AC Revelations - Would you recommend the game to a non-AC fan for its 3D effect?

I dont like AC series. I dont hate it either, I just never really got into it. I played a few hours of every title and never wanted to finish the games.

My question is would you recommend AC revelations for its 3D gameplay and graphics to a person not engrossed in the series. (e.g. Id recommend UC3 to any 3D gamer, even if they hated UC series because the 3D is so increidble. I ask because Im thinking of going to buy it today for $20.

So do you recommend the game, particularly for its 3D?
I've never played Assassins Creed Revelations in 3D so I can't comment on the look of the game, but just think to yourself, would you want to play the game if it wasn't in 3D? Then play it! If you are only playing because you want a game because of the 3D then I'd say skip it. Maybe I don't understand 3D but I don't know anyone who considers themselves a "3D gamer" and would want to play a game that they would otherwise hate only because of the graphics. My point is, skip it. Don't play a game you don't enjoy just because the graphics are good, there are enough 3D ps3 games that i'm sure you can find one that you like and that look amazing.
ur absolutely right, i agree.

i think my question wasnt clear though. i havent played revelations so idk how it is, ive read mixed reviews. i dont like the tower defense battles and platform puzzles, but the main storyline looks cool enough. the platforming looks interesting with the hook and parachute. its a lil different than the others i think from that aspect. so what i mean is(1) is the game decent/OK/good, in other words, i dont expect it to be awesome, great or outstanding if i dont care too much about the series but the other thing is (2) is it excellent in 3D?

i wanna try the game if its a good game AND ONLY if its really great in 3D.... if that makes any sense.
[quote name='chrislisting']
can anyone please offer their opinion: Is ac revelations a good game with excellent 3d graphics? thank you


I dont know the answer to your question either OP but I do think it's a valid one. I'm getting a 3D TV in a week or so and have been looking for some titles to play in 3D.

So far I've got Uncharted 3, Batman AC, The Sly Collection, and Cars 2 (a surprisingly good game I might add).

As for AC I'm probably just going to wait for ACIII to experience that in 3D assuming it has it. I'm the same way and have played an hour or 2 of them but never want to finish them. I think I'm really going to like ACIII though with it's new setting. I wouldn't buy a game I only kinda like though just to see it in 3D. I think there's enough good games which also include 3D for now. At least for me.
well thank you shock.

3D gaming isnt my quest now, but i am certainly interested in a big title that has 3d capability.

for instance, uncharted 3 is a huge title, and the 3d just makes it out of control.

shockandaww,if u need any help with getting a 3d tv/monitor or which 3d titles to get, PM me and ill help you out cuz i did a lot of research on the monitor end, and ive sampled A LOT of 3d game titles, and i have 8 right now (6 disc based, 2 PSN).

PS. I bought revelations since it was only 20 bucks and it came with uncharted 1 for free. but i havent tried it yet.
I bought this game for $20 at BestBuy. For $20, who the fuc# cares... It is practically a brand new game for $20! Sold!

Although I do have AC 1, 2, and Brotherhood (which I need to finish) I had to get Revelations, but for only $20 I felt like I stole the game since it practically just came out.

If you are playing games just for the 3D effect/graphics then you should probably not be wasting your time on those games. With so many games out now-a-days, why play something you wont fully enjoy just for aesthetics? Makes no sense to me personally, but IMHO I tend to possess more common sense than many.

BTW, life is in 3D. I get enough 3D at work, at home, on the shitter...I dont need it in my games too. I am a strictly non-3D gamer and avoid 3D games like the plague. When the day comes that some games only come in their 3D variant, that will be an exceedingly sad day for me...
some people are missin the point so they think its silly or doesnt make sense so ill break it down for those minds - my question was 2 part. Primary: is the game good? secondary: does it have good 3d?

(a) if the games not good, i wouldnt have gotten it. there are a lot of 3d games out that i have not and will not buy because i wouldnt play them or wouldnt like them. (e.g. de blob 2's 3d is awesome, but i dont think id play it,

(b) if the game is good, then (c) we move to the second part: is the 3d good? then its a buy.

i didnt ask if it was great, excellent, awesome, just good. i wanted a decent game to play with good 3D.

and just like you ^ said, for $20 theres no reason not to try it if its decent. plus the one i bought had ac 1 inside.

im about to pop it in and check it out....HAPPY EASTER
You just made a thread like a week or two ago about 3D games, and I'm pretty sure you asked about AC:R in there too, why are you making another thread about this? You seem like a nice person chrislisting, but there's a fine line between thinking out loud and asking a question. After so much inquiry the only way to truly know is to find out yourself.. spread your little "should I or shouldn't I" wings and fly baby bird! ca-CAW!
AC:R is an incredible game with a fantastic story that provides a satisfying end to two beloved characters. It's almost complete fanservice to those who played and enjoyed the previous four Assassin's Creed games (AC, AC:Bloodlines, AC2, AC:Brotherhood). You will be lost if you haven't played the first few games to completion.

I can't comment on the 3D as I don't have that functionality, but based on the reviews I've read it was used somewhat sparingly, but to great effect when it did show up.
I am not impressed with any 3D so far. Having to wear glasses kills it for me. Just not comfortable. The 3D is cool for a bit, but wears on my eyes too.
what i got is a monitor with nvidia 3d vision 2 with lightboost (only 3 monitors on the market have that technology)that came with nvidia 3d vision 2 glasses, they are a completely different type of 3d glasses than any other on the market. very light but huge lens display, so they are just as comfortable feelin as like wearin a pair of sunglasses, cant say the same for any other glasses ive tried, and ive tried 4 or 5, from sony to samsung to acer.

iamsmart, thank you, i am a nice person i think too (p.s...and the other thread had nothing to do with this specific question, if u wana check it)

revelations is a good game,so far on my first impression, i played multiplayer mostly and its a lot like brotherhood i think but with a little improvement/addition. the 3d isnt that great,and i mean the effect is not noticable strong like in batman, but i just started so there might be more depth to it in different areas/maps in the story.
bread's done