Aliens vs Predator- Game and Demo released

The demo was fun for all of 5 minutes, and that's considering you're randomly assigned to play as alien. When playing a marine it feels like an insanely mediocre, down right piece of shit fps. Alien is pretty fun except when trying to navigate on a wall or ceiling, hf not throwing up. The one map is pitch black and lame as hell; it feels like I'm fighting in someone's intestines. I didn't get the chance to play as predator but I'm sure its like the marine only with cloaking and claws. On a positive note, shoving your alien tail up someone's ass and having it come out of their mouth was pretty cool for a death animation. Using your tail to decapitate another alien was kind of cool too.
[quote name='Thorgouge']The demo was fun for all of 5 minutes, and that's considering you're randomly assigned to play as alien. When playing a marine it feels like an insanely mediocre, down right piece of shit fps. Alien is pretty fun except when trying to navigate on a wall or ceiling, hf not throwing up. The one map is pitch black and lame as hell; it feels like I'm fighting in someone's intestines. I didn't get the chance to play as predator but I'm sure its like the marine only with cloaking and claws. On a positive note, shoving your alien tail up someone's ass and having it come out of their mouth was pretty cool for a death animation. Using your tail to decapitate another alien was kind of cool too.[/QUOTE]

You summed up exactly how I felt about the demo. I wont be purchasing this. If first impressions are everything, they should have tried harder.
[quote name='DV8']Yeah the marines definitely need better detection abilities. I played as the aliens for a few matches and finally got the transitions down but half the time I run past my enemy. Does anyone know what the focus button does for Aliens?[/QUOTE]
every marine i played against seemed now know my exact location even when i was not moving and hiding on the ceiling IN THE DARK. i even saw me taking damage when hiding behind a crate once. wtf
...the fuck?

Since when could humans block blades with their forearms? I know some people will look at that and say, "look at how complex the close combat is," well I say, look at this half ass fight night mechanic.

Instead of coming up with something truly unique to the AvP world they put this in? I dont want to brawl with the other species. As a marine I shouldnt be counter punching a fucking Predator.....

Pffft....I dont even have anything else to say to that. This game is officially garbo and not even worth the effort to talk about.
They can only block light attacks, if they use the heavy attack then you're fucked. If you see a marine trying to go hand to hand against a predator, he's a noob then. I'd block the attack, smack him with the rifle to stun him, then run backwards while shooting him with the pulse rifle.
Gamestop called yesterday and said my Hunter Edition will be in Wednesday, what the hell? I thought it came out today. I'll have to give them a call to make sure.
[quote name='tcrash247']Gamestop called yesterday and said my Hunter Edition will be in Wednesday, what the hell? I thought it came out today. I'll have to give them a call to make sure.[/QUOTE]

Gamestop doesn't pay for overnight shipping on non AAA titles, so they get alot of Tuesday releases on Wednesday.
[quote name='Puffa469']Gamestop doesn't pay for overnight shipping on non AAA titles, so they get alot of Tuesday releases on Wednesday.[/QUOTE]

Bah, that sucks.
Reviews are pretty tough to gauge for this game. I was expecting in the 80's. I saw a chart yesterday and the reviews ranged from 58 to 85 and there were about 15 reviews. This is really a love it or hate it type of game. I'm up for some infestation or any other multiplayer modes so hit me up if you want to play later. I'm going to finish the SP for the marines first though.

God rebellion is a dumb company. Look how much fun species deathmatch is. Why the hell didn't they release that as the demo? These are the times where I wish a competent company like Gearbox, Bungie, IW whoever had the license to AVP.
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The game itself is a lot more fun than the demo indicated. It's not great but it provides exactly what I hoped it would -- good atmosphere and fun blasting aliens away, at least from what I've played so far on the marine campaign. Difficulty on normal seems fairly easy so far too, so I might bump it up.

My only complaint is that the game remains too dark. When the brightness setting says "please turn up the brightness until you can see the logo barely highlighted" and you can't even SEE that logo (in the dark!), even with the settings turned all the way up, some adjustments could be made.
Its a great game with a lot of flaws unfortunately. Random graphic and sound glitches. Checkpoints that can be absurdly ridiculous. Stories goofy but the overall campaign is still fun. I thought the lighting is fine. Use flares. Giving marines flares in the multiplayer would have been a bright idea
Played the XBox 360 single player all weekend and beat all 3 campaigns on normal difficulty.
Easily a solid 8.5, especially if you are a fan of the franchise or respective series.

The only glitch I had was one time I fell through the map and died, but other than that I had no graphics or audio problems. The checkpoints seemed okay to me, at no point did I feel like I had to unnecessarily replay parts of the game.

The Marine missions are the longest, but nothing you wouldn't expect from the series. Corridor shooting, survival horror. The Smartgun is fun to use, but the shotgun is hands down THE weapon for the marines.

To me, the Alien and Predator campaigns were the most fun to play. The Alien is especially fun once you get the controls down to where you can attack and climb walls at the same time with ease. It's very rewarding to take down a platoon of soldiers one at a time then escape to the safety of a corner on the ceiling to plan your next attack.

The Predator campaign is the best videogame version of controlling a Predator so far. All the cool weapons/gadgets, and the ability to freely target jump to locations (ala X-Men Origins: Wolverine game). Also, the invisibility is unlimited, although there are a few things that cause it to go away, so you can take your time and have fun with your prey. The cannon is power based, but there are plenty of opportunites to replenish your power meter in the game. I found myself only using it occasionally. The spear is the best weapon of the game, but you only get it very late into the game. The Throwing blade is surprisingly effective and rarely gets an instant kill but it satisfies when you do.

Some may complain that it is short even with 3 campaigns, but it seems like there is a lot of replay value and I haven't even cracked the MP yet.
The main place I ran into sound glitches was near the middle when
you have to kill your squad leader
after you go up in the elevator. Using the flamethrower on the Aliens caused a very loud annoying sound when they were dieing that wasn't them screaming.
Demo was crap but the game isn't bad. I was trying to get the Alien missions done, but I honestly can not stand any of the Alien stuff.
[quote name='BARRICADE_28']Great license, crap demo.[/QUOTE]

As has been mentioned before, they should have put the Survival mode out as a demo...what they released, for me, is the worst part of the game! They did themselves no favors with that demo, I was going to give up on this completely but gave it a chance. Glad I did, it's a lot of fun though I'm still not sold on the multiplayer.
bread's done