A 34 year old casual gamer's 360 story...(read at your own risk)

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If you swinigng dicks make me delete that many posts to drag this back on-topic ever again, I'll ban the most flagrant troll in the thread, and anyone else that fed him.

Please keep things on-topic. Your mods are much happier that way.
I was pretty curious about the 360 kiosks and I have to say I was pretty dissapointed with the COD demo. The graphics are really nothing we haven't been seeing on the PC for a month or so now. I know that consoles can never keep up with PCs, but I always seem to remember that when a new console came out, it basically blew everything else away, including PCs, for a time.

Not saying I won't get a 360 ever, but they will have to sell me solely on unique games as opposed to graphics. So far, almost nothing new coming out on the system so at least my wallet can wait.
[quote name='shrike4242']If you swinigng dicks make me delete that many posts to drag this back on-topic ever again, I'll ban the most flagrant troll in the thread, and anyone else that fed him.

Please keep things on-topic. Your mods are much happier that way.[/QUOTE]

I was wondering why posts kept disappearing.

Back on topic (quickly;) ), graphic quality should definitely get better as developers get used to the hardware. I think, though, that the leap in quality is definitely less than I was expecting.
[quote name='h2dk']Sorry to take so long to get back...I had to watch a football game (or am I not allowed to do that either since I have kids;) ) Not that I need to defend my actions, but here it goes: I play Xbox 2-3 times a week long after my kids are in bed. I primarily play with two of my brother-in-laws who are both 40ish with two kids of their own. This is the only time we can get together and play, and even that is difficult as one is a fireman and works 24 hr shifts, and the other works 4AM-3PM.

I didn't have to cut back on family necessities to afford the 360 either, I have/had $800+ in credit at GameRush (thanks CAG). I am in a position where I don't have to decide which next gen console to get, if the (to use an old quote from Peter Moore in the DC days) "piece of shit" 3 impresses me, I'll preorder it as well. (Although, with a 3rd child on the way, my late night gaming time is sure to take a hit)

Besides, what better way to connect with your kids these days than handing them their ass in a game of Mario Party 6...(helps make up for all those times a 14 year old owns me in Halo 2:D )

I am actually thinking of changing my gamertag to yousuck...that's what people tend to refer to me as.[/QUOTE]

The 30 year old demographic is the prime market for videogame makers, regardless of what the 14 year olds here at CAG think. You sound exactly like me and I'm sure many others here at CAG. the 30 minutes or less limit is pretty much the same test I have for games and have been revolving my pre-orders back to Gamerush just as you have. My 5 year old can already whoop my ass in Mario Party, though. I hate that freaking game.

I just don't see the leap in technology with this 360. I'm expecting a lot more depth with games for the next generation and no one has shown me the light, I guess. Yes, graphics are great but linear gameplaying is getting old, and real AI is nothing but doublespeak in gaming so far. I'm sure most of you agree since most believe that multiplayer is the saving grace of certain games and allows for true randomness and enemies with real intelligence. Playing and beating games based on pattern recognition and response isn 't going to get my hard earned money in the future, especially when they want to start charging $60+ for next gen games.

I guess I was expecting too much. But considering the massive storage and processing power of the next gen, I thought we'd start to see some evolution in gaming, not the same games with better window dressing. We'll see what game designers can come up with in the coming months with their new design engines and new found space.
aint nothing wrong with pretty graphics that help immersiveness. Only when they concentrate solely on graphics and not gameplay and other elements does a game suffer. But I find people often underestimate graphics because it's the cool emo gamer thing to do.

Graphics help immersion and GTA's sandbox immersion simply wouldn't be possible to do on SNES
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']I The graphics are really nothing we haven't been seeing on the PC for a month or so now..[/QUOTE]

True, but my PC couldn't push those kind of graphics and I don't have the desire or extra change to upgrade to a system that can. I spend 8+ hours a day in front of a PC at work. My eyes are punished enough doing that. At home I don't want to sit 3 feet away from my 17" monitor playing a game. I like relaxing in a recliner, 10 feet away from a 51" widescreen immersed in DD surround sound.

I am going to give EB Games a call and see if they have a kiosk that I can check out during my lunch break. Gamestop said their store was too small to get one and that is probably the case with EB as well since they are both in the same mall. I would like to spend some time on some of the other demos as I am not sure what else to preorder now that Oblivian is delayed.

Anyone have any impressions on Kameo? I have read some claims that it is kid oriented...would it be appropriate for a 4-year old to watch?
I agree with what your saying and hope the local walmart installs a 360 so I can give it a try msyelf.

That being said...

I really, really want a 360 and look forward to PDZ and PGR. However, if I can't get one at launch (because of a shortage) then I'll just assume MS does not want my money and will upgrade my pc instead. I am already stuck deciding between upgrading my pc or buying a 360 anyway so I'll let launch day decide for me. Either way, I can play COD2.
I'm pretty much sold... havn't even played the demo units out yet.. microsoft gotta get moving & get these things out...

I have already invested $850 on a new 23" LCD HDTV... and $100 on surround sound system... so i'm pumped for next gen...

launch game isn't really a big deal too me, when you consider past system launch which were pretty much crap... beside for the dreamcast (best launch ever)...
H2DK, I feel your pain. I'm 28, 7 years married, and have a 2 and a 4 year old. Game time is limited, but I love to play. I play once a week on LIVE with friends, and other than that it's usually a few 30 minute windows here and there. Thanks to CAG I have a backlog of stuff to hold me over, but I'm still jumping all over the 360. I hate the constant remarks of "PC games look better." I don't keep my PC up for gaming, I hate playing with a mouse and keyboard, and I just don't like the apples and oranges comparisons. I'm a console gamer. As such, about 3 minutes with CoD 2 on the 360 was enough to sell me completely. I also tried Kameo, which was OK, but I'm not sold.
COD2 is sick...Definately sold me...I wasn't going to buy one...But will now...If this system can be 3/4 of the goodness that the Dreamcast was, then I'll be satisfied
Okay, I've been searching for one of the famed 360 kiosks for the last 2 weeks or so, and finally found one at the Brighton Target. I've been unable to locate one anywhere in southeastern Michigan until today.

While I was impressed with the graphics compared to current PS2 capabilities, I just can't see myself shelling out $400-500 for this new machine. Granted, I only played Call of Duty 2 (I think that's what it was) but I couldn't help thinking to myself that Halo on my PC was more fluid and had better graphics than this game. I know, I know, it's launch and it may take a year or so to get the really good optimized games, but by them I may opt for a faster PC which is why I bypassed the first Xbox. I upgraded to an AMD 2400 and Radeon 9600 which ran all the same pc games that I wanted to play on the Xbox.

I'd rather spend that $500 on a new PC and get new release games for $39.99 instead of $59.99 for Xbox 360. I can justify the PC upgrade kinda like justifying the PS2 purchase 5 years ago since it doubled as a DVD player. MS should have waited another year, or two. Rushing this next generation of 3 systems may just create the bubble that will burst the videogame market. It's notr going to be a big enough leap to sustain sales.
[quote name='bmulligan']Halo on my PC was more fluid and had better graphics than this game.[/QUOTE]

Did you happen to smoke crack before playing the kiosk?
[quote name='Scorch']And yet another comparison to a PC.

COMPARE IT TO OTHER CONSOLES. PC gaming will always win an argument![/QUOTE]

Damnnit, would you stop being such a fanboy? I'm just stating my opinion based on my experience. Come to think of it, Battlefield 1942 looked better on my PC than on the 30" LCD TV they had set up at Target.

Keep in mind I play PC games sitting in my livingroom in front of my 32" HDTV in 1080i with a keyboard/mouse combo or a Thrustmaster dual analog, so the gaming experience is almost identical to that of a console. The only advantages of the console are compatibility, which is much more convenient than having to deal with conflicts and crashes. Still, my PC is a few years old already and this new generation is supposed to be at par with current technology, isn't it ? Certainly for $400 for a piece of hardware coined "next generation", it should be better than my current machine.

If it makes you feel any better, I really liked the controller. Best controller I've ever used and significantly better than the Sony analog dual shock. It's like a DC controller but ergonomically correct. It's got the black and white buttons where they should have been in the first place and is a perfect fit for my hands. If anything, this controller would make me buy a 360 over anything else. Like butter.
I'm not a fanboy. You don't get it. It's just like comparing a VHS movie to a DVD. Compare the VHS tapes to the VHS tapes and the DVD's to the DVD's. You can't compare a DVD to a VHS because the DVd will win every time.
No, YOU don't get it. My PC is 2 1/2 years old already. "Next" generation hardware should be putting my PC gaming to shame-especially for $400, but so far, it's not.

Comparing the Xbox or the 360 to a PC is not the same as comparing VHS to DVD. Thats ridiculous. The Xbox, in either incarnation, is just a PC with a horizontal black case - and it's optimized for gameplaying. It should be better than what I've experienced so far, but it's not. Maybe if the media hadn't pumped me full of expectations I'd be more impressed. But when we're touting "next generation" hardware, I expect it to be better than a 2 1/2 year old PC which, in line with your analogy, is like a VHS compared to the current multithread tech PCs with super PCI slots running much faster video cards. So, in essence, I am comparing apple to apples. Unfortunately, the 360 should be like a freaking sunkist orange by now - but it's not.
All I can say is this. I am 26 married for 3 years with my wife for the last 7. We have lots of children in our life and will be having our first child soon. My time has become really limited especially for gameplay. I still have many new & wrapped games.

The thing about the next gen is this. These newer gamers or the gamers that went away 5+ years ago and are just getting back into it....

They seem to like the 360 as its something exciting and new. The FPS and sports games are great etc. I am after a 360 just as much as the next guy but I am not wowed by it. You want wow factor go to PC and drop $3000+.

The thing that gets me is the FPS genre has been dead since just after Hexen and Doom II imho. Maybe Dues Ex. Now its just the same old with a different cover. And I think that is why some people are wowed and others are not.

To some its the same thing we have seen since early 90's with a prettier picture. To others its just flat out amazing. They have been out of the picture or they are older and get limited game play due to family & time restrictions.

Of course if you just play games for 30 minutes 3 nights a week you are not going to be bored of Sports or FPS titles... But those of us playing for hours for the last two decades want something more out of a so called "Next Generation".

Thats where I am at at this point. Yeah I will buy the 360. Yeah I will play a few of the games. If nothing grabs me I am out until a year or two into the system.
Okay, I'll concede a little more to Scorch. If MS sold this thing with a mouse and keyboard and gave me windows XP, a bigger HD and a DVD burner, I'd buy one at launch. I'd even pay $600 for it.

I have to say, though, that I'm getting a little bit of Dreamcast fever. I haven't played with any forms of Linux for a few years, but I might be more than willing to wait for a PS3 that could double as a plug & play Linux system out of the box.
[quote name='bmulligan']It's not gone. Plug it in and it will probably still work ![/QUOTE]

I still play my launch dreamcast and I have a brand new one still in the box. I just meant new games coming out for it an such.
[quote name='mmercer13']I still play my launch dreamcast and I have a brand new one still in the box. I just meant new games coming out for it an such.[/QUOTE]

Actually, what I meant about Dreamcsat fever was that I passed up buying a DC because the PS2 was going to be a DVD player too.

Rumors about the PS3 having a Linux package available at launch may make me pass up the 360 to wait for a PS3 like I did with Dreamcast. Call it a "passover" instead of fever, I guess.
:applause: I read ur post and even though I spend more gaming time on my PC than my Xbox or DreamCast than u, I had to reply becuz u struck a nerve dude.

I'm 53yrs old, a retired/disabled 'Nam Vet who can empathize with ya due to ur shared history and obligations. My two children are grown now and both have their own lives. MY oldest one is 24 and is almost as compulsive of a gamer as I am, which is kewl by me. He and I collaborate bunches about both PC and console gaming as he has more contact thru friends who are console gamers, than do I. I'm attempting to broaden my horizions:)

I am into "Total Immediate Gratification" and that term applies here becuz of ur descrption of how long u have to dedicate to a new game b4 ya decide if it's worth keeping. NiCe!!!!!!!!:bouncy:

As far as the scenario about the Xbox 360 and ur chance to experience it at WalllYWorld....it was about the same for me. I was fortunate enuff to have played COD2 on a PC b4 I got my hands on the 360 controller and like you I was all about the graphicz........I managed to walk away after killing numerous Nazis and did not die in the process due to previous experience...LoL!

I am "new" to this site as a friend who owns a gaming store turned me onto it and I have to limit my time between gaming and exploring the real world for more insight, so I'm VERY aware of what I choose to spend time at......

I am into MMOs and have played Star War Galaxies to the point of where the "old school" games have went by the wayside becuz of it. Now I'm really hooked on BattleField 2 and FarCry. I also play Guild Wars but after having grinded there for two months it has become a bit of a bore becuz the UI is not as interesting as the other two. Must be related to my "needs" as a Vet......:lol: ?

I have issues with Xbox online becuz I don't apprecaite Bill Gates and all he stands for OR the fact that to play u have to give up credit card info and that aspect is not something that I agree with.

I am gonna wait out the newness of the 360 system and see if it morphs into a $400 bill's worth of fun 4 me before I make the move and buy one. My Xbox system was an Xmas present 2yrs ago from my son and I have a good collection of games for it but I am investigating other ways to obtain titles besides going to my through my friend's business or retailers.

My DreamCast sits idle bunches more than the Xbox does BUT I really luv the fact that is so hackable and it's the system that really opened up the world of "intense game graphics" for me. The game titles that I own for it are mostly collectable ones that I really enjoy...wish I had a copy of Soul Calibur for it!

So...if u have stayed with reading this to this point I commend ya because I can go on and on about video gaming, just like I think you could.......if ya wanna reply or want another contact for opinions or a possible source for titles give a yell back.

'Nuff said...:bow:
[quote name='ttk52']:applause: I read ur post and even though I spenf more gaming time on my PC than my Xbox or DreamCast than u, I had to reply becuz u struck a nerve dude.

I'm 53yrs old, a retired/disabled 'Nam Vet who can empathize with ya due to ur shared history and obligations. My two children are grown now and both have their own lives. MY oldest one is 24 and is almost as compulsive of a gamer as I am, which is kewl by me. He and I collaborate bunches about both PC and console gaming as he has more contact thru friends who are console gamers, than I do.

I am into "Total Imediate Gratification" and that term applies here becuz of ur descrption of how long u have to dedicate to a new game b4 ya decide if it's worth keeping. NiCe!!!!!!!!:bouncy:

As far as the scenario about the Xbox 360 and ur chance to experience it at WalllYWorld....it was about the same for me. I was fortunate enuff to have playedc COD2 on a PC b4 I got my hands on the 360 controller and like you I was all about the graphicz........I manged to walk away after killing numerous Nazis and did not die in the process due to previous experience...LoL!

I am "new" to this site as a friend who owns a gaming store turned me onto it and I have to limit my time to gaming and exploring the real world for more insight, so I'm VERY aware of what I choose to spend time at......[/QUOTE]

Great post and "welcome" to CAG. 53 and still gaming strong, that is great to hear.

COD2 so far is the only launch game I am getting. Still waiting verdict on PDZ, and Kameo ist still an option. I haven't paid full price for a game in quite awhile so I am still holding out for some kind of trade-in deal at Gamerush.
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