Alien vs Predator Movie Review


Last week I gave a brief review of Collateral. This week is my brief review of AVP.

The creature designs were great in the past and great today.
Great Special effects!
The Battle scenes are good!

The premise and the screenplay is god-awful.
The dialog is the worse part of the movie. Imagine a lot rolling eyes in the theater.
The beginning (which introduces the humans) went way too long. The humans are not important at all.

Grade C

One more note: I don't understand why this movie is PG-13. This movie was way more violent and gory than the first Alien (which is R rated). This shows that the ratings system is broken.
[quote name='Xevious']
One more note: I don't understand why this movie is PG-13. This movie was way more violent and gory than the first Aliens (which is R rated). This shows that the ratings system is broken.[/quote]

Alien was given an R rating due to violence and intense moments...when there were no other films like it. Now we can watch a guy get sand blasted to a skeleton in Riddick and every kind of fun/evil way to see an Orc dioe in LOTR.

The rating system is broken, because peoples overall morals are broken.

Sex>Violence is just wrong.
[quote name='AlbinoNinja']read a review of it, the plot sounds dumb as hell. The entire predator making friends with human sounds REALLY stupid.[/quote]

It is not as bad as it sounds, though the script must have been written after watching all the Alien and Predator movies, because it seems like someone did a copy and paste job and changed the title.
[quote name='AlbinoNinja']read a review of it, the plot sounds dumb as hell. The entire predator making friends with human sounds REALLY stupid.[/quote]

Hey it was really cheesy when the predator befriended the humans. Thats what ruined the movie for me at least.
i loved the movie. i thought it was pretty cool. it had its lil issues expecially with that women but still i thought the fight scenes were awesome. cant wait for sequel
[quote name='scdoanintendo'][quote name='AlbinoNinja']read a review of it, the plot sounds dumb as hell. The entire predator making friends with human sounds REALLY stupid.[/quote]

Hey it was really cheesy when the predator befriended the humans. Thats what ruined the movie for me at least.[/quote]

First of all, You guys might want to put a SPOILER alert before posting this.


Secondly, I can sort of see what where you are coming from. I thought it was strange seeing both the Predator and the chick running together through the building. It didn't ruined the movie for me though

I laughed my ass off when I saw the predator and the girl running as the explosion was nipping at their heels. The way each person's hair is (like braided or something) makes them look almost exactly the same except for height.
[quote name='scdoanintendo'][quote name='AlbinoNinja']read a review of it, the plot sounds dumb as hell. The entire predator making friends with human sounds REALLY stupid.[/quote]

Hey it was really cheesy when the predator befriended the humans. Thats what ruined the movie for me at least.[/quote]

i agree... that part was so lame.
Weird ass movie, best part was when sliced the preditor's head off that was behind him, it was dead silent after that, and out of no where my friend says (pretty damn loud i might add) "That turned me on". fucking hilarious.
The preview of this movie says:
"Whoever wins, we lose"

I don't see that's true. We, human, still won the battle together with the Predators. They fought together and at the end, only human lives in the earth.

Based on the commercial and that particular claim, I was expecting one of the species is going to rule the earth and human kind is nearly destroyed (and the sequel will be the rebuilding of humans).

I think the preview misleading, can we sue?
I liked it for what it was, a thin excuse to have movie monsters duke it out, I mean seriously people who goes to a movie like this expecting a solid plot?

I thinke the only cool part of the movie was a somewhat explaination of the the predators past and the aliens orgin. But come on when the predator gave the lady that alien head and weapon thing, that was the lame turning point in the movie. Also the other predators lost so fast, but there was one super elite predator, wtf.
I thought the movie was just fine for what it was. i was surprised that most of the predators got their asses kicked so quickly, but I was pleased that the humans dropped like flies. Why shouldn't one predator be a little more badass than the others? It's not like they were hunting pokemon. I admit I did laugh a bit when the team-up happened, but they never pretended that the human was on anywhere near equal terms with the predator. And I liked the idea of their code of honour. The end was just silly though. A megaship full o predators with x-ray vision and they let that slip by?
I hate to be a continuity snob but did anyone remember the actual Bishop being in Alien 3 which takes place a few hundred years past present day? Dont think mr. anderson payed too close attention to the past flix.
[quote name='cficare']I hate to be a continuity snob but did anyone remember the actual Bishop being in Alien 3 which takes place a few hundred years past present day? Dont think mr. anderson payed too close attention to the past flix.[/quote]

Ha. Im an Alien junkie. Bishop was in "Aliens" and "Alien 3". Did you get the in-joke in AVP when Lance Herkinson was in the office with the pen? I bet you didnt. Im almost positive they callled that character Charles Bishop Wayland as an homage.
Anyone care to compare it to the AVP comics or novels? For the record, in the one novel I read, Predators wound up allied with humans against the Aliens. I wasn't able to find any more books after that, and had gotten out of comics by that time.
[quote name='Mr. Anderson'][quote name='cficare']I hate to be a continuity snob but did anyone remember the actual Bishop being in Alien 3 which takes place a few hundred years past present day? Dont think mr. anderson payed too close attention to the past flix.[/quote]

Ha. Im an Alien junkie. Bishop was in "Aliens" and "Alien 3". Did you get the in-joke in AVP when Lance Herkinson was in the office with the pen? I bet you didnt. Im almost positive they callled that character Charles Bishop Wayland as an homage.[/quote]

Yeah, I guess it's supposed to be his company ( a robotics firm ) that develops the synthetic humanoids, and consequently Bishop. Cool little caveat there.

[quote name='psyclerk']Anyone care to compare it to the AVP comics or novels? For the record, in the one novel I read, Predators wound up allied with humans against the Aliens. I wasn't able to find any more books after that, and had gotten out of comics by that time.[/quote]


I haven't read it myself, but my friend filled me in. A woman did "befreind" the predators, only it was on a remote colony that was wiped out (except for her). She was indoctrinated as a Predator herself, and in the last cell of the comic a predator took off it's mask revealing that it was her. Not sure if I conveyed that clearly or not, but the lameness of this movie was somewhat based in comic fact.
[quote name='Mr. Anderson'][quote name='cficare']I hate to be a continuity snob but did anyone remember the actual Bishop being in Alien 3 which takes place a few hundred years past present day? Dont think mr. anderson payed too close attention to the past flix.[/quote]

Ha. Im an Alien junkie. Bishop was in "Aliens" and "Alien 3". Did you get the in-joke in AVP when Lance Herkinson was in the office with the pen? I bet you didnt. Im almost positive they callled that character Charles Bishop Wayland as an homage.[/quote]

I caught the pen thing. A quick reference to the knife scene with Hudson in Aliens.
The movie was much better than I thought it would be.
The action scenes were impressive. It seemed very violent for a PG-13 movie. Can't wait for the Director's cut on dvd.


Can't remember who made the comment about the predators at the end having x-ray vision & not noticing the alien being hosted in their fallen comrade. Did you not notice that at that time, none of them had their masks on? Obviously the masks offer various vision modes that the naked eye doesn't.
Speaking of Hudson, I think there should be an all-time award for "Best Whiny Bitch" character. Bill Paxton takes the cake in Aliens.

Also, I read in Stuff this morning that he's the only guy to be killed by a Terminator, an Alien, AND a Predator. Sweet. I'd have loved to be just ONE of those movies, much less one movie in all THREE series!
[quote name='WildWop']Speaking of Hudson, I think there should be an all-time award for "Best Whiny Bitch" character. Bill Paxton takes the cake in Aliens.

Also, I read in Stuff this morning that he's the only guy to be killed by a Terminator, an Alien, AND a Predator. Sweet. I'd have loved to be just ONE of those movies, much less one movie in all THREE series![/quote]

Bill Paxton is fucking hilarious in Aliens.

"WE fuckED MAN, WE'RE fuckED!"

[quote name='Mr. Anderson']It was a fun, entertaining action movie. I left my brain at the door and had a ball.[/quote]

I was in the same boat. I knew this thing was going to wreak of late 80's cheesy sci-fi and it did not disappoint. I really enjoyed it.
I wish I had 2 more hands so I could give this movie 4 thumbs down.

I hated it, and Im in the young male demographic its aimed at. If I wanted pointless violence with an awful plot, I would just turn on the TV.
Naw. what I was actually saying was at the end of Alien 3. The actual guy that Bishop was designed after showed up. He pleaded Ripley not to off herself. He owned the company and all that rott. Meaning the writer/director is an idiot. Tis a continuity error.
Are you sure? Because I'm pretty sure that scene in Alien 3 only takes place in the special edition (non-theatrical release)

And yes the company's name is Wayland-Yutani.

Personally, I thought the movie was ass... the actual AVP comics by DC were awsome... as well as the noveltization.
The planet in the comic is Ryushi, where they ranch ryushi (large herd animal like cows). Preds come cuz they used the planet as a training grounds for would-be hunters (also, preds call themselves Yautja). Thier species is very much centered around honor and loyalty (much like klingons). The woman who befriends broken-tusk (the pred lead in the comic/book) is named Noguchi. This happens only after she earns his respect as a warrior.
Lots of other crap happens... to lazy to type the rest... but yeah ask me if ya guys have questions....
[quote name='cficare']Naw. what I was actually saying was at the end of Alien 3. The actual guy that Bishop was designed after showed up. He pleaded Ripley not to off herself. He owned the company and all that rott. Meaning the writer/director is an idiot. Tis a continuity error.[/quote]

Actually in Alien 3 he tells Ripley that he designed the Bishop android unit. It never says anything about him owning Weyland Yutani either.
[quote name='Xevious'][quote name='scdoanintendo'][quote name='AlbinoNinja']read a review of it, the plot sounds dumb as hell. The entire predator making friends with human sounds REALLY stupid.[/quote]

Hey it was really cheesy when the predator befriended the humans. Thats what ruined the movie for me at least.[/quote]

First of all, You guys might want to put a SPOILER alert before posting this.


Secondly, I can sort of see what where you are coming from. I thought it was strange seeing both the Predator and the chick running together through the building. It didn't ruined the movie for me though[/quote]

EXACTLY! i just read that and was like, "wtf!?"
[quote name='doraemonkerpal'][quote name='Xevious'][quote name='scdoanintendo'][quote name='AlbinoNinja']read a review of it, the plot sounds dumb as hell. The entire predator making friends with human sounds REALLY stupid.[/quote]

Hey it was really cheesy when the predator befriended the humans. Thats what ruined the movie for me at least.[/quote]

First of all, You guys might want to put a SPOILER alert before posting this.


Secondly, I can sort of see what where you are coming from. I thought it was strange seeing both the Predator and the chick running together through the building. It didn't ruined the movie for me though[/quote]

EXACTLY! i just read that and was like, "wtf!?"[/quote]


She DID kill an alien, which is the Predator's rite-of-passage according to the film. There's apparently a good amount of respect given to Preds [in their society] that successfully come back from the trials, so given that the human was able to accomplish the same thing as a Predator could validate the fact that a Pred would run along with a human.

Read the comic, and you'll find that a human essentially BECAME a Predator.
Ugh, seriously, WTF, this movie has just firmed my resolve that Anderson is a hack and seriously needs to be stopped. There are so many things wrong with this movie I'm overwhelmed and up to my eyebrows in stupidity.

I seriously cannot decide which is worse, this or alien 4.
Alien 4. Nothing will ever wash away the memory of that LAME human-alien thing at the end. So awful.

AvP is just stupid is all, and I can forgive stupid movies that don't aspire to be anything more than mindless action.
This was one of the worst movies i've ever seen. You know you made a horrible movie when the whole theater starts laughing at serious parts. I mean when the predator started making weapons for the chick the whole theater started laughing their asses off. My friends and I thought it would at least be decent but we were definitly wrong. Instead we started to make fun of the movie and even we got a laugh out of the audience. When the predator and the chick started running in slow motion all that was missing was the cheesy 80's music. The ending was one of the most predictable endings ever. Someone please tell the writer and director to go back to their homes and never I mean never make another movie again.
I have not see the movie, but I just spoke to my friend who did. He said the entire audience was laughing during the last 15 minutes of the movie.
More about Lance's character in Alien 3. That scene did appear in the theatrical version, and it was never clear who exactly this guy was. One common idea is that the Company wanted a friendly face that Ripley could relate to, so they brought out a Bishop android. When he gets smacked by the last convict, his injury looks like it would have killed (or knocked out) a human. I think he was an android.

And AvP was fine, it was just the wrong script. Why have the amazingly well-done story in the original comic series and only take its basic ideas instead of its actual plot? I was torn about this went from great to crap to bleh during the turn of every 5 minutes.


Don't forget that the other two predators were without their shoulder cannon when they got killed. That was the whole point of the movie.
[quote name='Mex25']Someone please tell the writer and director to go back to their homes and never I mean never make another movie again.[/quote]

Writer is the director, he is also the writer of Resident Evil 2, but he's not directing it. Even so, I don't want to encourage him, so I am definitely not going to see that.
SPOILER* The movie straightfucking sucks.

That's all you actually need to know about this waste of time. However, for people who doubt my supreme judgement

*Actual "Plot" spoilers*

The whole sequence where the woman and the Predator teamup wasn't just stupid; It was insanely mindfuck retarded. Am I the only one on the planet that started laughing uncontrollably when the woman and Predator made their "dramatic" escape up the tunnel on that rocketing-dolley thing? Holy Shit, I thought I was going to lose it. Or what about the whole alien tail spear and Alien head shield? God, someone needs to shoot the person who wrote that

*End spoilers*
People wail, vainly trying to defend the movie, by saying "It's all about the fight scenes!!!" Sorry to say; LAME. They were slow and confusingly unimaginative. The writers had so much room to put in some truly bad ass fights, but instead used their opportunities to show the aliens and Predators bumbling around each other. Christ. There were two things that would've made that movie even remotely entertaining:

1. Instead of CGI, they just put guys in rubber suits ala the old Godzilla movies

2. After the first 30 minutes, they just stopped AVP and showed Booty Call instead.
Surprisingly, a good amount of the movie was guys-in-suits. I remember reading that they used guys-in-suits more often then they did CGI. More guys-in-suits won't save a poor script.

If you went into this movie expecting an excellent (read: makes sense at all) story, good acting, and overall everything it isn't, then I feel bad for you. If you could just check your brain in at the concierge -- you know, the pimply-faced kid trying to sell you a Super Combo [the Super meaning an equivalent amount of fat, salts, and sugars to those that Superman burns off in a normal workday] -- you could have a good time watching this mindless crap. Did anyone go into Jurassic Park 2 or 3 expecting an Oscar-worthy epic? No, they went to see dinos eat people. In both cases, the movies themselves sucked, but damn were the dinos cool.

I got to see Aliens kill Predators, Predators kill Aliens, and Aliens kill humans. Who gives a shit about plot when you get the trifecta of death?

This is a MONSTER MOVIE people. Get over it.
The Bishop Wayland at the end of Alien 3 (the one that tried to talk her into coming with them) was an android. When the last convict hit the back of his head with a lead pipe his ear came out from his head at a 90 degree angle and he barely even flinched. They brought him, a Bishop android, along to offer a friendly face that Ripley might possibly be able to trust in hopes of swaying here to hand over the alien inside her.
[quote name='WildWop']Surprisingly, a good amount of the movie was guys-in-suits. I remember reading that they used guys-in-suits more often then they did CGI. More guys-in-suits won't save a poor script.

If you went into this movie expecting an excellent (read: makes sense at all) story, good acting, and overall everything it isn't, then I feel bad for you. If you could just check your brain in at the concierge -- you know, the pimply-faced kid trying to sell you a Super Combo [the Super meaning an equivalent amount of fat, salts, and sugars to those that Superman burns off in a normal workday] -- you could have a good time watching this mindless crap. Did anyone go into Jurassic Park 2 or 3 expecting an Oscar-worthy epic? No, they went to see dinos eat people. In both cases, the movies themselves sucked, but damn were the dinos cool.

I got to see Aliens kill Predators, Predators kill Aliens, and Aliens kill humans. Who gives a shit about plot when you get the trifecta of death?

This is a MONSTER MOVIE people. Get over it.[/quote]

I really tried to check my mind at the door, as much as I tried, I just couldn't overlook the complete and utter lapse of logic and butchering of the continuity of the franchises (apparently gesstation to full size alien time has greatly decreased).
Reality's Fringe]There were two things that would've made that movie even remotely entertaining: 1. Instead of CGI said:
Just be glad that it didn't degenerate into a human/predator booty call.

This movie could have been soooo much better. It was barely passable for mindless entertainment, and I was disappointed there weren't more monster fight scenes. I'm so glad my ticket was FREE.
I thought it was a very "safe" movie. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great. They took the middle ground not to screw anything up too majorly. Lot's of potential though. Loved the "three culture" mythology and the the Weyland corp stuff.
bread's done