[quote name='token2k6']jesus zenitrude, well said. I'm not going to argue with you, but it seems as technology progresses, 90% of the masses tend to migrate towards that. Could you ever have imagined in the late 90's that everyone would have an iPod? Well, they do..mothers, sisters, even grandmothers have all embraced new items to come out over the years. Who is to say that gamers can't enjoy the same thing? Just b/c I have a NES doesn't mean I need to feel the need to have it hooked up and use it every once in a while. Especially with the Wii VC, it makes older Ninty systems a moot point. Almost all older games can be gotten free off the web, heck, even some have flash versions where you just go to a website and play.
Its like saying, just b/c I have a computer that works and runs Windows 3.1, does that mean I should use it to check CAG on a daily basis? no...
edit: and besides, as much fun as the older systems and games are, a lot of good ones have been ported over to current gen comp discs or what have you. And I think we can all agree that after 10 minutes of playing say, Ecoo the Dolphin, the nostalgia factor wears off, and the "wtf am I playing this for?" sets in..[/QUOTE]
Thanks for discussing this civilly... that's a huge rarity on forums nowadays. I know that I use a bit of sarcasm and talk-down-edness in my arguments, but I always try to be more informative than I am insulting... so I applaud you for being adult in your views as well.
And now for something completely different...
The argument you're making here is one more of
platform (specifically) and not
game created for and within a platform's lifecycle, which is what helluvagood was discussing... that is, his argument was that the games
themselves have no more value, not just the "antiquated" consoles they originally appeared on. Your mentioning that titles (such as those from the NES) can be acquired and re-enjoyed (or enjoyed for the first time by a new generation) via services such as the Wii Virtual Console shows that you still have an understanding and appreciation for games that, while lacking in modern aesthetics, still retain a huge fun quotient.
The iPod analogy further exemplifies the
platform vs.
content differentiation: do you suppose those "mothers and [...] grandmothers" are downloading the latest T-Pain joint onto their iPods? Probably not... instead they're buying older music, which still has value and enjoyment, but digesting that old content through a modern machine. Again, the hardware has updated, but the older content is still viable...
Shit, if you still need further proof, just look how well Final Fantasy VII and VIII (both PSX games) are selling on PSN... clearly people are still interested in older titles, despite their vintage.
That said...
I still have a Dreamcast hooked up. Shit, I still have a Saturn hooked up. Why? Because I can... my television has a zillion ports in the back of it, so why shouldn't I be able to play a Dreamcast or Saturn game at the drop of a hat if I feel the need? The way I look at it, my PS3 handles PS3/PS2/PSX games, and that takes up a single HDMI port... my 360 handles 360/XBOX titles (at least, most of the XBOX titles I'd want to play), and that too takes up a single HDMI port... my Wii handles Wii/GCN games, and that takes up a single component port. That leaves two more HDMI ports (one of which is occupied by digital cable), three component ports, and I-don't-know-how-many S-video and composite ports, as well as a lowly VGA-port.
The way I figure it, why not use those ports? Even if I only turn on my Dreamcast a handful of times a year, I like that it's there, and I like the games that it allows me to play... even if my time is overwhelmingly occupied by more modern faire.
But you're right... Ecco has not aged well. I suppose that's what happens when you build a game around a graphics engine and then shoehorn in the gameplay. Graphics don't last in the long run, people, and that's a lesson we can all appreciate.
[quote name='mikejenks']That's why Sega continued to dominate the console market, because it was so awesome and had so many awesome games. Oh wait, I mean the opposite.
Oh my god, that's
ing funny! You should be a writer for Jay Leno... he loves really, really obvious humor like that! Oh, and be sure to reference Monica Lewinsky when you're applying... that shit will never get old.