Advice: Gift For A Bratty Gamer


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Im a bit stuck. I have a family gift exchange coming up and I got the name of a younger cousin who is fairly spoiled (he IS the 12 year old shouting profanity at you when he "pwns" you in Halo). His mother sent me a long list of games that he would like and so on and so forth. I was hoping to use the opportunity to enlighten the child a bit. Does anyone have any suggestions?

So far I have selected "The Jedi Path" on Amazon and had been considering some DnD books. I had also been considering going on and getting some classic PC titles or maybe picking up one of the older Indie Bundles from the trading section. Has anyone successfully de-douched a family member?
[quote name='whoknows']Just get him something you know he wont like that's cheap and something he can't trade in/resell.[/QUOTE]


New and used starting at $1.75!
A lump of coal and a good smack in the face every time he cusses near you. Sounds like my GF's nephews who are spoiled rotten and cuss a lot.
The correct answer is nothing. Explain your reasoning like an adult and if the family criticizes you, stand your ground. Brats don't deserve gifts. If the mother is perpetuating this behavior, tell her to take that list she sent you and stick it up her ass.
lol D&D? I've gamed my entire life and I don't even have the attention span to sit down and listen to a game master explain rules from a book. D&D just sounds very extreme for not only a child his age, but someone who prefers games like halo. He won't touch that. I do love board games though, and there are many different kinds you can choose from out there -- perhaps it would serve as some family bonding or whatever you're looking for.

Also, maybe an action title with some actual culture to gain from it, instead of the hollywood level characters you see in Gears, Halo, Resistance, etc... A type of game you know he'd like, but one that has some message to convey beyond, "wooah masterbro, aliens!"

Alan Wake? Maybe Bioshock if the shooting mechanics don't bore the hell out of him? Mass Effect 2?

If there's anything for certain, don't buy him a game that takes actual skill ;)
I started playing D&D when I was 8 or 9. Just because you don't have an attention span or imagination doesn't mean the rest of us don't :p Seriously though, the OP mentioned he was looking at D&D anyway so I figured I'd offer that up.
[quote name='OnyxPrimal']I started playing D&D when I was 8 or 9. Just because you don't have an attention span or imagination doesn't mean the rest of us don't :p Seriously though, the OP mentioned he was looking at D&D anyway so I figured I'd offer that up.[/QUOTE]

The type of kid he described wouldn't touch D&D.

And I am very imganitive, but D&D really depends on all participating players to be taking it seriously. Otherwise it's a very annoying thing to try to put together, I've tried it multiple times. Always depends on the people, and the kid he described would be quite the challenge. 12 is a large step up from 8. It'd be easier to at least start with a type of board game before asking a halo player to roleplay.
[quote name='TctclMvPhase']Im a bit stuck. I have a family gift exchange coming up and I got the name of a younger cousin who is fairly spoiled (he IS the 12 year old shouting profanity at you when he "pwns" you in Halo). His mother sent me a long list of games that he would like and so on and so forth. I was hoping to use the opportunity to enlighten the child a bit. Does anyone have any suggestions?

So far I have selected "The Jedi Path" on Amazon and had been considering some DnD books. I had also been considering going on and getting some classic PC titles or maybe picking up one of the older Indie Bundles from the trading section. Has anyone successfully de-douched a family member?[/QUOTE]
Get him one of those Bratz games, like the baby one. Hilarity will ensue.
Thanks for the suggestions everyone. I have tried some items such as sporting equipment before. Since I live on the other side of the country, some of the items fell flat because theres no one there to make sure he goes outside to play once in awhile.

I think I may go with the Red Book. I didnt realize this was out and the normal PHB set was out of my range. Most of my cousins play and hopefully I can convince his mother that he should try out the DnD Encounters in their area. It may also turn into a good chance for the whole family to play as well.

I love the idea with the Petz. I may see if I can find a cheap copy and just grab the box to put everything in.
I take it back since he probably upgraded the moment he got the chance and probably doesn't have a PS2. Get him Eternal sonata for the same reasons, it appears girly and unlikely to be appreciated, though it is a great game.
bread's done