Alan Wake 19.96 @ Amazon

thanks OP, might give up on getting the LE and just get the game

still mad that last year after about 3 months of checking the price of the LE on amazon daily, it dropped to $30 for a DOTD on the one day that I don't check CAG...

I got this game when amazon and walmart had it at 20 last month or so. Amazing price for what is an amazing game. I think this and other games like 3d dot game hero were way to under appreciated and wish I jumped on this sooner.

Also doesn't someone like walmart or newegg or someone have the LE for 30 or has that passed already?

Picked it up and still have prime so got 2 day shipping. Figure it will give me something to squeeze in until MvC 3.
This is $20 even the cheapest of cheapasses would deem well-spent! Although, if that CE comes back down to $25-$30 range....
[quote name='xewndar1']this game was a flop, cheap price for a flop game. no thanks[/QUOTE]

2 Million units for a niche title is pretty solid, but with the install base the 360 has you would figure it would have sold much more, either way it was a fantastic game.
[quote name='xewndar1']this game was a flop, cheap price for a flop game. no thanks[/QUOTE]
>implying that sales determine whether or not a game is good.
[quote name='xewndar1']this game was a flop, cheap price for a flop game. no thanks[/QUOTE]

whether it was a flop or not sales wise, it is still a great game.

Of course, if you're one of those morons who think only big sales = great game, then you should avoid this title as it would be above your head anyway. thanks.
All hail confoosious!

[quote name='confoosious']whether it was a flop or not sales wise, it is still a great game.

Of course, if you're one of those morons who think only big sales = great game, then you should avoid this title as it would be above your head anyway. thanks.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='confoosious']whether it was a flop or not sales wise, it is still a great game.

Of course, if you're one of those morons who think only big sales = great game, then you should avoid this title as it would be above your head anyway. thanks.[/QUOTE]

So much real talking, by that definition, Call of Duties are the best games ever made, all this guy probably plays is Madden and Call of Duty anyway.
Every 360 owner should do themselves a favor and play/own this game. I actually just started playing through the game once again this afternoon (picked up the CE for free thanks to Amazon credit back when it was $30). Excellent, excellent game.
[quote name='confoosious']whether it was a flop or not sales wise, it is still a great game.

Of course, if you're one of those morons who think only big sales = great game, then you should avoid this title as it would be above your head anyway. thanks.[/QUOTE]

Pretty much this.

It can be a bit repetitive I guess, but it's still a very awesome game. The DLC packaging is very nice, but honestly the DLC extra episodes are little more than filler, some kind of bad at that. Yay platforming? Hell no.

Still a nice deal for this though, even regular, cause like I said the DLC is kinda poopy. :p
[quote name='xewndar1']this game was a flop, cheap price for a flop game. no thanks[/QUOTE]

this game is far from a flop...
the main reason that this game didnt sell alot is because Red dead redemption came out on the same day not to mention split/second and prince of Persia which took sales away from it too
I still wish it came out on PS3. This game is one of the very few reasons I was thinking of buying an old arcade unit for cheap when they were being phased out.
[quote name='HakurenKyo06']2 Million units for a niche title is pretty solid, but with the install base the 360 has you would figure it would have sold much more, either way it was a fantastic game.[/QUOTE]

I was wondering how the game did sales-wise. I hope they make a 2nd/continue supporting it with dlc. I JUST beat it a few minutes ago actually, and what a ride!
[quote name='patches48']I was wondering how the game did sales-wise. I hope they make a 2nd/continue supporting it with dlc. I JUST beat it a few minutes ago actually, and what a ride![/QUOTE]

Unfortunately Remedy has said The Writer DLC is the last DLC. They haven't ruled out a sequel though, but my guess is it would take just as long to develop as the first.
[quote name='xewndar1']this game was a flop, cheap price for a flop game. no thanks[/QUOTE]

Brilliant. Flipping that around, Wii Play must be one of the best games of this gen, right?
[quote name='HaloGX']Unfortunately Remedy has said The Writer DLC is the last DLC. They haven't ruled out a sequel though, but my guess is it would take just as long to develop as the first.[/QUOTE]

Boooo. :cry:

I will pick this back up when it hits the $10-$15 dollar range. I picked up the DLC when it was on sale and can't wait to give them a whirl sometime.
This game is really good. It reminds me of why I like video games.

I doubt a sequel would take as long to develop as this one did since it would probably use a lot of the same assets. Also consider that a 5 year development cycle is unsustainable, they probably couldn't make money on this game even if they sold 5 million copies, maybe even 10 million. How much do you think a team of developers/testers/PR/cleaning crew/building rent/utilities on an office/etc cost for FIVE YEARS?
[quote name='Ryan0991']>implying that sales determine whether or not a game is good.[/QUOTE]

The game didn't really interest me at all but I picked up the download voucher from Amazon for $12.68 shipped. I've only played the first level but I really enjoyed it and I'm looking forward to plopping down in front of it more.
[quote name='Mahgin86']This.

The game didn't really interest me at all but I picked up the download voucher from Amazon for $12.68 shipped. I've only played the first level but I really enjoyed it and I'm looking forward to plopping down in front of it more.[/QUOTE]

By the first level, you mean the tutorial where you're going to the light house or do you mean the first level after that one?
Everyone....look on ebay. They have the digital download voucher for like $10-12 shipped!

After owning the LE of this game, renting it again for the Signal, returning it, and then missing out on The Writer...i figured it was a good time to make this one a keeper!

This game is awesome, has a terrific soundtrack, and a mind warping story.

A+ buy!
Keep in mind the physical copy of the game (if new) comes with the a code for the 1st DLC.

The download vouchers are just the main game, no DLC.

Having played the game (and enjoying it), I personally think the DLC is very non-essential and doesn't really progress the story much. Other people feel differently though. YMMV
[quote name='cthomer5000']Keep in mind the physical copy of the game (if new) comes with the a code for the 1st DLC.

The download vouchers are just the main game, no DLC.

Having played the game (and enjoying it), I personally think the DLC is very non-essential and doesn't really progress the story much. Other people feel differently though. YMMV[/QUOTE]

I picked up the GoD version of the game from a voucher and bought both DLC packs for 200 msp when they were on sale. Did you play both or just the first one that came with the game? On its own that one is probably useless, but together I think they wrap up the game nicely.
[quote name='typical guy']By the first level, you mean the tutorial where you're going to the light house or do you mean the first level after that one?[/QUOTE]
I've finished the first episode, about to start the second. I thought the lighthouse part was just part of the first episode.
bread's done