Aliens: Colonial Marines out now


2 (100%)
New survival mode video

New story mode trailer added

New Creater vid

E3 gameplay vid

New game action trailer(looks amazing gameplay wise)

Bout damn time but considering the release date place holder is 11/11/11 which is a friday, I don't see this hitting shelves in 2011. There's no way they want to drop with Resistance 3, COD MW3, GoW3 & battlefield all w/i the same period. Jan/Feb 2012 probably.

Edit:Spring 2012 release date confirmed more info. in link too;headline;6

New teaser trailer

More creator chatter + game tidbits

For such a iconic franchise the games have sucked for the most part hopefully this one can be the one to get it back. Then it's on to turning the movies back to the quality of the 2nd film.
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I gave up on ever giving a shit about avp as a game again. Its all been done and been done badly.

The biggest problem with it is everyone does the same thing because the story never, ever changes. Predators hunt aliens, aliens kill everything and humans get stuck in the middle. Yeah you could try and come up with a decent story or something but youll always be playing someplace with a lot of underground tunnels, a temple of some sort, maybe a predator spaceship and a jungle.
[quote name='gargus']I gave up on ever giving a shit about avp as a game again. Its all been done and been done badly.

The biggest problem with it is everyone does the same thing because the story never, ever changes. Predators hunt aliens, aliens kill everything and humans get stuck in the middle. Yeah you could try and come up with a decent story or something but youll always be playing someplace with a lot of underground tunnels, a temple of some sort, maybe a predator spaceship and a jungle.[/QUOTE]

Batman AA restored my faith in gaming it all comes down to the developer
If there was an E3 announcement that Rockstar was making this game people would go nuts. I like that it's squad based co-op really tired of FPS.
[quote name='gargus']I gave up on ever giving a shit about avp as a game again. Its all been done and been done badly.

The biggest problem with it is everyone does the same thing because the story never, ever changes. Predators hunt aliens, aliens kill everything and humans get stuck in the middle. Yeah you could try and come up with a decent story or something but youll always be playing someplace with a lot of underground tunnels, a temple of some sort, maybe a predator spaceship and a jungle.[/QUOTE]

Pretty sure most people don't play the games for the stories.AVP 2 the best game of the series wasn't great for it's story,it captured being a marine,xenomorph,and predator perfectly.It also had a good developer in Monolith making it.
[quote name='themaster20000']Pretty sure most people don't play the games for the stories.AVP 2 the best game of the series wasn't great for it's story,it captured being a marine,xenomorph,and predator perfectly.It also had a good developer in Monolith making it.[/QUOTE]

Thats exactly the point I just made by saying "Yes, you could put in a pretty good story but its still just the same old thing". So thank you for agreeing with me on that.

And avp2 wasnt bad, but again, it was the same old thing. Marines get killed easy, have the same weapons, motion trackers blah blah blah. Avp is a very narrow window really because each race is tied to being a very narrow concept. And they are all generic, there is no central marine or predator because they are all just faceless groups with no singular identity among them.

So yes, monolith did a good job but they just did a good job at doing the same thing everyone else did because you were still going through same old human installations, same old tunnels, killing the same old things.

[quote name='Enuf']Batman AA restored my faith in gaming it all comes down to the developer
If there was an E3 announcement that Rockstar was making this game people would go nuts. I like that it's squad based co-op really tired of FPS.[/QUOTE]

But the thing about batman is, he isnt some generic marine and nameless predator. He is a character with a personality and story beyond just "I kill aliens" or "I hunt for sport". Plus he has a wide range of great characters to pull from in terms of friends and foes with a long and varied history. Even generic hencman in his universe are diverse.

What made arkahm asylum good is because for once a developer tried to play to batmans roots instead of just trying to make a shitty game and use the batman name as a hook. Up till AA all anyone ever did was try to cash in on the name of batman and made the games shallow. AVP on the other hand is shallow to begin with because it has no history, no long list of great characters and is always basically the exact same thing over and over again. Its basically monsters killing eachother and thats it, its one of those things once its good thats it for the series because you have no place left to go with it. Youll always be using that same motion tracker shooting that same pulse rifle, youll always be using heat vision with that same claw, youll always be running up walls using that same tail attack.

Once you play one avp game, you played them all.
I agree wit you on the generic characters but some of the blame needs to go towards the movies b/c beyond Ripley, Bishop & the quirky marines in Aliens I find all the other one just fodder.
That's why I like that this is squad based if done correctly those moments of panic to close/seal off every entry way as the ping from the motion sensor goes crazy tense. They need it to be very tense like Dead Space but chaotic at the same time.
I think the game will be great. Gearbox is a really solid dev (vs Rebellion who made the others, not in same league IMO) and has been working on this for a long time. And this isn't an AvP game and really has nothing in common with those titles (from a being made standpoint, besides being published by Sega).
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought this game was supposed to be closer to Aliens(I mean the second movie btw) than all that AVP bullshit.

Off-topic, but I just watched Aliens last night on blu ray, and never realized how well made it was until yesterday. I've seen the movie at least a dozen times before, but I was still on the edge of my seat, especially after the first battle with the aliens. I suppose since I'm older now, I can truly appreciate all the pacing and tension that's used in it. If the devs can try to capture something like that, then they really have something good in their hands.
[quote name='eddie291']Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought this game was supposed to be closer to Aliens(I mean the second movie btw) than all that AVP bullshit.

Off-topic, but I just watched Aliens last night on blu ray, and never realized how well made it was until yesterday. I've seen the movie at least a dozen times before, but I was still on the edge of my seat, especially after the first battle with the aliens. I suppose since I'm older now, I can truly appreciate all the pacing and tension that's used in it. If the devs can try to capture something like that, then they really have something good in their hands.[/QUOTE]

That is true. On the film note, let us lament the death of good James Cameron.
All I know is, if this is anything like AVP on PS3, then it will probably be a release day purchase for me. Love games that combine FPS mechanics with survival horror style, thought that one was very underrated personally.
[quote name='Saint Noir']That is true. On the film note, let us lament the death of good James Cameron.[/QUOTE]

I love retarded comments like this, Avatar was garbage, amirite?

I'm really looking forward to this game, I wish they look back at the first AvP game for PC and try and recreate that tense environment.
[quote name='tcrash247']I love retarded comments like this, Avatar was garbage, amirite?[/QUOTE]

Garbage, no. On the level of his earlier works? Not even close. So, sorry I think about my art and media. I've long thought Cameron on a downswing. It's cool if you like Avatar. I know plenty of people in the industry (film) that love it. That's fine. I just find it generic and boring. I wanted to love it.
[quote name='gargus']But the thing about batman is, he isnt some generic marine and nameless predator. He is a character with a personality and story beyond just "I kill aliens" or "I hunt for sport". Plus he has a wide range of great characters to pull from in terms of friends and foes with a long and varied history. Even generic hencman in his universe are diverse.[/QUOTE]

Batman AA is a fantastic game that draws on Batman's detective role as much as the beat-em-up/stealth gameplay. IMO that's what made the game a classic - the diverse gameplay.

It's why Dead Space works even though you know almost nothing about the character's past beyond the fact that his gf got lost on the mining ship. Through the diverse gameplay and general mood you start to get a feel for who he is - an engineer besting space marines at their own game, MacGyver stuck in an Aliens world.

You'll never get that in an AVP game because they have to cram three main characters into one plot - making anything beyond generic FPS too much to handle.
I am excited for this seeing Gearbox is making it. Borderlands was hands down my favorite game of 09 and Duke Nukem Forever is looking amazing. Gearbox has shown that they can make a damn good shooter, and I have high hopes here. I would really love a survival horror type shooter, something dead space like, but without the cheap scare tactics dead space 2 throws at you every 3 seconds that it gets old after 5 hours in.
4 Player drop in and out coop confirmed. A "true sequel" to Aliens.

Did a trailer ever pop up for this? Or any big info drop? I saw the brief clip from Nintendo's thing... but haven't seen anything major. Coming later (don't know Sega's scheduled time, if they have one).

EDIT - didn't see updated first post. That may answer my questions. :lol:
seems like every year there's a ton b/c so many want to release in the fall vs COD, AC... instead of taking advantage of slower release periods with lil comp. That way they can lead the weekly/monthly sales charts for 1-2 months & have legs thru the holidays selling at a discounted price. I don't know why they just don't learn a good game will sell if promoted correctly & avoid going head to head vs a R* game, Skyrim or COD type title. Late August/early Sept will keep it fresh for the holidays but not head to head vs the top notched titles
damn shame it keeps getting pushed back looked pretty good, better than that last aliens game, ive been waiting for a game that really let you experience that excitement and fear for a while now. the last really fun aliens game for me was the arcade one. avp on arcade was cool too.
it's out now reviews panning it but I'm still gonna buy soon looks fun critics will just help me get a early price match.
Anyone else play this yet? I Redbox'd this last night. Maybe it's because of the way the flashlight moves, but at times, I feel like I'm getting motion sick. The audio effects for this game sound just like the movie though so that's all that I like that about it so far (I'm only at Mission 2). The beeping of the motion sensor combined with alien snarls did make my heart race a little a few times lol. You also get 3 Golden Keys for Borderlands 2 through their SHiFT system if you're signed into PSN.
bread's done