Advance Wars: Days of Ruin - General Discussion - Release Date Jan. 21 2008!!!

[quote name='hootie']WiFi Battling + Voice Chat + Map Sharing = INSTANT GOTY confirmed.[/quote]

but a subtitle that isn't so classy knocks it down some...right?
[quote name='Foo228']but a subtitle that isn't so classy knocks it down some...right?[/QUOTE]

It could be worse. They could have named it Advance Wars: Days of Sorrow!
My addiction to AW started with warsong (genesis). That game kicked ass! Once in a while i still break out my genesis and complete the game. Can't wait for AW: DOR. Who cares about the title? It's all about the gameplay!!
jan 21st seems so far away, but I know the wait is going to be worth it. i'm currently trying to score me a copy of dual strike to get back into the mood of advance wars.
Hmm... maybe this will be the game to make the series for me. I've always felt like Advance Wars was a dumbed down Fire Emblem, but maybe the design changes will make the game better for me.
I hope Nintendo takes disconnections seriously when determining rank and whatnot. It was a pain in Mario Kart DS but at least you were only investing a few minutes per match. An Advance Wars match can take a while and I'd hate to be screwed out of a victory because the other person couldn't take a loss, especially 10 minutes into the match.
DO WANT. But that 2-screen pic of the main character in the video? Ahh... his expression is a little idiotic.

Anyway, wifi -- i am SO there.
[quote name='emg28']My addiction to AW started with warsong (genesis). That game kicked ass! Once in a while i still break out my genesis and complete the game. Can't wait for AW: DOR. Who cares about the title? It's all about the gameplay!![/quote]
I feel compelled to point out that despite similar gameplay, Warsong (Langrisser..3? I think? in Japan), has no relationship to AW or Intelligent Systems. The biggest clue is that prior to the GBA games, Advance Wars was called Nintendo Wars (actually, Famicom Wars) on the NES.
[quote name='sayHey']augh, still need to finish Dual Strike.. =/

its just going to keep piling up![/quote]

I have not even started this one. should I pick it up or wait for the new one? Anybody want to sell dual strike let me know
[quote name='io']Yeah, I'd have to say AW DS is still my favorite DS game. Nothing in the (2?) years since then has supplanted it IMO. I know I put more time into it than several other games put together.

I totally agree. I bought a GBA for the 2 Advanced Wars then bought a DS for Dual Strike...I beat the game, then sell the system since that is all I play on them.
Nice box art!
...but when are they gonna reveal the Kenshiro unit?

[quote name='FurryCurry']Any preorder deals for this game?[/QUOTE]

None that I know of. I do have this preordered at EB Games though and I'm trying to figure out what retail is on it since they often (but not always) tack on $5 extra to DS games.

I want to use my store credit, so that means either EB or Gamecrazy. I don't know what GC charges for it. Looking online, though, I see it for $34.99 at Amazon but $29.99 at (with free shipping at both places FYI). Walmart, Target, and Circuit City don't have it listed at all. So I'm thinking that MSRP is $34.99 so it is OK to go with EB on this one. But I guess I need to see what GC charges first anyway.

Oh wait, just checked Best Buy and they have it for $29.99, so now I'm thinking it is supposed to be $29.99 (Amazon is just being wierd I guess). So I *really* need to check with GC now :lol:.
How can that be the final cover? I thought the name was changed to Dark Conflict! Is this a region thing, like the mario hoops 3-on-3/ mario slam basketball thing?
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Dark Conflict is what it's called in Europe.[/quote]

yep, thats where I live. Dark Conflict > Days of Ruin
[quote name='Mr. Roper']Advance Wars 2 was the worst game I bought for the gba. Was dual strike much better?[/quote]

If you didn't like AW2, I am guessing you didn't like 1 or DS. You probably aren't going to like the new game either. They are all very similar in gameplay.
I loved Dual Strike, so I'm looking forward to getting this, though I have a substantial stack of Picross puzzles to get through before it exits my DS.
If I can nab this with some sort of coupon or if some store has a sale on release day, I'll grab it, otherwise it might get lost in my backlog :(

I haven't even finished AWDS on hard yet :bomb:
[quote name='dpadilla4']I think gs/eb is the only store that i selling it for 34.99. I hope nobody buys it there.[/QUOTE]

It is still $34.99 at Amazon. I do have a preorder at EB, but I can just cancel that and preorder at Gamecrazy instead. I better do it soon though as they have a cutoff for preorders sometime in the week before the game comes out. Hopefully they'd get enough of this to hold one for me. You never know, though, sometimes their games are sold as preorders only and they don't get extra copies.
Gah, I can't wait for this game...hopefully we can get some good battles going! I really suck though, so don't expect to lose against me. :)
[quote name='hootie']I really suck though, so don't expect to lose against me. :)[/QUOTE]

Note to self: Add hootie's FC first!
The game looks interesting, but I got maybe a third of the way through the original, haven't touched the second, and haven't played any of the three Fire Emblem games I've picked up on the cheap through CAG.

Is there any reason why I should pick up this one instead of ignoring my backlog? I know this one is supposed to have a new plot, but what other changes are there?

Even though I suck, I'm still tempted to go for it just for online play...which I wouldn't have much time for because of college, but would still rock when I do. :whistle2:k
[quote name='yukine']I'm horrible as well, haven't beat any of the games. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Note to self:

1) Add Yukine's AW FC ASAP as well
2) Get revenge for him demolishing me in Strikers Charged.

Oh, now I HAVE to get this game day one and actually play it day one instead of tossing it on the backlog pile. I guess DQMJ can take a break (though I haven't played it much recently anyway). I'll have to bust out the Zelda DS for this ('tis still in its box). Let's spend next week playing single-player (I have to get back into this as I haven't touched AW DS in over a year) and go for some multiplayer on the weekend or the following week.
This is defiantly a must have game for me. I love games that involves with military strategy. I wonder should I be a cheapass and freeze my nads at Nintendo store trying to get one 25 free copy of this game? I was figuring a non-mainstream game that my chances are good.
I'm up for some advance wars matches. when the game comes out here, I'll be sure to buy it. PM me if your interested. good players not apllicable
I tried to play Dual Strike this week.

I found it middle of last year for $15, complete at gamecrazy!

I brought it to work and beat the first 2 stages during my breaks,

then I went home and saw the commercial for the new one.

at first (b4 I saw the commercial) I was like "man this game looks tite but I am BROKE! I'ma jus play the old one I got on my shelf!"

now it's all wi-fi and shyt and I'm like "nah mang... I gotta save my money now to get the new one and play it instead!"
Though I'm still hyped for this game...IS has really thinned it down.

No Hard Campaign
No War Room
No Combat
No Survival
No Place to buy new maps/etc (Hachi)

Kotaku Impressions.

I spent way too much time playing Advance Wars: Day of Ruins over the weekend. The latest in the franchise, remains just as addictive as its predecessors. I was disappointed to find that the more detailed, grittier look found in the game's cut scenes vanish when you drop into play.

Once you're in the game, duking it out with a new slate of bad guys across a post apocalyptic wasteland, the game looks an awful lot like Advance Wars Double Strike. Fortunately you don't have a whole lot of time to sit around marveling at how the vehicles still look like Tonka trucks, because the game's artificial intelligence ramps up quickly.

By level 14, in fact, I had hit the sort of wall that required me to play the conflict over, and over, and over again, getting so annoyed at my imaginary adversary at one point that me wife asked me who I was playing. (She walked off in disgust when she realized I'd been yelling at the DS and not a real person.)
In fact, some of the single player campaign battles almost feel like tactical brainteasers. These levels are constructed so tightly that I suspect there are actually only a few ways to win.

The gameplay is pretty much the same as found in previous versions, though a few tweaks and a few new units help to make the experience feel fresh.

The game allows your units to level up in battle, up to level three. Each time you defeat an enemy and go up a level that unit gets a bonus in attack and defense.

While the commander special attacks found in Double Strike remain in the game, you can also now pick the commander up in a unit, which gets an instant jump up to level 3. A zone around the commander's unit also gets offensive and defensive boosts. The zone increases as your commander's power boosts with victories. When the unit carrying the commander is defeated the commander is sent back to camp to await a new ride, but not removed permanently from the battle.

The new units also add a couple of twists to gameplay. For instance, rigs can build temporary ports and airports. Other new units include motorcycle-mounted infantry units, a land or air attacking Duster plane, a mobile anti-tank unit and a unit that can shoot a flare to reveal hidden units.

Since I was tucked away in the mountains, internet free, over the weekend I wasn't able to test out the coolest new feature of Days of Ruins: The voice-chat enabled online play.

The game supports up to four players either in online play or local multi-card play. It also allows you to create and trade maps, which should give the game plenty of legs.

Having spent the weekend, mostly, beating up AI, I'm psyched to test out my tactics on real live opponents.

Even if the game hadn't changed a thing from Dual Strike the inclusion of online multiplay would make it worth the price, but the beefed up AI and play tweaks mean that I've got a new addition I can carry around in my pocket.
bread's done