All-In-One NES system?


I found this site and was wondering if anyone has bought one or if it is even legit:

I've seen these all-in-one nes controller systems at malls and conventions. I also seem to remember reading something about Nintendo trying to crack down on people selling these "Nintendo" chip systems. Has anyone ever bought one? If I'm reading it correctly, this site claims that this one even plays NES and N64 carts. This would be a sweet deal if they are legit.
If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck ...

... it's probably a scam.

That said, maybe we can get them to send CheapyD a unit for review.
Rig, I believe these are legit. At Opry Mills (a mall in nashville) they sell these in kiosks (sp?). I think they vary just enough to pass, or have paid copy write fee's.
Legit? You can be sure the product is not licensed. In fact, let's play a game: see if you can find the manufacturer name anywhere on the packaging.
[quote name='karmapolice']Rig, I believe these are legit. At Opry Mills (a mall in nashville) they sell these in kiosks (sp?). I think they vary just enough to pass, or have paid copy write fee's.[/QUOTE]

Just cause they're in malls doesn't mean they're legit. One of these mall kiosks inventory was recently seized at one in the Mall of America. Hell of a way to tell someone your out of a job, the sheriff shows up to close everything up. I think that's when you raid the register as your final paycheck.
[quote name='eldad9']Legit? You can be sure the product is not licensed. In fact, let's play a game: see if you can find the manufacturer name anywhere on the packaging.[/QUOTE]

what do i win if i dont find it?
These things are ridiculous.

111 games...

Its like the same 10 games repeated over and over...And all the really cheapy games.

They're not worth the money unless they have the Famicom expansions.
[quote name='Rig']This is very illegal. I will be sending the link to Nintendo.[/QUOTE]

They actually sell these from a cart at one of my local malls. In fact a few malls sell them for $50 each.

They change the names of the games, but they are direct ports.
[quote name='DenisDFat']nope, they're illegal, and lots of them have been being shut down all over.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='karmapolice']Rig, I believe these are legit. At Opry Mills (a mall in nashville) they sell these in kiosks (sp?). I think they vary just enough to pass, or have paid copy write fee's.[/QUOTE]

As a few other CAG pointed out, these are indeed illegal. You should definitely report the mall kiosks to Nintendo as well, becuase they take this stuff seriously. I know a lot of times, the mall kiosks are quickly shut down by Nintendo when they learn about them.
[quote name='Rig']This is very illegal. I will be sending the link to Nintendo.[/QUOTE]

Is there a link where these things get reported?
To report infringing items on internet auction sites, please call us at 1-800-255-3700 or e-mail us at [email protected]

• To report ROM sites, emulators, Game Copiers, Counterfeit manufacturing, or other illegal activities, please call us at 1-800-255-3700 or e-mail us at [email protected]

• For any other legal inquiry or concern, please call us at 1-800-255-3700 or e-mail us at [email protected]
As per requested by Rig, I sent them a email stating what is going on and copied the link, I didnt know it was illegal, so thank you for letting me know and I hope they shut them down.
I work with in the shipping department, and I have acccess to the website activity report. I noticed I am getting some clicks from this website, and I came to see whats going on here....

well, I do not think this system is illegal. Now..Do not confuse it with "Power Player" the Illegal version. This system we are selling at is distributed by Major wholesaler known by all Video Game Retailers. The system is called "Power Games". The controllers of this system does not look like Nintendo controller, which was the main issue about these systems.

It was tested by the customs, and its found to be Legal, untill they prove otherwise, the system is legal.

What do you guys think?

[quote name='']I work with in the shipping department, and I have acccess to the website activity report. I noticed I am getting some clicks from this website, and I came to see whats going on here....

well, I do not think this system is illegal. Now..Do not confuse it with "Power Player" the Illegal version. This system we are selling at is distributed by Major wholesaler known by all Video Game Retailers. The system is called "Power Games". The controllers of this system does not look like Nintendo controller, which was the main issue about these systems.

It was tested by the customs, and its found to be Legal, untill they prove otherwise, the system is legal.

What do you guys think?


So, Nintendo just lets you guys use their games without paying for them?

Its cool that you decided to respond here gamextera, but I think it'll only be a matter of time before you guys get shut down too.
[quote name='']I work with in the shipping department, and I have acccess to the website activity report. I noticed I am getting some clicks from this website, and I came to see whats going on here....

well, I do not think this system is illegal. Now..Do not confuse it with "Power Player" the Illegal version. This system we are selling at is distributed by Major wholesaler known by all Video Game Retailers. The system is called "Power Games". The controllers of this system does not look like Nintendo controller, which was the main issue about these systems.

It was tested by the customs, and its found to be Legal, untill they prove otherwise, the system is legal.

What do you guys think?


either you dont know, or youre just covering your own ass, but those are illegal, they are pirated from hong kong. this screen actully prooves it:


for some reason, emulation has never been able to properly emulate the super mario brothers title screen, as you can see here, where its missing the title.

if you didnt know, hate to break it to you but its illegal, if you did know, just stop playing dumb, it wont work ^^
[quote name='Rig']To report infringing items on internet auction sites, please call us at 1-800-255-3700 or e-mail us at [email protected]

• To report ROM sites, emulators, Game Copiers, Counterfeit manufacturing, or other illegal activities, please call us at 1-800-255-3700 or e-mail us at [email protected]

• For any other legal inquiry or concern, please call us at 1-800-255-3700 or e-mail us at [email protected][/QUOTE]

ROMs and Emulators are legal if you have copies of the games you are using on the Emulator. Selling ROMS is illegal. but owning them is not. (it is considered a "back up" of a game you already own.)
[quote name='urzishra14']ROMs and Emulators are legal if you have copies of the games you are using on the Emulator. Selling ROMS is illegal. but owning them is not. (it is considered a "back up" of a game you already own.)[/QUOTE]

its been said and debated over and over, the only legal roms are backups you yourself make.
Why doesn't Nintendo release an official version of this product? They should make an equivelant to the Atari Flashback, and they could include every NES game that they have the rights to. Make it a slick good looking package, charge $50, and you have money in the bank.
[quote name='evilmax17']Why doesn't Nintendo release an official version of this product? They should make an equivelant to the Atari Flashback, and they could include every NES game that they have the rights to. Make it a slick good looking package, charge $50, and you have money in the bank.[/QUOTE]

That would be very cool, especially if it also has a cartridge port on it for playing the games you already own....
[quote name='']well, I do not think this system is illegal. Now..Do not confuse it with "Power Player" the Illegal version. This system we are selling at is distributed by Major wholesaler known by all Video Game Retailers. The system is called "Power Games". The controllers of this system does not look like Nintendo controller, which was the main issue about these systems.

It was tested by the customs, and its found to be Legal, untill they prove otherwise, the system is legal.[/QUOTE]

That's funny. The main issue is not how the controller looks - it's copyright infringement. And just because customs made a mistake doesn't suddenly give you a license.

Even better! the same site sells you FREEWARE GAMES for $2.99 each.
[quote name='urzishra14']ROMs and Emulators are legal if you have copies of the games you are using on the Emulator. Selling ROMS is illegal. but owning them is not. (it is considered a "back up" of a game you already own.)[/QUOTE]

My quote was taken directly from Nintendo's website. I just copied and pasted it here. I don't want to get into a debate over emulators and ROM's...
I found this kind of funny: This was taken from their About us Page

GameXtera is one of the world's leading firms in the development and introduction of exciting retail products. Not a replicator but an innovator, our specialty is to find and create unique new products to develop, manufacture and roll out to retail marketplaces worldwide.
[quote name='punqsux']

for some reason, emulation has never been able to properly emulate the super mario brothers title screen, as you can see here, where its missing the title.[/QUOTE]

That's not really true. I've seen plenty of different emulators that emularte SMB perfectly. I'm sure this ROM was just hacked to remove the title screen so it could somehow attempt to be "legit."

Why don't you losers move out of your moms basements, and quite worrying about these games being illegal, and how you are going to report them. Get JOBS!!!! Find a woman!!!!
Why don't you geeks move out of your moms basement, and quit worrying about whether or not these games are illegal, and how you can report them. Get JOBS!!! Get a woman...get a life.
[quote name='Gainfullyemployed']Why don't you geeks move out of your moms basement, and quit worrying about whether or not these games are illegal, and how you can report them. Get JOBS!!! Get a woman...get a life.[/quote]

Wow - way to make an impression. First you bump a two year old thread, then you insult everybody, and finally a double post. I see a bright future for you here.
Wow, that was an odd bump.

On topic, I never see these things anywhere these days, except for the random broken unit at a thrift. The mall kiosks that sold them are now occupied by other vendors and the independent stores that carried them no longer do and now sell the Yobo FC Game Console and the FC Twin.
[quote name='Gainfullyemployed']Why don't you losers move out of your moms basements, and quite worrying about these games being illegal, and how you are going to report them. Get JOBS!!!! Find a woman!!!![/QUOTE]

Welcome back!
Aaahhh....... report them for selling bootlegs of games that most people have ten times over anyway. To be honest file this with Nintendo and then after your done, tell me what you get for it. I think whoever put this emulator out is already punished enough, because who the hell would buy games you had twenty plus years and already gave up for newer and better games?

More than half of the people on here have bought something that was not legit at one time or another. Be it movies, CD's and yes even games. Nintendo really won't lose all that much money from these games. So reporting it isn't going to save the world or help anybody except Nintendo make maybe a couple of extra cents.
[quote name='evilmax17']Why doesn't Nintendo release an official version of this product? They should make an equivelant to the Atari Flashback, and they could include every NES game that they have the rights to. Make it a slick good looking package, charge $50, and you have money in the bank.[/QUOTE]
Why do that when they can sell each game individually on VC?
[quote name='62t']Why do that when they can sell each game individually on VC?[/quote]

The Virtual Console was unknown back in 2005. :D
bread's done