a new age for humans


edit: i no longer feel entirely the way showed on that page, and i feel ashmed of my former hipocrity, if there's anything that yall might be able to benefit from, it would be learning about Rashad Khalifah if you don't know about him already, and never believe the first viewpoint you see without verifying all you can. as tidus said: 'this is my story' and everyone has their own. thank you alonzo for helping me see my mistake and good day
Are you prostituting your blog out on CAG? I tried to read it, but I lost interest after... well, I forgot already.
it's not THAT long... the rest are just entertainment, sorry I forgot to mention that.

edit: i dont have a blog, this is just a page from my personal diary that i thought is worth sharing with yall
[quote name='Quillion']The color scheme is irritating, the flying stars are annoying, the music grates, and it's a weblog.

You want any other opinions?[/QUOTE]
What was your old username?
I thought it was good, didn't focus on anything but the text though (and my sound is off). I took minor offense at the comment about people focusing on earthly life being ignorant, but that's minor compared to what many public figures say, and what I've heard many, many other people say directly to me before.

Though, just to point out, buddha didn't believe in god. Some forms of buddhism believe buddha was similar to a god, but it is an atheistic religion.

Basically, I agree with some things you said and don't really have much of an issue overall, but that isn't to say there isn't also a bunch of things I don't agree with.
[quote name='alonzomourning23']

Though, just to point out, buddha didn't believe in god. Some forms of buddhism believe buddha was similar to a god, but it is an atheistic religion.


yea i really didnt look much into religions other than the ones from decendants of Abraham, kinda busts my bubble about him that he didn't believe in God, if that's true. I may have come on alittle rude but I can't think of another way to say it. We're all mostly young and have some time to figure it out.
Hmm, you may not be as narrowminded as most, but as Alonzo pointed out I don't think you understand a whole lot about Buddhism. For example, there are many Buddhas, the historically recognized Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama) is simply an enlightened one, and is not widely recognized as a god..

Also, stating that no sane person can deny the existence of one omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient God is a bit, well, insane - just look around at all the destruction, discord, and sorrow in the world. Belief in God is called faith for a reason. I find an explanation based on polytheism or pantheism to make alot more logical sense.
i forgot that i'm already dealing with alot of people who are more open-minded than me, i was raised in a SHUT society (KSA), so religions not based on supposed books from God are foreign to me, because I felt like they werent worth studying before, and this just happened yesterday
[quote name='camoor']stating that no sane person can deny the existence of one omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient God is a bit, well, insane - just look around at all the destruction, discord, and sorrow in the world. [/QUOTE]

That all depends on if you believe that the supreme being is supposed to be a "good" being, or just a sick fucker.
the funny part is me and my bud nesh only make pages when we're high, I don't know if that's good or bad. I know alcohol is forbidden, but weed can still be arguable, because I think it opens the mind instead of closing it, and it's not psysically addicting, only mentally addicting to the weak minded.

I say it's arguable because the Quran states many times that it is the 'complete and final' book to assure your place in heaven, and anything left out was purposely left out, not by accident

In other words, you don't need to follow the EXACT lifestyle of mohammed like i previously thought, in fact, Mohammed even told his people not to write down what he says, but only to preserve the quran so it wouldn't end up like the Bible. Sunna was made 200 years after he died, very similar to the christian apostle case, they made it seem as if they were part of the miracle
[quote name='bmulligan']That all depends on if you believe that the supreme being is supposed to be a "good" being, or just a sick fucker.[/QUOTE]

I never understood the whole "There can't be a god because so many bad things happen". That makes no sense, since that assumes god can only exist if it is of a specific nature. Now, using that logic as a reason not to believe in a particular god, or simply not to worship a god makes sense though.
[quote name='Abdullah2']the funny part is me and my bud nesh only make pages when we're high, I don't know if that's good or bad. I know alcohol is forbidden, but weed can still be arguable, because I think it opens the mind instead of closing it, and it's not psysically addicting, only mentally addicting to the weak minded.[/QUOTE]

Muslim and weed smoker? You may want to read up on Hassan Ibn Sabbah. ;)
[quote name='Abdullah2']the funny part is me and my bud nesh only make pages when we're high, I don't know if that's good or bad. I know alcohol is forbidden, but weed can still be arguable, because I think it opens the mind instead of closing it, and it's not psysically addicting, only mentally addicting to the weak minded.

I say it's arguable because the Quran states many times that is the the 'complete and final' book to assure your place in heaven, and anything left out was purposely left out, not by accident

In other words, you don't need to follow the EXACT lifestyle of mohammed like i previously thought, in fact, Mohammed even told his people not to write down what he says, but only to preserve the quran so it wouldn't end up like the Bible. Sunna was made 200 years after he died, very similar to the christian apostle case, they made it seem as if they were part of the miracle[/QUOTE]

So how exactly are you helping society (and hence yourself) by posting this stuff?
muslim is an arabic word, submitter is what it means in english. and I don't think hassan will help me strengthen my faith because he is not a prophet. The only requirements are in the Quran , the rest is up to the individual. Rashad has proven his existance in the quran (19 miracle and others) , that is why I believe him, I would recommend reading the site if you are interested because they explain it alot better than me, and I might still under satan's control because I gave props to the Buddhists without even knowing about them :(

[quote name='alonzomourning23']I never understood the whole "There can't be a god because so many bad things happen". That makes no sense, since that assumes god can only exist if it is of a specific nature. Now, using that logic as a reason not to believe in a particular god, or simply not to worship a god makes sense though.[/QUOTE]

I think the real question is:

If god is a sick fucker do you really want to whorship him?
[quote name='Mr.Answer']So how exactly are you helping society (and hence yourself) by posting this stuff?[/QUOTE]

as I said, I think it opens parts of the mind otherwise unacheivable, and i wanted opinions, and hey why not introduce some to the quran if they dont know it already

the media makes weed seem worse than it really is, only showing the negative side of it, it is a plant with benefits as well as side effects, it hasnt been proven to cause cancer because it is completely NATURAL

but I might be doing a mistake advertising this because most people are weak minded, and I often think of not doing it when I become fully mature, but I mind as well experience it and reap it's benefits now that i'm still young and dumb, as long as I learn something from it
[quote name='Abdullah2']muslim is an arabic word, submitter is what it means in english. and I don't think hassan will help me strengthen my faith because he is not a prophet. The only requirements are in the Quran , the rest is up to the individual. Rashad has proven his existance in the quran (19 miracle and others) , that is why I believe him, I would recommend reading the site if you are interested because they explain it alot better than me, and I might still under satan's control because I gave props to the Buddhists without even knowing about them :(


I prefer this site


[quote name='zionoverfire']I think the real question is:

If god is a sick fucker do you really want to whorship him?[/QUOTE]

Which god are we talking about again :D
[quote name='zionoverfire']I think the real question is:

If god is a sick fucker do you really want to whorship him?[/QUOTE]

Think of it another way, if god is a sadistic bastard, it would use every excuse to torture you for eternity. We wouldn't want to give him/her a reason, now would we?

Are you kidding me? Anyone who is searching for God will find the Quran??

:lol: That's pretty funny.

So you moved from a close-minded society to a close-minded religion?

That's like people who are addicted to crack, deciding to just smoke cigarettes. While it is a less offensive choice, it's still not a healthy choice.

I am a Christian, yes. But at least I can see that Christianity will not be for everyone. I understand that some people may choose Buddah or choose against Jesus, or just choose to say that there is no God. It is their choice, I can't make it for them. I can say what I believe until I'm blue in the face. But if I LIVE what I believe, I can influence a lot more people.
[quote name='alonzomourning23']Think of it another way, if god is a sadistic bastard, it would use every excuse to torture you for eternity. We wouldn't want to give him/her a reason, now would we?[/QUOTE]

Well, if god IS a sadistic bastard, then he wouldn't NEED a reason/excuse to torture you for eternity - he'd do it anyway... just cuz he felt like it. That's what being sadistic is all about.:lol:
[quote name='Derwood43']#-o

Are you kidding me? Anyone who is searching for God will find the Quran??

:lol: That's pretty funny.

So you moved from a close-minded society to a close-minded religion?

That's like people who are addicted to crack, deciding to just smoke cigarettes. While it is a less offensive choice, it's still not a healthy choice.

I am a Christian, yes. But at least I can see that Christianity will not be for everyone. I understand that some people may choose Buddah or choose against Jesus, or just choose to say that there is no God. It is their choice, I can't make it for them. I can say what I believe until I'm blue in the face. But if I LIVE what I believe, I can influence a lot more people.[/QUOTE]

whats so funny about that? the only thing stopping people from studying the quran but sticking to the older bible, is racism or laziness. its from the same God just in a different language

your point is taken about living it only, but doesnt your bible give a hint thats it a GOOD thing to introduce people to it and not keep it to yourself?

KSA =kingdom of saudi arabia

this whole thing is more of a personal thing that I used to be a strong sunna believer, and now I see that's not neccessarily the only way, i don't wanna force anyone

edit: two days later..added an update to that page
Damned abrahamic faiths all comin' up in here thinkin' they have nothin' in common, bitchin' up a shitstorm like they was related and shit.
whats so funny about that? the only thing stopping people from not studying the quran but sticking to the older bible, is racism or laziness.

Or blind faith that words on a piece of paper written by a man become magically holy and immutable simply becuase someone said they were "holy".

I just don't get the whole submission thing. Most religions require you to subvert your own will for god', which inevitably becomes, in practice, subject to the will of any man elected to speak for god. And speaking of immutable, I don't believe in miracles either. At least as commonly defined as god's hand breaking a law of nature for his own amusement. That shit just doesn't happen. Gravity doesn't decide to work in reverse one morning.
[quote name='bmulligan']Or blind faith that words on a piece of paper written by a man become magically holy and immutable simply becuase someone said they were "holy".

I just don't get the whole submission thing. Most religions require you to subvert your own will for god', which inevitably becomes, in practice, subject to the will of any man elected to speak for god. And speaking of immutable, I don't believe in miracles either. At least as commonly defined as god's hand breaking a law of nature for his own amusement. That shit just doesn't happen. Gravity doesn't decide to work in reverse one morning.[/QUOTE]

noone can answer your questions as good as God..

[12:103-106] "MOST people, no matter what you do, will not believe. You are not asking them for any money; you simply deliver this reminder for all the people. So many proofs in the heavens and the earth are given to them, but they pass by them, heedlessly! "

for example that proof of the trees , do you say thats simply a coincidense?

there is PROOF that the quran hasn't been changed since the beginning on that site , look for yourself instead of asking mere humans, then tell me after you studied it if you stilll don't believe in miracles


surely no human could have done ALL this 1400 years ago
I think, even if the the quran does not suffer from the inacuracies of other religious texts, it still has two major faults. One, it is written by and relies on human perception, how a person percieves an event does not mean that there perception is correct. Second, what was written originally does not mean it was an accurate portrayal of the real event even taking perception into account.

I'm not really interested in arguing its validity, it's just that you seem to start with the assumption that a holy book is, or can be, infallible, where as someone like me would work the other way around (ie. need to prove a holy book is infallible).

I got your pm, I'll respond to it later.
[quote name='alonzomourning23']I think, even if the the quran does not suffer from the inacuracies of other religious texts, it still has two major faults. One, it is written by and relies on human perception, how a person percieves an event does not mean that there perception is correct. Second, what was written originally does not mean it was an accurate portrayal of the real event even taking perception into account.

I'm not really interested in arguing its validity, it's just that you seem to start with the assumption that a holy book is, or can be, infallible, where as someone like me would work the other way around (ie. need to prove a holy book is infallible).

I got your pm, I'll respond to it later.[/QUOTE]

..come on guys, this is too easy..

why is it that the proof was in a link right above you, yet you chose to ignore it?
'the non-believers ask for proof all the time but they don't want to see it', lemme find that verse...

it only seems like I started with that assumption.I'm past that stage, like I said this is a page from my personal diary
[quote name='Abdullah2']..come on guys, this is too easy..

why is it that the proof was in a link right above you, yet you chose to ignore it?
'the non-believers ask for proof all the time but they don't want to see it', lemme find that verse...

it only seems like I started with that assumption.I'm past that stage, like I said this is a page from my personal diary[/QUOTE]

I looked at it, still waiting for proof.
you must be a really fast reader.... anyway this type of thinking can only happen by yourself , there's nothing else I can do for you
[quote name='alonzomourning23']Think of it another way, if god is a sadistic bastard, it would use every excuse to torture you for eternity. We wouldn't want to give him/her a reason, now would we?[/QUOTE]

That's the catholic model, in which case god isn't a sick fucker but rather an ass biased towards the rantings of one long lone line of madmen.
[quote name='bmulligan']Or blind faith that words on a piece of paper written by a man become magically holy and immutable simply becuase someone said they were "holy".

I just don't get the whole submission thing. Most religions require you to subvert your own will for god', which inevitably becomes, in practice, subject to the will of any man elected to speak for god. And speaking of immutable, I don't believe in miracles either. At least as commonly defined as god's hand breaking a law of nature for his own amusement. That shit just doesn't happen. Gravity doesn't decide to work in reverse one morning.[/QUOTE]

It's all about reaching illumination. With obedience, the question of what to do becomes moot - you just obey. Therefore you can focus your mind on the main goal of communication with the divine, or quieting of the mind (alternatively called prayer, meditation, salah, etc)

Now it is true that organized religions often misunderstand the purpose of obedience, and exaggerate the role of authoritative holy men for political power.

As for miracles, often today's miracles become tommorrow's science. And there is a world of emotion, literature, and creative thought (a different way of percieving the world) that exists outside the cold, "objective", clinical view of science.
[quote name='camoor']It's all about reaching illumination. With obedience, the question of what to do becomes moot - you just obey. Therefore you can focus your mind on the main goal of communication with the divine, or quieting of the mind (alternatively called prayer, meditation, salah, etc)

Now it is true that organized religions often misunderstand the purpose of obedience, and exaggerate the role of authoritative holy men for political power.

As for miracles, often today's miracles become tommorrow's science. And there is a world of emotion, literature, and creative thought (a different way of percieving the world) that exists outside the cold, "objective", clinical view of science.[/QUOTE]

why do you continue to act smart yet cannot answer my previous questions? the math code discovered by Rashad is science and nothing else? the trees praising God are science? that doesn't make sense..
and i don't expect you to answer today or tommorow , IT TAKES TIME to learn
[quote name='Abdullah2'] the math code discovered by Rashad is science and nothing else?the trees praising God are science? [/QUOTE]

Math is not science, math is math. To confuse math as proof of anything other than humanities ability to reason is perhaps the single greatest folly of modern mankind.
[quote name='zionoverfire']Math is not science, math is math. To confuse math as proof of anything other than humanities ability to reason is perhaps the single greatest folly of modern mankind.[/QUOTE]

talk more clearly...you're not making sense. Basically ,you think that a human made that entire code 1400 years ago, correct?
and you didn't even touch the second question by the way

i see you like to act smart as well, don't worry you're not alone
[quote name='Abdullah2']talk more clearly...you're not making sense. Basically ,you think that a human made that entire code, correct?
and you didn't even touch the second question by the way[/QUOTE]

Math is not directly applicable to the realworld, all you can prove really is that you have faith in your mathematics.
[quote name='zionoverfire']Math is not directly applicable to the realworld, all you can prove really is that you have faith in your mathematics.[/QUOTE]

ok when you find an answer , ill be here..
[quote name='Abdullah2']why do you continue to act smart yet cannot answer my previous questions? the math code discovered by Rashad is science and nothing else? the trees praising God are science? that doesn't make sense..
and i don't expect you to answer today or tommorow , IT TAKES TIME to learn[/QUOTE]

Are you talking about this:


I don't see how it proves that a god was involved in the creation of the Quran - numerology is nothing new, and there is a strong theory that states that many sacred texts including the original Old Testament Hebrew Bible were also written using sacred geometry. Sacred geometry as it appears in writing is essentially a mix of numerology and geometry (interestingly enough, the brilliant scientist Isaac Newton was fascinated with Biblical numerology)

If you like numerology, check this:


I think numberology and sacred geometry can be used as a spritual device or tool(after all, most religions have elaborate systems of symbols and shapes designed to educate the practitioner with religious teachings), but I don't believe that it proves anything. Unless you're going with the old "pocket watch in the desert" arguement, in which case everything becomes proof of God in your perspective.
[quote name='Abdullah2']ok when you find an answer , ill be here..[/QUOTE]

Why would I want to find an answer? Science has always been enjoyable to me because there is so much we do not know. The quest in itself is far more gratifying than simple answers.
[quote name='camoor']Are you talking about this:


I don't see how it proves that a god was involved in the creation of the Quran - numerology is nothing new, and there is a strong theory that states that many sacred texts including the original Old Testament Hebrew Bible were also written using sacred geometry. Sacred geometry as it appears in writing is essentially a mix of numerology and geometry (interestingly enough, the brilliant scientist Isaac Newton was fascinated with Biblical numerology)

If you like numerology, check this:


I think numberology and sacred geometry can be used as a spritual device or tool(after all, most religions have elaborate systems of symbols and shapes designed to educate the practitioner with religious teachings), but I don't believe that it proves anything. Unless you're going with the old "pocket watch in the desert" arguement, in which case everything becomes proof of God in your perspective.[/QUOTE]

satan always finds ways to confuse humans, that little jesus page is all you could come up with? The bible WAS changed , plain and simple, I believe they are still adding to it as we speak.
You are correct in saying everything is proof of God, but maybe you're not looking hard enough, the elaborate math code hidden since the beginning is one sign out of many
[quote name='Abdullah2']you must be a really fast reader.... anyway this type of thinking can only happen by yourself , there's nothing else I can do for you[/QUOTE]

Well I read some of it, not all of it.
[quote name='Abdullah2']satan always finds ways to confuse humans[/QUOTE]

Like using a raving madman wandering through the desert to spread his message of hate and intollerance?
[quote name='zionoverfire']Like using a raving madman wandering through the desert to spread his message of hate and intollerance?[/QUOTE]

don't think for minute that i support osama, in fact i admit arabs are naturally stubborn and ignorant people. They're made no big inventions besides sailing and number zero(and even those were made back when islam wasnt corrupted yet),they stick only to the way of their fathers, in general i mean. That is all the more reason that they couldn't have made the quran themselves, they have nothing else

i have noticed my tone becoming less tolerant and i apologize, I woke up 5 this morning for school, everyone becomes grumpy when they need sleep
[quote name='Abdullah2']satan always finds ways to confuse humans, that little jesus page is all you could come up with? The bible WAS changed , plain and simple, I believe they are still adding to it as we speak.
You are correct in saying everything is proof of God, but maybe you're not looking hard enough, the elaborate math code hidden since the beginning is one sign out of many[/QUOTE]

I'm not trying to convert anyone, you just seemed to be interested in numerology so I was providing one of my favorite links.

As far as numerology is concerned, it is an effective poetic device, it may inspire creative or spiritual thought/belief, but does it truly prove anything?

As far as your faith is concerned, congrats, but if you're trying to convert others I'm just trying to point out where your thinking may diverge from the thinking of others. Once you believe that everything good is proof of God and everything bad is because of Satan, then all of your subsequent spiritual thinking will simply consist of categorizing objects and events into good and bad. However you must realize that your religious conviction relies solely on your belief in the existence of God and Satan, not in any objective truth or proof (if there is such a thing as objective truth in the first place ;) )
bread's done