adullt swim and metal


34 (100%)
so whats going on here. i dont keep in the loop very much... is metal popular again. ya know, not sevendust metal, but long hair metal. today on adult swim i saw Korgoth (which was disapointing) and had some "metal" during some of the more "epic" scenes. Then I saw a commercial for Superjail, which had a wanna-be death metal song in the background. Plus coming soon to an Adult Swim near you... Death Clock Metalocalypse (which I'm looking forward to because its related to home movies, not metal).

so wtf? is metal in or what?
Come now, I have to agree with Jimbo on this one. Korgoth was decent, but definitely sub-par. It bored me at times and while the action was cool, I just wish that the dialogue was better and that it could have kept my attention better. It did incite a chuckle out of me, but nothing more.
At least Kargoth had real animation. So tired of the macromedia ATHF knock off 10 minute shows they crank out 13 times a week.
Yeah, Korgoth was pretty fucking cool. When he ripped that guy's face off I laughed for a good 15 minutes straight.

Though I'm pissed it's pushing back Eureka 7 next week. *rage*
Korgoth was alright, its got Gendy Tartakovsky doing it so I give it the benefit of the doubt. Lets see how long until its bumped by the Oblongs.
[quote name='hohez']At least Kargoth had real animation. So tired of the macromedia ATHF knock off 10 minute shows they crank out 13 times a week.[/quote]

Which ones and why? I like ATHF and other shows like Minoriteam.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Yeah, Korgoth was pretty fucking cool. When he ripped that guy's face off I laughed for a good 15 minutes straight.[/QUOTE]

Was this after you had seen the commercial with that scene the first time or when you were watching the show after having seen the commercial thirty times?
wait, did everyone think this was a korgoth thread? i wanted to know if metal is coming back...

oh and the metal show coming soon is Death Clock Metalocalypse
[quote name='RacinReaver']Was this after you had seen the commercial with that scene the first time or when you were watching the show after having seen the commercial thirty times?[/QUOTE]
Only saw the commercial once. While I was watching Eureka 7. I don't watch AS at all under normal circumstances. Thing is that Bandai is releasing the E7 DVDs really slowly (one every two months), and I can't wait that long to get my fix. After seeing the commercial I decided to watch the show.
Man, metal never went away. It's just that when it makes mainstream media, it becomes a big shock to many. I wrote a 15 page paper on the genre throughout the course of its life (inception to now). Turns out that metal's been bouncing through the underground and mainstream every decade or so... At least that's what it looked like to me.
I agree with Warlock, I don't think metal has ever really gone away. Metallica is played constantly on some radio stations in my area. They even have an hour of only Metallica songs called "Maximum Metallica" (that might be nationwide or something, but i'm not sure). I wouldn't consider metal "mainstream" but it's there. VH1 has some specials about metal (the Rock Honors show 'honored' Judas priest, among others), MTV has Headbanger's Ball, et cetera. Metal might not be right in front of you, but it's there if you look.

I guess...
I'm a (amateur) animator and I love metal. I grew up with Slayer, Testament, Old Schoool Metallica and I never really stopped listening to them. So this show looks cool to me- unfortunately I dont have cable because I need to keep my costs low. Maybe when it gets to DVD.
[quote name='stag8603']I agree with Warlock, I don't think metal has ever really gone away. Metallica is played constantly on some radio stations in my area. They even have an hour of only Metallica songs called "Maximum Metallica" (that might be nationwide or something, but i'm not sure). I wouldn't consider metal "mainstream" but it's there. VH1 has some specials about metal (the Rock Honors show 'honored' Judas priest, among others), MTV has Headbanger's Ball, et cetera. Metal might not be right in front of you, but it's there if you look.

I guess...[/quote]
I personally don't like Metallica, but we have a radio station here too that has something at 9 or 10pm every night called, "Mandatory Metallica," where they play 3 Metallica songs.

I think metal has always been there, but have seen a resurgence in the past 5 or so years. Mainly among the college crowd. I think part of it is nostalgia and part of it is kick-assery. One example is that there's a band that tours around here called Hairbangers Ball (, that's an 80's metal/rock cover band. People love them and even get dressed up to go to the shows.
Theres a station here that has what they call Metallica on Top, where they play a Shitallica song at the begining of every hour. They used to have Nights with Alice Cooper, but they stopped it earlier this year because idiot rednecks were complaining about not hear metallica once an hour. They even bitch when they have a different artist On Top during the weekends. Get over it!
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