All prices shipped! Games - $5, $10, $15 ; Dvds - $5, $15 ; Systems - $30, $40

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Well, I'll try to give the best deals I can for the system selected.

Think about it this way: the games you guys are getting are ones I currently own as I bought them. I'd say chances are you get something worth a playthrough, if not more than that.
[quote name='Foo228']Well, I'll try to give the best deals I can for the system selected.

Think about it this way: the games you guys are getting are ones I currently own as I bought them. I'd say chances are you get something worth a playthrough, if not more than that.[/quote]

That's funny. Those were his exact same words lol
"I'll TRY to give the best deals I can.."

It might help if you posted a list of the games that are included in this drawing to entice some people.
^I'm still thinking that through. Wouldn't it ruin all the fun of a complete surprise? about saying what genres you like/dislike to further narrow it down?
How good critics say a game is. Say a game scored 90% and another 80%, the average would be 85%...I'm not indicating how many games though as 1 may be in a category and it could give it away, ya know. ;) for $5 i can get a random ds game? Would I get a "better" ds game if I paid $10 since you listed ds in both $5 and $10 options? Pretty interesting way of selling man...i like it =).
Thanks and as for the q: not only a "better game" but probably will be newer and a better value.

Oh and the first random is pending to garfep!

btw, I'm working on the %'s for 1 for $10 or 2 for $15 now.
Considering the fact that I am really only interested in SNES/PSX/PS2 RPGs from the $5/10 list, would I have a higher chance to receive them if I request the genre?
If not I don't mind, just as long as the non-rpgs are SNES games. Which if this happens to be the case I would like to give you a list of my games so I recieve no doubles.

Lol, sorry if this is confusing but if needed I will try and rephrase.
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Not a bad idea about the doubles list...I'd be glad to check your collections and see if you've got it or not

Oh...and all %'s up!
Thanks, I'll be returning the favor when possible.

edit: to homacruz, just reread and understood your post. No rpg's here really...still interested in a non-rpg snes game?
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Looks like I'm going to have a lot of returns bumps in my future ;)

Thanks for all the interest shown here. :D

[quote name='Wlogan31']Free bump for being LOST by the OP...I think I want in, but I'm not sure :)[/quote]

Well - here's how it works:
Say you're interested in a $10 game.
You then choose a system, or systems, and a genre, if applicable.

For example:
The xbox and ps2 percentages look pretty good, so I'll choose one of those and request an fps. Also, I could say please not an rpg to dilute that possibility (no rpgs anyways :rofl:). Then, as soon as I can I'll pm you back if that genre is available or not and from there it should be easy going.

I'm hoping that was a good enough explanation. :bouncy::cool::bouncy:
I'll pay $15 for 2 Xbox 360 games ONLY.
No games that the GamerTag "Manof1337" has played, though
PM me with your Paypal if you're okay with this
[quote name='Clashfan']Could you explain what randoms are? You mean random games? Are you serial?[/quote]

Yea, they are random games priced from $5 to $15...but I guess you already figured it out with your latest post. ;)

Was that last part supposed to be serious or a pun?

[quote name='Clashfan']I'll pay $15 for 2 Xbox 360 games ONLY.
No games that the GamerTag "Manof1337" has played, though
PM me with your Paypal if you're okay with this[/quote]

I don't know what this guy has played as we're not friends on live, give me a list through pm and I'll see what I can do.

[quote name='SpitFire158']Are all the $15 set of 360 and Ps3 gone?[/quote]

Never were any ps3 games for sale. I am thinking of putting up another 360 game in the $15 set, though.
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