Airline tickets?

i always just use expedia. check the direct airline once you find a price, sometimes it's cheaper, but expedia was same price, so i just went with them since i was getting a car too. buy soon, prices have already gone up about $100 in a month... is what we used last time we bought tickets from boston to france. We were really impressed with their prices.
I always use I just like their interface the best. But after I find the cheapest flight I usually go to the airline's website.
[quote name='jello00']I always use I just like their interface the best. But after I find the cheapest flight I usually go to the airline's website.[/quote]

seconded! kayak checks all the search engines at once, best way to find totally lowest price. they dont sell you the ticket, so no reason for them to cheat you, they just show who has it the cheapest (usually it is via the airline direct for me).
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