Advice on Calculating Income/Salary


9 (100%)
I'm at somewhat of a crossroads with various opportunities right now for my employment and was doing comparisons against what I make in my area.

Does anyone know if median income in general for an area calculate benefits in its calculations?

Whether its included or not, does anyone have a general value of what its worth.

So if someone is working at mcdonalds here and makes about 15k from minimum wage what would be the general value of having a standard retirement/insurance/vacation, and lets say for this comparison there are not any major medical bills.
Income does not include benefits unless stated otherwise.

The value of benefits mostly depends on how good the medical plan you are offered is.

Retirement, other insurance (life, long term disability) and vacation will only cost them a couple percent of your salary or less, also just because they offer vacation does not mean they'll ever let you actually use it.

Medical on the other hand costs a fortune. Even if they only pay $300 a month for your that's almost 25% of your salary.

In short it can vary from 10% on the low end if they basically offer a terrible health savings plan rather than medical insurance to over 50% of your salary if you were to find a job that offers full medical with little cost to you.
There isn't going to be any set calculator that includes benefits as those vary from employer to employer. Both in terms of the types of benefits offered, and how much you have to pay in premiums vs. how much the employer covers etc.
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income and compensation (which includes bennies and 401(k) matching and such) aren't the same for most of those calculators that you see out there.
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