Activision is Evil



Wow this guy from Activision wants to raise game prices even more . First Call Of Duty 4 still costs a fortune even today , then its sequel that will have a short campaign as well will cost 90 dollars in the UK and now this .
Its not like they are the company who need more sales to stay alive , their call of duty games sell at least 5 million then they make a bunch of money from map packs . This company is getting greedy and in a worst case scenario other developers will follow them .
Meh, as long as they provide a version of Call of Duty that doesn't have all that unnecessary crap (Night Vision Goggles = Lol) for a normal price, I'm okay with that.
Yes, because it is completely Activisions fault that the retailers are pricing Call of Duty 4 at the price it runs still. They only control the launch price and it should be painfully obvious that a retailer is not going to cut the cost of a game that still sells out, but maybe I am giving people too much credit.
[quote name='SlimJim0725']Yes, because it is completely Activisions fault that the retailers are pricing Call of Duty 4 at the price it runs still. They only control the launch price and it should be painfully obvious that a retailer is not going to cut the cost of a game that still sells out, but maybe I am giving people too much credit.[/QUOTE]

Retail prices don't drop unless the publisher drops them first.
[quote name='mogamer']Retail prices don't drop unless the publisher drops them first.[/QUOTE]

Not true, many retailers will lower prices to clear out older games in order to replace them with new games. However, if a game is still selling extremely well they are not going to drop the price.
Activision just released their Q2 results. It's a corporation. He may just be puffing for his shareholders.
Pfft, people who pay full price for games only have themselves to blame. Don't like the prices of games, then wait a couple of months till they drop, it's not rocket science.

I've heard there are even websites dedicated to deals on games, can't think of one off the top of my head..........................
so who does have control over game pricing and what factors into why some games drop in price faster than others? i know when some games sell poorly they tend to drop in price but ive seen some games that sell oorly stay at a relatively high price. likewise games that sell really well sometimes drop in price but on the flip side many that sell really well stay at a high price.
[quote name='benjamouth']Pfft, people who pay full price for games only have themselves to blame. Don't like the prices of games, then wait a couple of months till they drop, it's not rocket science.[/QUOTE]

This is why I love CAG, as I rarely pay full price for games anymore.
I'd be upset by this, but why bother? Y'all are largely a bunch of enablers who want to talk about how evil this company is, but still buy their shit new and at full MSRP.

I haven't purchased a single new Activision title in about 18 months, and this won't change. I'd really like the Modern Warfare Whatever Edition (w/ CoD Classic), but I can hold out until I can get it used.

Can you say the same?
Don't buy games at full price then. Besides the only game I bought that was published by Activision in the last 2 years was Wolfenstein 3D.
[quote name='lokizz']so who does have control over game pricing and what factors into why some games drop in price faster than others? i know when some games sell poorly they tend to drop in price but ive seen some games that sell oorly stay at a relatively high price. likewise games that sell really well sometimes drop in price but on the flip side many that sell really well stay at a high price.[/QUOTE]

Retailers have control of the pricing once it hits the store. They will usually follow the pricing that the company itself suggest, but it mainly depends on sales numbers. Since CoD 4: Modern Warfare is still selling out at many retailers, why would they lower the price until the pace slows down?
Well, here's to hoping that Beatles Rock Band outsells Guitar Hero 5, Band Hero, and Guitar Hero Van Halen combined.
Don't know about you but I got around CoD4's outrageous price by paying only $20 for it. Wasn't too hard to do so, either.

Then again, from Activision's standpoint, of course they would want their games to cost more money and to stay at release MSRP as long as sales allow. It means more $$$$. More $$$$ would hopefully mean more profit. I can't imagine too many game companies ~wouldn't~ like that approach, whether they say it or not.
[quote name='TC']Wait until Tony Hawk Ride sells 12 copies.[/QUOTE]

Or until a little kid breaks his neck on a coffee table.
activision isn't evil, it is doing what the hardcore have been wanting and loved.

i am very confused by the people [the hardcore audience] here.

the companies that makes games for the hardcore don't care about you as a consumer. they only care about what they can milk from you. it's funny that this has been going on and constantly being supported by non other then the hardcore and the hardcore don't even know it [even after reading the comment by activisions ceo]. a comment by activisions ceo only proves that they [hardcore developers and publishers] don't care about the player who buys and plays the game. all the company care about is how to make games to rip you off.

if you're a hardcore gamer, you shouldn't be glum and say activision is evil. instead, say hurrah and embrace the idea because this is what you have been strongly supporting and desire.
The statement hardcore gamer should embrace high game prices as long as the game delivers the expectation is totally overrated. No, i won't "hurrah, bring me MW2."

Okay, let's face it, greed is always good, it's just matter of how much :) Capitalism always going to put $$$ first, so higher game prices is not a total surprise.

However, it just don't work like the way Activision said... Yeah, some games are more costly to make than others, but hell, you're charging crappy games at $60 too, so what's your point? The complaint has to go both ways... If you want to raise the price on costly games, that's fine. BUT only if you're willing to lower the price on the average/crappy games.

Look, since ALL games are set at the same price, $60 (wii is $50, PS2 is $40-ish etc), you can't just break the norm by raising prices on high profile titles w/o lowering the less popular ones. It's like raising price on the entire dollar menu because the damn burger is getting more expensive to make...
[quote name='SlimJim0725']Yes, because it is completely Activisions fault that the retailers are pricing Call of Duty 4 at the price it runs still. They only control the launch price and it should be painfully obvious that a retailer is not going to cut the cost of a game that still sells out, but maybe I am giving people too much credit.[/QUOTE]
I think so .
[quote name='TC']Wait until Tony Hawk Ride sells 12 copies.[/QUOTE]

Why such a high estimate, I doubt it hits double digits before a price drop. I expect it to make bionic commando look like a hit.
It's hard to bitch about CoD4, there's been lots of sales on it.

I picked it up for $35 at Target a month or two after it released and it's been cheap many times.

And also hard to complain about the short campaign modes, and the multiplayer is the serie's bread and butter. It's only worth a rental if you only want to play through the campaign.

But yeah, raising prices more is shitty. $60 is already too much for a game IMO. There are very few games I'd consider paying that for, and most I just wait until I can get them on Goozex.
Well at least will get 200 more guitar hero games within the next 18 months...sigh. I am sick of Activision...I would boycott them, but I am planning to buy Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 and modern warfare 2.
[quote name='SlimJim0725']Not true, many retailers will lower prices to clear out older games in order to replace them with new games. However, if a game is still selling extremely well they are not going to drop the price.[/QUOTE]

Most of the time when that happens, the retailer sells the discounted product at a lost. Most retailers would have a "discount budget", allowing them to mark down poorly performing items or to clear out inventory in a particular region or store. If the product sells well in a given region/store, or if there are no longer any funds in that discount budget/allocation, then no markdowns will take place.

This is one of the prime reasons why some mark-downed/clearance games are YMMV.

As for national price drops in a particular retail chain, I would assume that the price drop is based on an external source and the publisher/distributor is willing to credit the difference in the new sales price, or some Corporate Boss decided to mark the product as a loss-leader or something to that affect.
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