure fan speculation though.
bread's done