All CAGS Vote for The Mana Knight to be in The Tester Season 3! VOTE FOR MANA!


As you all know, The Mana Knight is one of Sony's biggest supporters. This man has spent tens of thousands, perhaps even hundreds of thousands on Sony products from the five Playstation 3s he owns, the Xbox 360 that he did a 360 on and walked away from to play his PSP GO, and rumor has it that he owns five Net Yarozes and tried to make a Jrpg on the original playstation which was to be a spinoff of the original mana knights from Final Fantasy Adventure on the gameboy.

All kidding aside, we have to really help our friend. If there's a chance we can get the mana knight on the show why the hell not? Lets help our CAG brother reach for the stars.

Yes it is real.


So CAG, a call for votes is required. Let us get our friend The Mana Knight as Gov'na Playstation for Season Three!
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LMK the button to click and I'll do it.

That guy is the biggest fanboy I have ever seen/met/heard of. FWIW he deserves this. I also might even watch, he would out-fanboy the other contestants so bad that it could make things interesting.

PS Did I mention he is a fanboy
[quote name='camoor']LMK the button to click and I'll do it.

That guy is the biggest fanboy I have ever seen/met/heard of. FWIW he deserves this. I also might even watch, he would out-fanboy the other contestants so bad that it could make things interesting.

PS Did I mention he is a fanboy[/QUOTE]

Not sure. Better say it again ;)
I watched the first season and it was like a trainwreck I had to see through. But I will definitely support a fellow CAG member. 5 PS3's? I am not worthy!

I'm guessing there's not vote button just yet?
[quote name='Frank Deluded']I watched the first season and it was like a trainwreck I had to see through. But I will definitely support a fellow CAG member. 5 PS3's? I am not worthy!

I'm guessing there's not vote button just yet?[/QUOTE]

Not yet, but soon. And five PS3s is just an estimate. Word through the Mana train says he may have as many as eight PS3s. He assembles them to form the White Knight Chronicle which is his vessel to save women in distress. The power of one PS3 forms the sword for which he may slay the heathens who may dare cause harm to the glory of Ken Kutarugi's Playstation brand!
If you're gonna vote TMK onto The Tester as the ultimate Sony fanboy, then you have to vote me in as the ultimate anti-Sony fanboy(from my numerous anti-Sony/firmware/etc rants and/or tirades;)).
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']If you're gonna vote TMK onto The Tester as the ultimate Sony fanboy, then you have to vote me in as the ultimate anti-Sony fanboy(from my numerous anti-Sony/firmware/etc rants and/or tirades;)).[/QUOTE]

We already have an event for you. You're the cheapest man alive.
I'm still waiting for the voucher for my free year of Comcast internet to show up btw. I figured by now one of you guys would feel pity on me for having stone age DSL and try to show me how good it is to have 'real internet' and comp me a couple months of cable internet. So that by the end of those couple months I'd be like a crack fiend n willing to pay full price for my fix.:booty:
Oh god yes I'm voting Mana. This show was made for him.

Don't forget your CAG brethren and don't do anything stupid when you make it, Mana. Unless its really entertaining :D
Yeah, I signed up for the show. Many CAGs from the DC area have been in support for me to get on for the longest time, so I decided to join. I was first in line at a PlayStation Move event hosted by the PS Blog, along with having one of the first PSN cards, showing up early to a PS event within MLG to play Killzone 3 early, etc.

I will admit my only problem about being on is that I gotta hope I have enough paid vacation left for this all, haha.

We'll see what happens though. I honestly need to do a better job networking on the Tester website.
[quote name='camoor']LMK the button to click and I'll do it.

That guy is the biggest fanboy I have ever seen/met/heard of. FWIW he deserves this. I also might even watch, he would out-fanboy the other contestants so bad that it could make things interesting.

PS Did I mention he is a fanboy[/QUOTE]
I'm surprised you all still see me as that big of a fan. I rarely post here these days and it's not like I worship PS3. I do defend it since it's my preferred platform.
I will try to get my friends to vote for you too Mana, it would be awesome to get some more CAGs to get some light on the T3ST3R 3
[quote name='The Mana Knight']Yeah, I signed up for the show. Many CAGs from the DC area have been in support for me to get on for the longest time, so I decided to join. I was first in line at a PlayStation Move event hosted by the PS Blog, along with having one of the first PSN cards, showing up early to a PS event within MLG to play Killzone 3 early, etc.

I will admit my only problem about being on is that I gotta hope I have enough paid vacation left for this all, haha.

We'll see what happens though. I honestly need to do a better job networking on the Tester website.

I'm surprised you all still see me as that big of a fan. I rarely post here these days and it's not like I worship PS3. I do defend it since it's my preferred platform.[/QUOTE]

I'll vote for you, but you have to mention me on the show :D

j/k, you got my vote man.
Management is the true homie. Always plays brook for all games. Never bromances his Gaymes. He be blazing day Gucci suit while flashing his anime. He always stays sharp though.
I'll vote but my concern is that TMK will get on the show, realize that testing games is a shitty living, and lose his real, promising career in the meantime.

Like, I'd be totally down to go on Survivor or the Amazing Race, but I can't quit real work to do so.
My Wife and I got quite a lot of enjoyment watching Seasons 1 and 2 (for probably all the wrong reasons). You got my vote!

Just promise us all something....DON'T CRY!!! I swear, I've never in my life seen as much bawling as on that show. MAN UP, TESTERS!
[quote name='Halo05']I'll vote but my concern is that TMK will get on the show, realize that testing games is a shitty living, and lose his real, promising career in the meantime.

Like, I'd be totally down to go on Survivor or the Amazing Race, but I can't quit real work to do so.[/QUOTE]

I've always heard that being a testing sucks ass... there was even an article on it in some magazine a while back about a guy who was a tester for Acclaim and it sounded horrible. But a lot of people in the industry get their foot in the door by being a tester.
[quote name='Vinny']I've always heard that being a testing sucks ass... there was even an article on it in some magazine a while back about a guy who was a tester for Acclaim and it sounded horrible. But a lot of people in the industry get their foot in the door by being a tester.[/QUOTE]

To be fair, he worked at Acclaim.
[quote name='LoveLost']Me and my people are voting against you![/QUOTE]

Vote against Mana?

Voted. Thread title needs to to updated, and the relevant palms need to be greased for Mana to win.

I was looking through the pictures, and I have that same pair of PlayStation gotchies! :lol:
bread's done