A Single Code For COD: Modern Warfare 3 BETA


Hey I got a random email from [email protected] sent via home.samdroid.net with a code for COD: Modern Warfare 3 BETA, which is apparently being extended by a week.

Someone give the code a try on their console, I don't have a 360. If it works, sweet... if it doesn't, it was a phish and I clicked their link, oh snap!

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I honestly never even knew COD games had beta's? IF they did why is their hundreds of glitches...that never get fixed all the way to the end of the games life cycle?
[quote name='Poor2More']I honestly never even knew COD games had beta's? IF they did why is their hundreds of glitches...that never get fixed all the way to the end of the games life cycle?[/QUOTE]

It's something new their trying and it's not really about the bugs... as much pointless hype.
[quote name='thefjk']Hey I got a random email from [email protected] sent via home.samdroid.net with a code for COD: Modern Warfare 3 BETA, which is apparently being extended by a week.

Someone give the code a try on their console, I don't have a 360. If it works, sweet... if it doesn't, it was a phish and I clicked their link, oh snap!


You should've done the PM method so you'd know who used it.
[quote name='Poor2More']I honestly never even knew COD games had beta's? IF they did why is their hundreds of glitches...that never get fixed all the way to the end of the games life cycle?[/QUOTE]
World At War had a Beta and all of it's bugs and glitches were patched 2 months after the game came out. Treyarch used to care but now their just as lazy and half-assed as Infinity Crap.
[quote name='dotCody']You should've done the PM method so you'd know who used it.

World At War had a Beta and all of it's bugs and glitches were patched 2 months after the game came out. Treyarch used to care but now their just as lazy and half-assed as Infinity Crap.[/QUOTE]

ahhh guess thats why World at War was better then Modern Warfare 2 from a technical standpoint...that explains it
cod 4 modern warfare was well known for its beta hype. thats what got me to try it in the first place. otherwise, i would had ignore it since the cod franchise was supposebly destroyed by treyarch's cod 3.
after all the beta hype for cod4, i knew i have to try it. my love for the series return as i try the single player and even more so when i play multiplayer. cod4 multiplayer, damn was it great, but waw, oh treyarch.
after that wreck, not even mw2 can bring me back to cod franchise. i did try black ops since my brother owns it, good bye call of duty, i dont expect mw3 to interest me.
There is no beta for Modern Warfare 3 and I can almost 100% guarantee you there wont be. If there was any type of beta, trust me, you would hear about it.
[quote name='T9X69']There is no beta for Modern Warfare 3 and I can almost 100% guarantee you there wont be. If there was any type of beta, trust me, you would hear about it.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, there isn't a MW3 beta. There wasn't one for MW2, and there hasn't been any news of a MW3 beta, and if beta keys were really are being distributed, then you would see at least 5 contests in the Contest and Free Stuff section giving away beta codes.

This is definitely a fraud email.
I certainly thought it was odd that I hadn't heard about it. They could do a beta though to test out the MW3 Elite features... (a boy can dream...)
My guess is the code was fake to begin with (I'm not saying OP posted a fake code, I'm saying they e-mailed him a fake code.) But if they sent a working code, I wonder what it was, There isn't a MW3 beta YET, They haven't confirmed or denied a beta, All they have said is that there is currently only an in-house beta for devs. When/if there is a beta for MW3, You will see tons stuff about it.

Edit: After a quick google I found this article
For the lazy: The article talks about him getting an e-mail from the exact same e-mail address that sent the OP this e-mail, And like I guessed it was just a fake code in there, The e-mail is meant to phish your information, If you get this e-mail, Just delete it to be safe.
Also in the article he says MW3 beta invites went out in June, Ignore that, He's thinking about the CoD:Elite beta.
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[quote name='admiralvic']It's something new their trying and it's not really about the bugs... as much pointless hype.[/QUOTE]

Its not something new. They had betas for both CoD4 and WaW. I'm pretty sure there isn't even a MW3 beta going on though.
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