A question about leaving negative feedback

While I'm glad you saw why you were in the wrong thanks to arcane, your log of the conversation does prove that you are in the wrong. A deal was agreed upon, and while no money was given to you, his promise to send his part of the deal once the bag was received was (which were the terms of the trade). Because you backed out of the deal, it looks like you considered his word as worthless. Rather than "no trade having been performed", he "paid" for the bag with his promise to send the controller, which would be fulfilled when the bag was received. So the attitude of no trade happening was a dick move. That's just my opinon though.
^I concur with the above. From that conversation, you deserve the negative. I actually felt kinda bad for the guy as he seemed pretty excited about it. And from what was said it was like a done deal.

Though it is only 1 negative, I'm sure that won't bother most as long as your next trades are top notch ;)
OP, you were definitely in the wrong. Your initial trading partner made some good points that he took the item off his trade list and may have lost out on some other possible trades because of it.
[quote name='shrike4242']You'll be getting it back, as I recommended you get one, since it was a pretty poor move to back out of a trade that was pretty much a done deal. Especially when you backed out of said trade four days after the supposed ship date of your item from the trade.

It was removed by a mod, and it'll be sticking this time around when it's left for the second time. Plus, you've been added to the BTL for the trade you backed out on.[/QUOTE]
let it go ... this is not going to get you anywhere.
[quote name='Josef']OP, you were definitely in the wrong. Your initial trading partner made some good points that he took the item off his trade list and may have lost out on some other possible trades because of it.[/QUOTE]

well, any Sherlock Holmes Jr. could have figured out by now that I am the 2nd party in question. I've held out throwing my 2 cents in, but since our message history is out, my side of the story is there in full detail.

As for this quote, I actually did pass up an opportunity to sell the headset. When the OP backed out of the trade, I contacted the other interested party, but they had already found another headset.
[quote name='mosey73']let it go ... this is not going to get you anywhere.[/QUOTE]I've one of the mods that handles the trading issues on here, so yes, it's going to get me somewhere. It's my responsibility to not "let it go".

Thanks for your commentary on the issue, it's been noted.

[quote name='platinumsoldier']Okay, after reading a couple more posts, I have decided that I shall publicly post the entire trading conversation I had with him word for word. You decide if it was wrong or not. Here it is:

Start Conversation

Me-Hey, I have a mirror's edge runners bag. It's the yellow one that faith carries in the game. I got it from the pre-order from gamestop and it is still in the bag unopened. What are you willing trade for it?

Him-Once I get some more money in my paypal account, I'm willing to pay $20 for it through paypal. I'd be willing to give up a game or two, depending on the game. Probably about $30 worth of games. Anything on my list you are interested in?

Me-Wait, do you mean $20 in paypal and $30 worth in games or just one? Things I'm interested in your trade list are the sony bluetooth headset(Is it the official one for the ps3 with the charger?), the Rock Band 2 Cymbal 2 Pack(Is it for the 360?), and the Lego Rock Band Import Code. Also, are these in really good condition? I'll be willing take a picture of the bag if you take a picture of these items.

Him-I was saying $20 paypal OR $30 in gaming stuff. I would be willing to trade anyone of the 3 items you mentioned.
I don't require pictures of the bag, as long as you say it's in good condition. If you need pictures of the items you are interested in, let me know.
And yes on all questions. Official Sony brand Blutooth, with cradle and charge wire, RB2 Cymbals are for 360.

Me-Okay. Do you want to trade your sony bluetooth headset and your 360 lego rock band import code for my runner's bag? I'll also throw in a beta code for Battlefield Bad Company 2 for free if you decide to do this trade. Also, can I see some pics of the headset, cradle, and charge wire?

Him-I'll email you some pictures. I don't have a way to upload them to a website, and the only way to insert pics is the do so through a website.
I'd trade either the headset or the import code, but not both. I also don't have any need for the BFBC2 beta, I have no online at my home.

Me-Ok, that's cool. My e-mail is [email protected]. Okay, so the final trade is my runner's bag for your ps3 bluetooth headset right? Also, can you ship the headset on Friday, since I can ship your bag on Friday?

Him-I'll email you the pictures tonight. As far as shipping, lower shipping sends first. I will send out the headset once I receive the messenger bag. That is the standard CAG rule.

Me-Okay. I took a pic of the runners bag, look in my trade list. Also, what is your shipping address?

Him-Bag looks good. Can't wait to get it. Thanks!
I took a picture of the headset, but left my charge cable at home(no net at home, so must use office net), so if I make it back up here tonight, I'll send it. If not, first thing in the AM
mailing address
"He then sends his shipping address"

Me-Okay, cool. Also, did you double check your mailing address to see if it is 100% correct and you're positive that the headset works right? Sorry for asking so many questions, just want to make sure this trade goes perfectly. lol

Him-Address is correct. I havn't used the headset in about 2 months, but I just synced it up no problems.

Me-Ok, I'll ship the bag tomorrow afternoon. If I can't, I'll tell you.

Me-Hello, its me again. I've just been offered a better trade for the bag. (My ME bag and Vandal Hearts (PS1) for his Call of Duty MW2 (PS3) and $15 in paypal) I am most likely going to do the trade with him and I wanted to apologize for abandoning my trade with you. However, if you see anything else in my trade list that is of interest, please let me know.

Him-Just so you know, we had agreed upon a trade, and you are now backing out of that. That warrants a NEGATIVE! The ME bag should have been in the mail on it's way to me by now. I do not appreciate this, and I will be leaving appropriate feedback.

Me-I'm sorry to see that you are disappointed but how can you give me negative feedback when technically the trade hasn't really been performed yet? You didn't lose anything from this since I was the person that had to ship first, if you had shipped first, I would have not backed out of the trade since that would have been unfair and wrong. Again, I apologize and hope that you understand.

Him-Once a trade is agreed upon, it is done. You are not living up to your part of the deal, so I AM losing something in this. I am not getting the ME bag that I want. I also passed might have missed other people who had ME bags to trade that I could have traded with. I also might have missed out on people looking for the headset that I took off my trade list because it was, as far as I was concerned, yours now.
Point is, once we agreed to trade, you should have taken the ME bag off your list. but you kept it on there. I have spoken with a Mod here, and I was told I have every right to leave negative, which I am doing.

End Conversation[/QUOTE]Retained for archival sakes.
I was the 3rd party involved in this. I am obviously going to refrain my input on the situation because obviously I will be biased the other way.

All I was told was the bag was being discussed in another potential trade even before I made him my offer. I took a bit of time but not too much deciding because there was one other thing that I wanted as well.
i really dont know why your still arguing this. I could tell from the first page of this thread that you had clearly agreed to the trade, and said you were shipping the item, then backed out. The conversation log between the two parties on this page clearly shows you had agreed and then backed out after you were supposed to send the package out 3-4 days earlier!

I think you definately deserve the negative, because while its true no parties involved lost money or any items were lost, in some ways, very much could have been lost. If you had said 4 days earlier that you were unsure yet, instead of "I will ship it tomorrow afternoon", the person on the other end might have been able to take other offers, those of which may have been better. He was holding the items FOR YOU, and he missed other oppurtunities to sell his items b/c your trade WAS confirmed and you screwed up by backing out.

I could use this example that just happened to me to make you better understand why what you did was wrong. 2 days ago, i made a trade with someone for thier PS3 cross edge. I gave them $35 paypal. the other end shipped the game first to me. The day after i agreed to the trade (remember i hadnt paid yet.) I saw cross edge on amazon for $30!!! I could have very well bought it on amazon, and when the game arrived from the person i traded with, return shipped it to him...

I had agreed to the trade though, and you are supposed to honor that, so damn right I did. Sure I could have gotten a better offer on amazon, but I had made a deal with someone, and I wasnt going to break it after we had made a definite agreement.

Its not the best example, and i solely used it just because its similiar and happened to me, but it just goes to show that once you make a deal with someone, and especially considering you said you were shipping it to him, you cant back out then! I would be very pissed too as I could have missed other offers to trade/sell the item, and now might have to wait quite a long time again till another offer comes by.
I get ticked when ebayers dont pay quickly on one of my sales. Im sitting here ready to go to the freaking post office but they neither contact you or send the money for days sometimes. And of course we cant leave feedback on them anymore.
[quote name='the_grimace']
I could use this example that just happened to me to make you better understand why what you did was wrong. 2 days ago, i made a trade with someone for thier PS3 cross edge. I gave them $35 paypal. the other end shipped the game first to me. The day after i agreed to the trade (remember i hadnt paid yet.) I saw cross edge on amazon for $30!!! I could have very well bought it on amazon, and when the game arrived from the person i traded with, return shipped it to him...[/QUOTE]

From what I understand you got them to ship the game BEFORE you paid them? That'd never happen with me. To me, if someone is paying for something, then the feedback rule goes out the window and they send me the money first and I use that to ship the item.

As for the situation at hand, I've had this happen before to me where another party stops communicating for 3-4 days and then tells me 'forget it', but usually until there's a solid deal on the table I pretty much don't remove the item(s) from my TL and even then I only remove them AFTER the trade is done.

Removing an item from your TL because you think you have a deal is just stupid, since people back out of deals or try to change the terms of them all the time.
The guy admitted he was wrong a couple pages ago, although he posted his transcript of conversation which makes me think he is still hoping for some support, obviously not going to happen.

You don't need an analogy to explain a simple situation like this, analogies are intended to help people understand complex things, which this is clearly not.
[quote name='sevendayrevolution']The guy admitted he was wrong a couple pages ago, although he posted his transcript of conversation which makes me think he is still hoping for some support, obviously not going to happen.

You don't need an analogy to explain a simple situation like this, analogies are intended to help people understand complex things, which this is clearly not.[/QUOTE]

No, I posted the conversation to inform everybody of all the details of the situation, not for support. As for my conversation with myl0r, I should have said "I'll think about your trade and see if I can get a better offer" instead of "I can ship on Friday."
[quote name='platinumsoldier']No, I posted the conversation to inform everybody of all the details of the situation, not for support. As for my conversation with myl0r, I should have said "I'll think about your trade and see if I can get a better offer" instead of "I can ship on Friday."[/QUOTE]

Oh, gotcha, threw me off when you said 'you decide if it was wrong or not' when you posted the transcript. Live and learn. Some innately would know this isn't proper, some learn it, some know it and don't care. As long as you're not part of the last category, then you're fine.
It's pretty standard for sellers to give buyers 7 days to pay for an item before a "reminder note" is sent. Personally, I always pay for an item as soon as I win it, but a lot of people bid then wait until they get paid before paying for an item. As a seller, you should really be a little more forgiving, 4 days really isn't that long! I've had instances where I had to wait 2 weeks, sometimes longer! Secondly, it'd be wrong for a seller to leave a buyer a negative feedback for not paying "fast". Ebay has a system in place to keep sellers such as yourself from abusing the system. On the other side, I've seen instances where buyers expect their item to arrive the day after the auction ends! But try asking them to pay for overnight shipping and you see just how badly they really want for their item to get sent "overnight"...

About the issue at hand--I believe that 'platinumsoldier' deserves a negative feedback. Sorry, but the deal was done and you backed out. It's not any different than Ebay. If you tell somebody that they have a deal, then you back out of it, it's your problem. This is just like a contract you make with somebody. The fact that it was written and both parties had a duty to one another is more than enough to prove that a deal was in place. It's all in the wording. If it were me, I would have no problem leaving a negative for somebody that backed out of a deal after we had come to an agreement...especially if (1) I had other offers that I declined, and (2) the other party "gets lost" for a couple of days. There's no way a person could be away from a computer/e-mail nowadays for more than a couple of minutes.

I think we can all learn something from this--always make sure that you are going to go through with your deals! Check, double check, triple check!

[quote name='farfus']I get ticked when ebayers dont pay quickly on one of my sales. Im sitting here ready to go to the freaking post office but they neither contact you or send the money for days sometimes. And of course we cant leave feedback on them anymore.[/QUOTE]
bread's done