Alias ends it run at the conclusion of the fifth season

Can't really say that this was unexpected by me. When a network starts to play where the fuck can we place this show on its schedule, nothing good can come of it. Still, with 7 million viewers that's not exactly terrible, especially against Survivor. I thought the series would have gone at least 6-8 seasons. Oh well...the show was damn hard to follow anyway.
Wow, just wow. Thats pretty sad. A show is getting 7 million people per night and its going to get booted. Sure it had a decline, but I mean come on, its like they wanted to get rid of the show anyway. I mean lets stack it against a juggernaut that always manages to get viewers, never been a fan of Survivor, and see how it goes. I'd say losing only 3 million is pretty damn impressive. Just goes to show that it was planned to be axed with the move.

Atleast they are going to finish out the season, unlike some other shows that get the axe.
I have never really gotten into the show, but I was amazed to see that the CIA enlisted her to make a recruitment video, didn't know they were that hard up.
I've always speculated (and hoped) that they'd conclude the series with a film. Alas, I forgot that Disney / ABC sucked cock.
bread's done