All Game Crazys Are Closing


CAG Veteran
Found this on my local Craigslist.

Bend Game Crazy Closing: First and foremost, a heartfelt and whole hearted "Thank You" to Central Oregon for choosing us for the past 6 years. In approx. two weeks ALL Game Crazy and Hollywood Video stores will be entering liquidation. As the store manager, and employee since (almost) inception till the last day I wanted to thank all the many, many, many people who have been like our extended family. You have made a job a 2nd home. We will miss all of your faces and down to earth kindness. We have always striven to be your "neighborhood" game store and provide you with excellent customer service and I feel we have done a pretty good job. Your loyalty has inspired us to provide you with the best possible experiences when in our store (CoDMW2 Midnight Launch chest flasher, HALO 3 Megaline around the store, Super Smash Bros. Tourneys and many many more). You have made the long waits till midnight launches and the 4AM Black Fridays well worth it. I also thank the many employees who have been with us over the years, the part time seasonals to the full timers who have moved on. We wish to see your faces all one last time before we close that gate for the final time. So come on down, pick up that game you've been wanting or just come down and shoot the breeze with Dan, Cody, Chris or myself. We would love to see you and say thank you and goodbye.

Bend Game Crazy Store Director,
Glenn J.

Bend Game Crazy Shift Leads (and a better group of employees than I could wish for),
Cody J. & Dan H. & Chris M.

P.S. As I'm sure many of you have some questions I'll try to answer what I know here and save our phone (and sanity) from blowing up.

Q. I have deposits on preorders, credit on my account, a gift card to GC and Hollywood. What do I do?
A. All cash deposits can be refunded for cash or used towards a purchase. All credit deposits/trade credits must be used up, credit is not transferable to cash. I recommend using your gift cards as there wont be any other location to use it at.

Q. Are you still taking preorders?
A. No, we will no longer be taking preorders on future titles, nor offering the MVP membership, offering game guard or console service contracts.

Q. What if I purchased one of those things?
A. Preorders see answer to the first question, as for MVP's and game guard I assume those will be unrefundable. In the case of service contracts I am unsure at this time how the company will handle them. I will have more information after my conference call on Monday.

Q. Are you still taking trades?
A. Yep, most definitely, however, we are no longer doing cash for trades. We still guarantee the best trade price in town and if we come in lower we'll top our competitor by 5% as always. But, if it wasn't obvious, you'll want to use that credit same day.

Q. What/When are your liquidation sales?
A. The sales wont start until the liquidation firms finish bidding on the company's assets *apx. 2 weeks. As for what the sales will be I couldn't tell you at this time. However expect by the time they begin some of our stock may have been shipped out, and expect much of the "better stuff" to go fairly quickly, so don't expect the good/decent/rare(er) games to last past the first or second weeks. Moral of the story, best to just come buy it now rather than try to wait for it to hit bottom dollar pricing as it wont be in stock then.

Q. What do you guys have in stock?
A. Honestly, everything up to date including a few Splinter Cell Elite 360 and Bowsers Inside Story DSI bundles. We have a pretty awesome selection of used games right now (I raided one of the Eugene stores that absorbed a lot of product from another closing store a few weeks ago so we have a lot of hot stuff in). A bunch of refurbished Wii's for $150, a ton of refurbished 360's $160-250 and a bunch of new consoles/handhelds as well.

Q. So what now?
A. We are kicking around a few ideas about a Store Closing BBQ when all is said and done and we'd really love to have anyone who has been a regular or has a fond memory to come down and write it down or sign on the store banner. We might also practice moonwalking and juggling and putting a video on YouTube, we'll see. :)

Anyone know what we're up to?

Looking for some help here. I stopped by my local HWV which seemed to have gotten a ton of games from nearby stores. I noticed 3-4 different looking price tags. And a few things I wanted to pick up with my credit. But the connected GC has recently closed and the clerk at HWV says I lost my credit. Is there really no way to get my $30?

ffs.. when shit like this happens, does it really not cross your mind to call the customer service line?
My store is going to be open until the 22nd. Had some fines left over, and mentioned it to the manager working. She laughed at me and told me to not even worry about them.

Oh well lol.
Went to the one near Adrian MI and got used copy of The darkness (xbox 360), Ninja Gaiden 2 (xbox 360) and a New copy of Metriod Prime 3 for $23. They still had a ton of God of war 3's and Final Fantasy XIII new and they were at 60%. They also had a Bioshock 2 LE for PS3 for $40 but I didn't bite and now I regret it.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Trust me when I say this. You are not alone in your love of taking a whiff of the fumes that emanate from the case, manual and disc of a new game. I too enjoy that thoroughly, which is why I prefer to get sealed games when I buy games.[/QUOTE]

Same here, lol. I fondly remember the smell of Nintendo boxes and manuals from the NES and SNES eras. They still have the best ones today too. :D

Anyway, 60% off at the Ferguson, MO Hollywood Video as of yesterday. They too still have a ton of God of War 3.
[quote name='Scorch']Anyone know what we're up to? [/QUOTE]

Was at 60% off games at my Ogden Utah Hollywood and 70% off guides and accessories. Best guess was they would be open until July 24th.
I picked up a copy of Grand Theft Auto 4, the Saboteur, Soul Calibur 4, Tekken 6, Mad Dog McGree (wii), and Chronicles of Riddick today during the 60% sale. Not a bad deal. I had been eying Tekken 6 for a long time and got it today for $14.
Stuff was running out fast since they raised the discount to 60%.

This store still has a ton of new games such as Bayonetta, Bioshock 2, but these games are going to have to go down to 70% before I consider them as I won't buy any game over $20.
[quote name='Gojimaster']I picked up a copy of Grand Theft Auto 4, the Saboteur, Soul Calibur 4, Tekken 6, Mad Dog McGree (wii), and Chronicles of Riddick today during the 60% sale. Not a bad deal. I had been eying Tekken 6 for a long time and got it today for $14.
Stuff was running out fast since they raised the discount to 60%.

This store still has a ton of new games such as Bayonetta, Bioshock 2, but these games are going to have to go down to 70% before I consider them as I won't buy any game over $20.[/QUOTE]

no sarcasm - i admire your discipline, sir
Yeah, it's become slim picking now at the HWV I've been going to. All together, I acquired Advance Wars:Dual Strike, Halo Wars ("new" -- but obviously had been gutted), IL-2 Birds of Prey, and FEAR 2 over the weeks, for less than $40 total. The 360 games I got were all in fantastic shape with cases and manuals, which means I'll be able to get my money back out of them from Goozex if I want to.

The next step for me is to check back when the discount hits 80% for some sub-$5 games.
Any idea if we'll get 70% off next week? That'd be fantastic, though I love that my locale is one of the busier ones and is getting new boxes of movies/games each week; unfortunately, they sent back their hundreds of disc-only used games because Corporate apparently is requesting that country-wide. Anyone know why? As far as I know they shouldn't be able to return them to the publishers or anything like some guides, so it makes no sense not to sell them.

However, did manage to score a sealed Halo ODST and Lego Batman, plus rental copies of X-Men Legends 2, Starfox Assault, Tomb Raider Underworld, and Conan for about $40.

New release DVDs are $2.99 and new release Blu-Rays are $5.99.
my Gamecrazy has everything 70% off now, slim pickin on the games but today i grabbed these:

Fantastic 4 ROTSS new for $4 (360)
Dark Sector $3 (360)
50 cent Bloos on the Sand $6 (360)
Batman Gotham Knight DVD $2.50
Over the course of these past few weeks, I have completely wrecked hollywood and gamestop.

Xbox 360:
Hawx: $2
Godfather: 1.80
The club: 1.80
Pgr 4: 1.80
50 cent blood on the sand: 2
(2x) conan: .80

Those were all after 90 percent off.

At 60+70% off:

Alone in the dark: 4
Wheelman: 2
kane and lynch:4
Bionic commando: 3.20

They had empty cases 10 for 1$, so I bought 30 cases with original artwork, some with manuals. Found most matching artwork for the games I bought.

Godfather board game: 1$

Best of all, they had 5 copies of wwe smackdown 2010, 3 for 360, 2 for ps3. I bought them all up for 2 to 3 each, sold them to gamestop for 12 a copy. After the trade 3 get an extra ten deal, had 70 credit after spending 14. Fallout 3 goty and assassin's. Creed 2 were on sale for 40 and 20, respectively, because of the power saver sale. Bought those 2 and had enough left over to put ten down on fallout new vegas collector's edition. All for 14 dollars.

God, some of you guys were lucky. Someone came in and bought up ALL of their remaining video games at my local GC before they could get past 60% off. I did manage a few decent flips before they finally shut down at least.
[quote name='reallydude']Any idea if we'll get 70% off next week? That'd be fantastic, though I love that my locale is one of the busier ones and is getting new boxes of movies/games each week; unfortunately, they sent back their hundreds of disc-only used games because Corporate apparently is requesting that country-wide. Anyone know why? As far as I know they shouldn't be able to return them to the publishers or anything like some guides, so it makes no sense not to sell them.

However, did manage to score a sealed Halo ODST and Lego Batman, plus rental copies of X-Men Legends 2, Starfox Assault, Tomb Raider Underworld, and Conan for about $40.

New release DVDs are $2.99 and new release Blu-Rays are $5.99.[/QUOTE]

I would like to know that too. I was wondering what happened to the hundred or so mine had.

Mine went to 70% last week and was still getting product in at 60%.

The Blu-Rays at mine are now $4.99 new/used.
The Blu-Rays for $4.99 were only for the cores with no actual blu-ray box, but have the sleeve. I asked the workers if the new ones were too, but they were only 70% off and they only had Borat. Not worth it at all, but stocked up on the $4.99 ones.

Leads me to my question, where can I buy replacement blu-ray blue boxes?
Mine had guides @ 70%. I asked the manager if she would do a bulk discount and she said she'd do $1 per guide. She was just happy to get rid of them. They still had some decent ones like Mass Effect 2, Bioshock 2, Dante's Inferno, etc.
I wish we actually saw a Game Crazy come here. I'm so jealous that you guy's actually managed to get one. Be thankful you got one.
Are there still new "Haunting Ground"'s around at some Game Crazy's that are closing or am I SOL?
[quote name='VyseArcad1a']Cool, thanks jj5206, as I was looking for anybody who may have actually bought from a site with feedback to give before I buy.[/QUOTE]

I love discmakers, they ship fast and provide a great product.
[quote name='KillerRamen']The GameCrazy by me shut down on Monday (I think). I guess we might be nearing the end.[/QUOTE]

Indeed we are. According to the girl at the HWV today, last day for the entire company is supposedly the 28th (wednesday).
I went in my Hollywood yesterday and got a Sims 3 Guide and Bruno for $1.37. They had a sign that was advertising Bruno for 25 cents each. o_O; Needless to say I impulse bought it real quick like.
Just returned from hollywood and snagged a load:

Afro Samurai(360)
Orange Box(360)
Resistance 1(PS3)
Far Cry 2(360)
X-men Origins Wolverine(360)
Mass Effect 1 and Strat guide

All for 14.72 :D!!!!!!!
Good stuff gwolf. Well even though my GC closed & I lost my credit, I stopped in the connected HWV yesterday and ended up getting Too Human & UEFA (don't remember which one) for 360 for $2.50 each.

Might stop back by next week to see if all the copies of Bruno or the empty 360 cases are discounted further.
bread's done