All Manga/GNs Buy 3, Get a 4th FREE @ Borders


36 (100%)
They have this sale a few times a year and it is swing again so I just figured I'd post it in case anyone is interested. Just buy any 3 graphic novels or manga (and in some case manga/anime novels) and you get the 4th free. If you don't current have any coupons and what not this is actually a good deal and is perfect if you are looking to start up reading a new series or always planned to a new series. Which brings me to my new little feature for this sale:

Duo's Daily Recommended Reading:

April 17 -- The Blade of the Immortal series

Description: "Manji, a ronin warrior of feudal Japan, has been cursed with immortality. To rid himself of this curse and end his life of misery, he must slay one thousand evil men! His quest begins when a young girl seeks his help in taking revenge on her parents' killers . . . and his quest won't end until the blood of a thousand has spilled!"

IMO: It's one of the best manga (or GNs) out there right now. The revnege plot seems pretty typical but qucikly into the series it becomes anything but. The characters and even the tranlsations are great and entertaining. The artwork is top notch work using mainly simple pencil drawings but executed to perfection.

Also if anyone has any extra info or other recommendations have at it...
bread's done