A problem that I'd like to address


33 (100%)
A few racist comments have been made lately during games. This ain't cool folks. I'm not gonna name names, and you know whether or not I'm talking to you.

Regardless of whether you or anyone else thinks it's funny, it's not. It's disrespectful, and harmful.

If I hear a player use a racial slur, acknowledge a stereotype, or simply acting like a dousche, we'll have words. I don't care who says it, or who they say it to. Zero tolerance on this folks. I may let it slide once after talking to you about it, but if you do it again, goodbye.

Not everyone hears everything, and not everyone agrees on what is and isn't racist. If I'm in game and I hear it, you're out of the party. Do it again, you're out of the clan. If someone says something that you don't like, let a Staff player know and we'll take care of it.

Please don't make us boot you out of the clan over something as stupid and unnecessary as this. "I didn't know it was a problem" isn't an excuse.

Forgive me for the tangent, but I want to make it nice and sparkling clear for everyone. Thanks for your time.
Thanks for posting this, Led. We needed to put this out there and remind people that using such colorful choice of words, it violates one of the clan laws.

As a reminder:
[quote name='rocksolidaudio']Clan Rules:

#1. Don't be a douche

#2. Don't use homophobic or racist language (f----t will get you warned, n----r will get you ousted)

#3. Don't cheat. Whether you're playing with the clan or not, if we hear you've been cheating you're gone.[/quote]
i don't use this word, mainly out of respect for a fellow clan member, but is jew included in the "do not say" list? If it isn't it should be. And good looking out led, z, and shrike, i'd say murc too, but he didn't contribute usefully to this thread...yet.
[quote name='craven_fiend']i don't use this word, mainly out of respect for a fellow clan member, but is jew included in the "do not say" list? If it isn't it should be. And good looking out led, z, and shrike, i'd say murc too, but he didn't contribute usefully to this thread...yet.[/quote]

As I'm in a member of the group that Craven brought up, yes, I would like to hope so.
[quote name='murcielago77']so we cant ask zewone to sell us any more oranges?[/quote]

It's funny you make a joke in here after blatantly crossing this line last night with Soulja
i take any inkling of racism very seriously. it's pretty easy to tell whether something slips out in the heat of battle or whether it's done in an attempt to be funny or worse, malicious. this line has been crossed way too many times recently, and as led said, this is a zero-tolerance policy. i don't care how long you've been playing with us or how good you are - if we hear it, you're gone.
[quote name='murcielago77']so we cant ask zewone to sell us any more oranges?[/quote]

No Murc. This is serious. I know you think you're being funny and that it isn't a big deal, but it is. You should be taking it seriously as well, as many jokes have been made at your expense.

[quote name='craven_fiend']i don't use this word, mainly out of respect for a fellow clan member, but is jew included in the "do not say" list? If it isn't it should be. And good looking out led, z, and shrike, i'd say murc too, but he didn't contribute usefully to this thread...yet.[/quote]

Yes, that's in the no-good list as well. Common sense rules the day regarding what should and shouldn't be said. Anyone knows what words will get a reaction before saying them, so don't. I'm not even gonna try to make some sort of master list, because I know I'd forget a few and someone would try to take advantage of that.

And to those of you with whom I spoke to personally about this, thank you for apologizing and understanding the seriousness of this.
[quote name='shrike4242'][quote name='craven_fiend']i don't use this word, mainly out of respect for a fellow clan member, but is jew included in the "do not say" list? If it isn't it should be. And good looking out led, z, and shrike, i'd say murc too, but he didn't contribute usefully to this thread...yet.[/quote]

As I'm in a member of the group that Craven brought up, yes, I would like to hope so.[/quote]

same here... craven was talking about me... and thanks for not saying it in front of me :)
Really guys, I dont make fun of anyone.... or at least I try to have good taste. I've been know to impersonate Cronnos...but thats cause Im jealous of his Antonio badass accent.

But, really guys.... this is becoming like a corprate office here. Maybe I've missed some shit, but all I've heard is general food associations with races...

excuse me, but I dont hear anyone screaming "nigger" or "kike" into the mic, so whats the big deal?

Maybe I just have a ice cold heart, but I just feel that if you throw the mic off your head and run into a corner crying because someone said you like chicken... You need to get over yourself.

I grew up in the ghetto and I've work alot of places as a cook/expiditer and half the fun was ragging on each other.... I'd be casper, and someone else was buckwheat.... I dont wanna turn this into a race war thread, cause thats not my point... I just say theres a line, and if someone crosses it let them know. If they do it again, contact an admin and go with that. I dont get on Xbox live to watch what I say in the heat of battle.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']I just say theres a line, and if someone crosses it let them know. If they do it again, contact an admin and go with that. I dont get on Xbox live to watch what I say in the heat of battle.[/quote]

We're just trying to establish that line, so that if it happens again, noone can say, "Sorry, I didn't know it was a problem." What you described is exactly what happened. Several people said something out of line, and the offended group contacted the Staff about it.

I thought some rules didn't need to be laid out in full detail like this, since I figured they were pretty much common sense under the "Don't be a dousche" ruling. But a couple of people proved to me that it was necessary. Thankfully, they've all apologized for what they said, and understand the consequences of saying it again.
I don't say any of these words but let me be the first to say the following. You guys are so incredibly sensitive. You need to just chill! When someone says something foul I am absolutely sure they don't mean anything derogatory by it (unless they are a repeated offender). The other day someone said something because they got caught up in the moment and you all want to give him shit about it. Shutup! This call also goes hand in hand with matchplay. We lose a game and you guys start whining. What do you want to do about it? If you got a problem, then go play rumble pit by yourself. Sometimes I get frustrated because you all get so into it. Yes, I am competitive but you guys act like its the superbowl. Just keep in mind that this a game that people like to play and don't make it unenjoyable for others by pointing out your petty problems. I don't know if I am against the grain here but I do know that there are some people here that need to quit enforcing there own will on others.

On a side note- You don't hear me bitch every time you all say I am stoner. It kinda irritates me that people talk about it considering there are xbox live game monitors but I don't bitch. That is why I politely asked someone (murc) to think of a coded name for the word "high". I am not mad at murc by all means but I am just pointing this out to prove that there are ways of getting things done without whining about it and tattling to the staff.
[quote name='jughead']I don't say any of these words but let me be the first to say the following. You guys are so incredibly sensitive. You need to just chill! When someone says something foul I am absolutely sure they don't mean anything derogatory by it (unless they are a repeated offender). The other day someone said something because they got caught up in the moment and you all want to give him shit about it. Shutup! This call also goes hand in hand with matchplay. We lose a game and you guys start whining. What do you want to do about it? If you got a problem, then go play rumble pit by yourself. Sometimes I get frustrated because you all get so into it. Yes, I am competitive but you guys act like its the superbowl. Just keep in mind that this a game that people like to play and don't make it unenjoyable for others by pointing out your petty problems. I don't know if I am against the grain here but I do know that there are some people here that need to quit enforcing there own will on others.

On a side note- You don't hear me bitch every time you all say I am stoner. It kinda irritates me that people talk about it considering there are xbox live game monitors but I don't bitch. That is why I politely asked someone (murc) to think of a coded name for the word "high". I am not mad at murc by all means but I am just pointing this out to prove that there are ways of getting things done without whining about it and tattling to the staff.[/quote]

Explain to me how whining about losing a match is the samething as calling someone a racial slur.
That is not the issue. The issue is to handle your own problems. I don't think anyone has been kicked yet due to racial slurs so obviously it isn't a serious problem. For those who have problems with the offender, tell them and maybe stupid ass posts like this one wont plague the forum.
[quote name='jughead']That is not the issue. The issue is to handle your own problems. I don't think anyone has been kicked yet due to racial slurs so obviously it isn't a serious problem. For those who have problems with the offender, tell them and maybe stupid ass posts like this one wont plague the forum.[/quote]

If rock didn't consider it something to be concerned about, he wouldn't make it part of the clan rules. Obviously, he does, and I'd like to think that if something that comes up that violates one of those rules, he and his staff would be notified about it. As it did, what I thought was the next logical step was done, as it was a violation of rock's rules.

To me, this looks like the problem was handled in the way it should've been, and by the person who thought it was an issue, which in my book, is handling your own problems. If it was me, I'd have done the exact same thing, which in my book, isn't tattling, it's informing the people in charge of the group we're in of a violation of the rules.

Seems simple enough to me, though I guess we look at this issue's situation differently.

And, about the stoner comments on XBL, I'm done making them, for the same reason you brought up in concern, XBL monitors.
-Shrike said "Seems simple enough to me, though I guess we look at this issue's situation differently"

You hit the nail on the head my friend. I would love to discuss it with you but I have to go now.
[quote name='jughead']That is not the issue. The issue is to handle your own problems. I don't think anyone has been kicked yet due to racial slurs so obviously it isn't a serious problem. For those who have problems with the offender, tell them and maybe stupid ass posts like this one wont plague the forum.[/quote]
That is what the thread is about. Didn't you read Led's post? You're just trying to say that people should handle they're own problems and that's your opinion but we have laws/rules for a reason.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']Really guys, I dont make fun of anyone.... or at least I try to have good taste. I've been know to impersonate Cronnos...but thats cause Im jealous of his Antonio badass accent.

I'm so glad this thread was made. I was just about to post a "pissed off" thread today because something that happened last night. (by the way Narnian, I don't mind you imitating my accent as long as you are not being a butthole about it)... On to last night:

I was playing some team slayer with Ugamer and Shrike, when a friend of mine from Mexico (a real frined of mine I've know since middle school, which was 13 years ago) logged on and invited me to a game.
I went to play with him, but I forgot to make the party invite only because it has happened before that some other people who don't speak spanish join the game and its just complete chaos because my buddy doesn't speak english and it weirds out some people, I guess. These two new Clan members joined my game, which is perfectly ok (I even send a message to Ugamer and Shrike saying if it was ok with them they could join me and my friend).
When these two guys noticed my friend's gamertag (EL SALVAJE) they started asking what it meant, but then they got annoying by asking to many times what it really meant and starting making "funny" comments. The moment I got really pissed was when the CAG started asking me what meant "La Migra", I guess it was funny the first time he said it, but he kept constantly asking "Hey Cronnos, you know what 'La migra' means", sadly we ended up having to leave our own room because those gys broke rule #1. I may not be the best player around or part of the elites, but I've been here since day one, and I expect some respect. Everyone deserves respect. Some of the kids here need to learn the line between being funny and being an ass.
[quote name='cronnos'][quote name='Mookyjooky']Really guys, I dont make fun of anyone.... or at least I try to have good taste. I've been know to impersonate Cronnos...but thats cause Im jealous of his Antonio badass accent.

I'm so glad this thread was made. I was just about to post a "pissed off" thread today because something that happened last night. (by the way Narnian, I don't mind you imitating my accent as long as you are not being a butthole about it)... On to last night:

I was playing some team slayer with Ugamer and Shrike, when a friend of mine from Mexico (a real frined of mine I've know since middle school, which was 13 years ago) logged on and invited me to a game.
I went to play with him, but I forgot to make the party invite only because it has happened before that some other people who don't speak spanish join the game and its just complete chaos because my buddy doesn't speak english and it weirds out some people, I guess. These two new Clan members joined my game, which is perfectly ok (I even send a message to Ugamer and Shrike saying if it was ok with them they could join me and my friend).
When these two guys noticed my friend's gamertag (EL SALVAJE) they started asking what it meant, but then they got annoying by asking to many times what it really meant and starting making "funny" comments. The moment I got really pissed was when the CAG started asking me what meant "La Migra", I guess it was funny the first time he said it, but he kept constantly asking "Hey Cronnos, you know what 'La migra' means", sadly we ended up having to leave our own room because those gys broke rule #1. I may not be the best player around or part of the elites, but I've been here since day one, and I expect some respect. Everyone deserves respect. Some of the kids here need to learn the line between being funny and being an ass.[/quote]

I would really like to know who these CAGs were. PM me. Sorry about these guys and I'll see what I can do.
[quote name='cronnos'][quote name='Mookyjooky']Really guys, I dont make fun of anyone.... or at least I try to have good taste. I've been know to impersonate Cronnos...but thats cause Im jealous of his Antonio badass accent.

I'm so glad this thread was made. I was just about to post a "pissed off" thread today because something that happened last night. (by the way Narnian, I don't mind you imitating my accent as long as you are not being a butthole about it)... On to last night:

I was playing some team slayer with Ugamer and Shrike, when a friend of mine from Mexico (a real frined of mine I've know since middle school, which was 13 years ago) logged on and invited me to a game.
I went to play with him, but I forgot to make the party invite only because it has happened before that some other people who don't speak spanish join the game and its just complete chaos because my buddy doesn't speak english and it weirds out some people, I guess. These two new Clan members joined my game, which is perfectly ok (I even send a message to Ugamer and Shrike saying if it was ok with them they could join me and my friend).
When these two guys noticed my friend's gamertag (EL SALVAJE) they started asking what it meant, but then they got annoying by asking to many times what it really meant and starting making "funny" comments. The moment I got really pissed was when the CAG started asking me what meant "La Migra", I guess it was funny the first time he said it, but he kept constantly asking "Hey Cronnos, you know what 'La migra' means", sadly we ended up having to leave our own room because those gys broke rule #1. I may not be the best player around or part of the elites, but I've been here since day one, and I expect some respect. Everyone deserves respect. Some of the kids here need to learn the line between being funny and being an ass.[/quote]

Cronnos, I tried to send you an invite, though I never got back a response on it, so I didn't know what was going on. Sorry you couldn't get in on those games last night, maybe we'll figure out something post-practice.

And I'm really sorry someone from the clan else decided to act like an ass. I know zewone will look into it.

I know I'm glad you speak Spanish, since we ran into some Spanish-speaking folks again last night, and it's hard to figure out what they're doing when it's not English. :shock: You'll come in very handy for that. :D
[quote name='jughead']is why I politely asked someone (murc) to think of a coded name for the word "high". I am not mad at murc by all means but I am just pointing this out to prove that there are ways of getting things done without whining about it and tattling to the staff.[/quote]

Code word "How many cheetoes did you eat today?"

Cause we all know stoners have permenant orange fingers.
[quote name='Ledhed'] We're just trying to establish that line, so that if it happens again, noone can say, "Sorry, I didn't know it was a problem." What you described is exactly what happened. Several people said something out of line, and the offended group contacted the Staff about it.

I thought some rules didn't need to be laid out in full detail like this, since I figured they were pretty much common sense under the "Don't be a dousche" ruling. But a couple of people proved to me that it was necessary. Thankfully, they've all apologized for what they said, and understand the consequences of saying it again.[/quote]

You're probably right....you know me, I always put the cart before the horse...

Just a word to everyone, I dont go out of my way to offend people....its all in good stride.. I'm one of those people who picks on people I like...you guys are good guys, and I really enjoy playing Halo 2 with you guys....

If I ever get out of line, let me know...I'll back off... Promise.

And Murc... Sorry, about joking of your sexual preference... we all know you're not gay, and if you were....there isnt anything wrong with loving mangina... :lol:
Ok, I just found this out, one of the two guys in there was not from the clan, but a friend of a clan member. He is: HYBRIDSTIGMATA. I thought he was new, but just a friend of a CAG. Still, it was not cool, and it was the other guy making most of the comments anyways. Just cout it as strike two on rule #1.
Oh, by the way, the guy's clan is called: Caucasian Unit. :bs: That should tell you everything...
[quote name='shrike4242'][quote name='cronnos'][quote name='Mookyjooky']Really guys, I dont make fun of anyone.... or at least I try to have good taste. I've been know to impersonate Cronnos...but thats cause Im jealous of his Antonio badass accent.

I'm so glad this thread was made. I was just about to post a "pissed off" thread today because something that happened last night. (by the way Narnian, I don't mind you imitating my accent as long as you are not being a butthole about it)... On to last night:

I was playing some team slayer with Ugamer and Shrike, when a friend of mine from Mexico (a real frined of mine I've know since middle school, which was 13 years ago) logged on and invited me to a game.
I went to play with him, but I forgot to make the party invite only because it has happened before that some other people who don't speak spanish join the game and its just complete chaos because my buddy doesn't speak english and it weirds out some people, I guess. These two new Clan members joined my game, which is perfectly ok (I even send a message to Ugamer and Shrike saying if it was ok with them they could join me and my friend).
When these two guys noticed my friend's gamertag (EL SALVAJE) they started asking what it meant, but then they got annoying by asking to many times what it really meant and starting making "funny" comments. The moment I got really pissed was when the CAG started asking me what meant "La Migra", I guess it was funny the first time he said it, but he kept constantly asking "Hey Cronnos, you know what 'La migra' means", sadly we ended up having to leave our own room because those gys broke rule #1. I may not be the best player around or part of the elites, but I've been here since day one, and I expect some respect. Everyone deserves respect. Some of the kids here need to learn the line between being funny and being an ass.[/quote]

Cronnos, I tried to send you an invite, though I never got back a response on it, so I didn't know what was going on. Sorry you couldn't get in on those games last night, maybe we'll figure out something post-practice.

And I'm really sorry someone from the clan else decided to act like an ass. I know zewone will look into it.

I know I'm glad you speak Spanish, since we ran into some Spanish-speaking folks again last night, and it's hard to figure out what they're doing when it's not English. :shock: You'll come in very handy for that. :D[/quote]
On alighter note. See this is why I gotta learn spanish. You get to impress the ladies with your suave and you can spy on teams that think they're slick speaking only in spanish.
First off i would like to say sorry about everything i have caused. i know that i am the main contributor to two of these problems, I meant in no way upset and really hurt anyones feelings, i do have a bad mouth, and ireally will and am working on that. i will admit it, HYBRIDSTIGMATA is my friend from school, he is rasict, ext ext. i take full responsability for any and all of the actions/words that i and hybrid used. i didnt know that it was your good friend, or even your friend at all, even if it wasnt your friend it still wasnt right, and i hope you take my apology. I also was the prime contributor to the first probelem as well, it slipped out, it was in battle, i take full responsability again, i am apologizing and trying to make up for it. i can guarantee that anything and everything out of my mouth is not meant to hurt anyone, so even with that said i do realize that it is not ok, and that it wont happen again. I am not rasist, i have nothing against ANYONE and i want everyone to know that i am sorry.
[quote name='D4rkN1ght']First off i would like to say sorry about everything i have caused. i know that i am the main contributor to two of these problems, I meant in no way upset and really hurt anyones feelings, i do have a bad mouth, and ireally will and am working on that. i will admit it, HYBRIDSTIGMATA is my friend from school, he is rasict, ext ext. i take full responsability for any and all of the actions/words that i and hybrid used. i didnt know that it was your good friend, or even your friend at all, even if it wasnt your friend it still wasnt right, and i hope you take my apology. I also was the prime contributor to the first probelem as well, it slipped out, it was in battle, i take full responsability again, i am apologizing and trying to make up for it. i can guarantee that anything and everything out of my mouth is not meant to hurt anyone, so even with that said i do realize that it is not ok, and that it wont happen again. I am not rasist, i have nothing against ANYONE and i want everyone to know that i am sorry.[/quote]

Apology accepted... just watch your mouth in the future. If I see you again online it will be like nothing happened. I just don't want to see your racist friend ever again. And you are right, it doesn't matter wether he was my friend or not, he is still a regular person (no matter what is his color, race or citizenship) and he has universal rights, even your racist friend has them. That's the end of that, I hope.
is non-racial stereotyping, taken into this level of seriosness, because i do like to make some cheery, non-hurtful, comments so i just want to make shure im in the clear
In my first practice, I clearly heard a no-no word, so I see the need for this thread.

However, I jokingly called murcielago77 a bitch after killing him a few times. If that was inappropriate, I apologize.
[quote name='ViolentLee']In my first practice, I clearly heard a no-no word, so I see the need for this thread.

However, I jokingly called murcielago77 a bitch after killing him a few times. If that was inappropriate, I apologize.[/quote]

What no-no word was that? You may have the wrong impression with this whole thing perhaps because I see no problem with a friendly "bitch", specially if its directed at Murc... lol, just joking :wink:

Once the revamped clan starts we need to go over the whole rules again.
[quote name='ViolentLee']In my first practice, I clearly heard a no-no word, so I see the need for this thread.

However, I jokingly called murcielago77 a bitch after killing him a few times. If that was inappropriate, I apologize.[/quote]

Everyone calls him that, don't worry. :D
[quote name='cronnos'][quote name='ViolentLee']In my first practice, I clearly heard a no-no word, so I see the need for this thread.

However, I jokingly called murcielago77 a bitch after killing him a few times. If that was inappropriate, I apologize.[/quote]

What no-no word was that? You may have the wrong impression with this whole thing perhaps because I see no problem with a friendly "bitch", specially if its directed at Murc... lol, just joking :wink:

Once the revamped clan starts we need to go over the whole rules again.[/quote]

yeah, for the most part, the list will be the same as the current, possibly with a few additions. but we'll keep you updated
calling murc a bitch is wrong? hmm. I always thought a horse was a horse, a zebra a zebra, and a zorse just really fucking weird =D
Oh damn it more rules on language, i mean i never use the n word or the f word, but other's well come on, im irish what do you expect besides golf, hard liqour, dropkick murphy cd's, and colin farrel dvd's(LOL)
bread's done