About some of my deals


I've bought lots of stuff for great prices in the past. I decided to tell you about some of my great hauls.

One of my earliest Hauls (Literally) Was in august of 2004. I think it was August 7th. I went into a goodwill, Didn't find anything, And my dad found 3 Super NES games. (This isn't the good part) And then employees came with buggies ful of NES games! And even better, They were marked at 49 cents each But we got a discount and bought them for roughly 33 cents each!

I bought some really good games that day. Here are a few highlights:

Adventure Island 3
Lolo 2
Lolo 3
Maniac Mansion
Megaman 2
Megaman 3
Megaman 4

I ended up buying 71 games that day. And there wasn't one duplicate in the whole lot.

Fast forward a few weeks. Next, I found a brand new copy of Tank Brigade (A rare atari 2600 game) For $2 at the same goodwill! I'm guessing that a brand new copy is worth $100 or more.

Let's skip ahead to May 2005.

I found a like new NES Power Set In box with EVERYTHING - The power pad, The instructions, The styrofoam, The zapper manual.. Even the original KMart price tag!

There were five games included. There was the SMB/DH/WCTM cart that came with the set, Plus some golf game, And a complete copy of Burgertime, A complete copy of Q*Bert (Wich still had the original price sticker on it - Marked at $35) And a boxed copy of Donkey Kong Classics.

And guess how much I paid for it? $10! I couldn't believe it myself when I bought it. As I was walking in, I was complaining that I wouldn't find anything, And then there it was, Sitting on the floor. I picked it up immediately.

I'll leave my other finds for some other time. Now be jealous. :p
[quote name='pitfallharry219']One time in 1988, I think it was July 19th, I found 3 quarters on the ground. Be jealous.[/quote]

One time in 1988 I farted.

Good haul.
I got about 54 NES games, no duplicates, with notables such as the Ninja Gaiden Series, Mario Series, Zelda, RCR and others for 15 dollars. Be Jealous.

I found a complete (complete complete, with everything) Stack-Up NES game for 5.00 dollars. Be jealous.

I found a complete NiGHTS game on Saturday for 1.00. BE JEALOUS!

etc etc

Seriously though, congrats on finding that stuff, I very rarely find stuff at goodwill. Once I found a case with 12 NES games inside, another time I found a gamecube controller. Otherwise there is only clothing there, lots and lots of clothing.
I found a copy of Dragon Force for the Sega Saturn last year for 50 cents and it was in complete mint condition with no scratches on the disc!

My friend gave me ALL the console games stuff he ever owned, plus more that he picked up at yard sales for 25$, this was back a few years ago, I cannot even tell you how many systems I got for that money (SNES, NES toploader in box complete... several atari 2600's.... about 95 atari games.. some worthy SNES games like mario and metroid..), not to mention quite a few games, he still laughs about it to this day and he is glad I am enjoying it. He thinks its funny that I bothered to untangle a huge box of controllers and cords and doesn't know why I bothered lol! Needless to say this lot is what really propelled me into collecting videogames!

I NEVER find games at thrift stores here, our goodwill closed but before they did when they got atari games in they used to give them to me for like 75 cents or 1$ per game, which was cool. The salvation army never gets any games in, not one. However yard sales are the hotspots around here for games so congrats on the finds!
Someone traded in 007 Tomorrow Never Dies on PS1. Doing the trades the next morning, I picked the disc out of the case to put it away, and there was a copy of Intelligent Qube. It was about 9:15, so I had to blink a few times to make sure I was awake. Be jealous.
I had a friend give me her SNES and games, just so her mom would shut up about her having 'too many videogames' (apparently 3 systems is too many). The games included Super Mario RPG, All 3 Donkey Kong Countrys, Evo, Starfox, and Zelda.

My sister's BF brought me copies of Power Stone and a driving game of some sort for the Dreamcast once, even though i didn't own one yet. So, I bought a Dreamcast at a flea market... the system itself was $40 and came with 2 controllers (no deal there)... then I went looking for games/accessories. I got a new green VMU, with cap and battery pull-tag still in place, for $6. I went to EB games and got a blue one with cap for $2, and a copy of Evolution 2 for $8. When I opened that, I discovered the Evolution 1 disc stacked on top of the other game. The next time I went to work, a co-worker brought me a pile of Dreamcast game he didn't need/want anymore. I got Lodoss War, Shemue 2 (PAL version) with a boot disc, Resident Evil: Code Veronica and half a dozen others.

I think about half my collection for both of those systems came enitrely free.

edit: Oh yeah... be jealous! :bouncy:
I found a copy of Intelligent Qube at a GameCrazy. The guy didnt see it in the inventory so he gave it to me.

Also my friend gave me Ogre Battle SNES and Mario RPG for free

Also I found Earthbound and Warsong for $0.25 each

Be Jealous!
I got the Best Dog in the World (pictured left), and it only cost me fifty dollars. Be Jealous!

Seriously, this is one of the most annoying posts i've seen in a while...
haha rename this to the "Be Jealous" thread

i found a complete mint copy of suikoden II at a rental store for $5

complete Valkire Profile for $20

Intelligent Cube given to me by my friend for free

complete mint Silent Hill for $5

complete Black FFVII for $0.50

Baulders Gate Dark Allience 2 for $5

[quote name='BearMan23']I got the Best Dog in the World (pictured left), and it only cost me fifty dollars. Be Jealous!

Seriously, this is one of the most annoying posts i've seen in a while...[/quote]

The whole be jealous thing was a joke at first.

[quote name='refusedchaos']haha rename this to the "Be Jealous" thread[/quote]

I might do that, If the mods don't mind. :cool:

And to others, Good hauls. A boxed toploader? A copy of stack up? Ace.

Maybe I should post another one of my finds..

A toploading NES for $5. Wohoo! Be jealous, It has a suntan.:bouncy:
Flea Market Last Year

PS2 Tool X 2
Gamecube Dev Kit
Gameboy Advance Dev Kit

All for less than $100

I have no idea how to use them, but they sure do look nice.
bread's done