A little game cleaning help please


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Hey everyone, sorry if this thread is in the wrong place, but I wasn't sure exactly where it belonged, so I took my best guess.

Anyways, I'm looking for a little help with cleaning games. I've done some searching, and found that some people on this site and others recommend using isopropyl alcohol to clean discs (I'm specifically referring to disc based games, such as PS2, XBOX, and Gamecube). However, other people have said that it will ruin your discs, which is why I'm posing the question here. What do people here recommend? Is using isopropyl alcohol on the bottom and label-side of the disc safe, or will it ruin the disc? Sorry for not knowing, but normally I don't need to clean them (they usually get taken out and put right back when done, but due to lending them out, I felt the need to clean them this time). Any help would be appreciated.
I've always used the alcohol method, but diluted (about 50% alcohol and 50% water) and never have a problem. But, I'm sure someone will come in here and tell me that all my games will melt in like 6 hours because of it too. ;)
I honestly can't remember needing to clean any game disc. When I've had problems, I've just wiped 'em on my shirt (from inside to outside, NOT in a circle). Worst case scenario, I'd use a slightly wet paper towel.

However, I remember back from my days working at Funcoland (PSone was
~ a year old), and we sold some disc cleaner along with a laser lens cleaner. It had some alcohol in it, so I wouldn't worry too much. Just don't go overboard on cleaning, and let it fully dry before you try playing it again.
Don't wipe the disc with your shirt or finger, it might cause scratches since they are abrasive. The safty and best solution is to use micro fiber, they don't cost that much and can easily clean off dirt or dust bunnies without scratching your disc. But if you really want to remove those germs (in most cases on used games), just dilute your rubbing alcohol with water on micro fiber.In most cart games, dip a small swab of rubbing achocol on q-tip then clean the contacts on the cart games.
Is there anyway to get permanent marker off of a disk, without ruining the disc art? I recently got a used copy of RE Outbreak, and it has 303 written on it. If not, no big deal.
Most likely not. Something like the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser would likely take the marker off, but it would probably affect the disc art as well since it's effectively sanding it away.
You don't necessarily need to buy anything. Of course, merchants that sell disk cleaning products are gonna try to scare you into it, but you really can just use a wet paper towel. Just don't wipe in circles, work gently from the center of the disk outward. That works well for most fingerprints, etc.
I posted this question in another thread but I'll add it to this one:

Does rubbing alcohol corrode console housing? I would like to give my PS2 a thorough cleaning and worry about the adverse effects.
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