A new Halo 2 worldwide tourney


So, GS is sponsoring a world wide halo 2 tournement.

I'm not trying to go out of my way to promote it (heck, it's void in my state, boo~ But I canceled xbox live a while back because I realized I like playing with people my own age :lol: ) But~ seeing as how this is the xbox thread and all, I thought someone in here might get a kick out of signing up just to see how they do.


I see it going one of two ways, 1. it goes under the radar and is kind of 'meh', but probably still fun for those who enter/are ridiculously good at Halo. or 2. It winds up really entertaining like the madden challenge.

honestly, I'd expect more for prizes then what they've got listed, the world champion gets a 24-carat gold halo 2 disc as one of the prizes though, which amuses me. :razz:

Comments/opinions? I'm wondering if the tournement thing is becoming overdone now or not.

[quote name='Scorch']But i'm from Mars. And you're from Venus.


..so, I guess it's a shame for us both that it's open to u.s. residents only?..

I know it would be a joke for me to enter, but not so much for others, so, glad to be of service! :cool:
I'd like to point out that this pretty much confirms the resetting of stats this coming monday along with the new matchmaking playlists.
[quote name='radjago']Only one prize? Boo-urns![/QUOTE]
I wonder how tough their gonna judge their entrantes?
I don't like their way of selecting the candidates, but they don't have many choices considering Halo 2 doesn't have some sort of tournament gametype built in. The only people that're gonna be selected are adults with no job that sit home and get their rank up.
[quote name='Shoagie']link doesnt work for me...hmmmm[/QUOTE]


so anyone entered and playing in it? it started yesterday.

and yes, I forsee the winner being someone who either does nothing but play all month or has clones or roomates or something :lol:
bread's done