A very depressing day :(


28 (100%)
So, I bought a DS lite the day its released as well has the new smb.

I've loved it so much, played it nearly every day. Anyways.. I travel alot, and I always make sure I put it in my metal protector case. Over the weekend I brought it along, played it on the way up to ohio, and just left it in the case over the weekend at the motel. I didn't play it on the way back because I was tired and slept. So, I get home, open the case, and bam, its gone. I did NOT misplace it. I called up the motel and asked if they found anything, they said they would call tomorrow (today), and they didn't call. I'm soooo friggin pissed right now. thats around a 180 value just gone.
I'm truly sorry for your loss, I remember losing my Game Boy Pocket and 5 games about 9 years ago, oy the pain.
Metal cases stand out as a way of signaling "I contain something valuable inside." When I travel and have to leave expensive items in my room, I always hide it in my clothing luggage. Did you leave it out in the open or...?

Anyway, always double check your belongings before checking out of a public accomodation. People with access to your room are generally honest (in my experience) but they are also poorly paid.
My first guess would be the maids (and you are right they are underpaid and might take something valuable)

On the other hand, the very fact they are underpaid and desperate to hold a steady job also makes me think they would be honest (because they would know they'd be the first suspects in a case like this)

Honestly, this is strange. I have no idea how it could disappear if you left it in the hotel. Who else would have access to your room anyways (even the maids come in the morning)
Weird. Sorry to hear about your loss, hope it turns up
It's the maids. This happened to me a long time ago during the brick game boy days. I had my game boy and kirby pinball in the hotel with me, and I must have left it on the bed or something because we got back and right when we entered the house I realized I lost my game boy. We called them up and they said they would call us with any info. Guess what? nothing. I never took the game boy out of the room and it some how vanished into thin air. You will never see you DS again, sorry.
Those are some pretty courageous maids then.
I thought they'd be very honest, not wanting to lose their job

I guess they feel that the burden of proof is on you, and the maid could claim to be innocent and blame you for misplacing it elsewhere and forgetting where you put it. (even though you didn't)

Now I'm not going to look at maids the same way.
[quote name='Requiem']I guess they feel that the burden of proof is on you, and the maid could claim to be innocent and blame you for misplacing it elsewhere and forgetting where you put it. (even though you didn't)[/quote]

That's exactly what it is, because it boils down to your word against theirs. Not sure it really requires any courage on their part, because if they play it safe there is almost no chance of getting caught...when they are in your room cleaning up, who else is there to see what they are doing?

Years and years ago on family vacations, we even had stupid stuff like bathrobes and slippers come up missing when the only other people who had access to the room were the housekeeping personnel. Inquiring with the staff always gets you the 'we'll check around' response, but nothing ever comes of it. To this day, I try not to leave anything of value in my room when I am not actually in it, or will take extreme steps to hide whatever it is and keep it out of plain sight.

Sorry to hear you lost your DSL, OP. Stinks that some of the people you trust with access to your room have such little integrity.
[quote name='noodles']That's exactly what it is, because it boils down to your word against theirs. Not sure it really requires any courage on their part, because if they play it safe there is almost no chance of getting caught...when they are in your room cleaning up, who else is there to see what they are doing?

Years and years ago on family vacations, we even had stupid stuff like bathrobes and slippers come up missing when the only other people who had access to the room were the housekeeping personnel. Inquiring with the staff always gets you the 'we'll check around' response, but nothing ever comes of it. To this day, I try not to leave anything of value in my room when I am not actually in it, or will take extreme steps to hide whatever it is and keep it out of plain sight.

Sorry to hear you lost your DSL, OP. Stinks that some of the people you trust with access to your room have such little integrity.[/QUOTE]

Were these hotels well-known franchsies (is that the word?) like Hilton, Embassy, or some other national chain? Or were they local, smaller motels?

I guess the only risk that the maid has is if there is a high incidence of reports during her shift, and she could shrug those dishonest shoulders all she wants in front of management, but when four or five people have reported the same maid on duty at that time, then maybe she might get caught.

Still, this is really despicable what they're doing.
Has anyone had anything taken in the Reno/Las Vegas hotels, like Circus Circus or Excaliber? I used to go to those hotels a lot and I trusted those maids
Yeah, when I went out of town and stayed at a resort hotel room, I kept my GB in the safe, along with my extra money.
Yep its gotta be the Maids. Rule #1 when you're in a hotel/motel/inn, never leave valuable stuff in the room when you're gone. Rule #2 would probably be never to drink the stuff in their fridge, they charge a buttload.
[quote name='Requiem']My first guess would be the maids (and you are right they are underpaid and might take something valuable)

On the other hand, the very fact they are underpaid and desperate to hold a steady job also makes me think they would be honest (because they would know they'd be the first suspects in a case like this)[/quote]

You would think that, but you'd be surprised... my mom works with the elderly, and deals with a lot of them who have people coming in to help them with housekeeping and such... so many of the workers rip them off... money, meds, jewelry, anything they can get their mitts on...

My hubby had his GPS stolen out of our hotel room before... and it was in a hotel where we were living for a long period of time, and were actually on friendly terms with the people who cleaned our room... as much as we could be, anyway... most of them not speaking English and me not speaking Sapnish. That was actually a very depressing day when I realized that was gone... scratch another point off for humanity :p

I was just debating about taking my DS on vacation to vegas for this very reason... maybe this gives me reason to trade in for the DS Lite, so it's easier to carry around in my purse :p My condolences to the OP :(
i took my gba across europe for 2 months, on trains and in hostels and i had no problems.

ive also taken a ps1 w/screen on a road trip to vegas, and my little brother played it in the room while us older people were out. again, no problems.

i really think its just hit or miss, it really depends on the person cleaning your room or other people in your room (in the case of hostels). theres always a chance. but im generally very trusting, itll come back to me sooner or later.
I can't remember the release date, has it been less than 90 days? Did you pay by credit card? I don't know but maybe if you have a platinum card and fill out a police report the credit card company might compensate you?
I've learned that if you have valuables put them in the motel/hotel safety deposit box. If the motel/hotel doesn't have one then keep it in your suitcase. That way if it comes up missing you can tell the hotel that it wasn't in the open that someone had to go into one of your bags. That will make the hotel go in action quickly because they have a thief on staff. Thats just bad business something they don't want. As long as the place ain't a $20 a night deal they should take care of you.
[quote name='wageslave']I can't remember the release date, has it been less than 90 days? Did you pay by credit card? I don't know but maybe if you have a platinum card and fill out a police report the credit card company might compensate you?[/QUOTE]
yeah, its been less than 90 days, but I used a debit card to purchase it sadly.
bread's done