Alpha Protocol Already Getting Bad Reviews :(((

I played a little bit at my buddy's house. Combat is fucking atrocious. It's straight up not fun. The controls feel immensely clunky and the weapons are so unsatisfying to use. The A.I. is dumb as bricks, and I witnessed a multitude of graphical hitches within about 45 minutes. Lots of nasty clipping as well. Also, doors seemed to be possessed by evil spirits in this game. The first one I approached I got stuck in after trying to open it while crouched, the 360 I was playing on froze the instant I opened one later in the level. Towards the end of the level, I was somehow sucked backwards through the doorway I had come in through as the door was shutting behind me.

The dialogue and choice aspects seemed interesting, but not nearly enough to atone for the actual combat. At least not for me. Overall, it was thoroughly depressing. I've been looking forward to this for a long time.
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i played for about 4 hours last night and I haven't encountered any of the crazy bugs reviews talk about it. I'm really enjoying it. Glad i got it.
Can only unload on a Bear so many times, going to start shooting random dudes in the face
[quote name='whoknows']i played for about 4 hours last night and I haven't encountered any of the crazy bugs reviews talk about it. I'm really enjoying it. Glad i got it.[/QUOTE]

Same here.

Combat is good when you realize you can't play it like Mass Effect or any other third person shooter... when you take the time to line up your shots with the reticule it's very satisfying. I'm almost done with Saudi Arabia and have done a few missions with perfect stealth and others with balls out combat and haven't had any problems on hard difficulty with Recruit.

It does have graphical issues (I had a tree clip through a building) and the AI isn't so great, but the rest of the game is great so it evens out imo. Loving the actual RPG aspects of it, especially the conversation system.
i dont really care for the graphics issue or the walking animation :p, i have a problem with how interesting the story is, yet its plagued with boring/uninteresting characters

[quote name='whoknows'] I'm really enjoying it. Glad i got it.[/QUOTE]

im sure anyone would enjoy trash they paid $60 dollars for, to convince themselves they paid for something enjoyable

im kidding im jokin
bought the game day 1, almost canceled my preordered after reading the reviews, but I am glad I picked it up....very solid game but not without its flaws
Digging it.

Still early in the story and haven't tried it on Hard yet, but the AI hasn't really flipped out like in some of the videos. I mean, they still act stupid sometimes but nothing horrible. The nade spamming and knuckle rushing happens but it's only ever done by one guy in a group. Never en masse.

After all the back and forth, don't feel bad paying $45 for it, at least not until next month when it drops to $30 :|
I finished the first region (Saudi Arabia), and my mind has changed about this game, it went from being a 7 out of 10, to a solid 8.5, The story is very good and interesting, combat is fun once you realize its an RPG not a fucken Call of Duty! so take your time to line up head shots, it gets much easier once you assign your AP to specialization. Im really digging this game alot!
Yeah, I'm still liking it a lot as well. I've beaten 3 areas so far including Saudi Arabia. I can see myself playing through this more than once due to all the different things you can do throughout the game.
Just got it from Goozex today, been playing it for a few hours and really enjoying it.

Going pure stealth and that probably wasn't the best of ideas combo'd with the fact that I started off as recruit class so it's been pretty unforgiving early on. A lot of reloading checkpoints when I get caught because I barely have a point or two in pistols. Get raped if they decide to run up to me instead of hanging back.

Prolly try and get a few playthroughs in and trade it back to get the 200 point bonus. Then re-buy it after the inevitable price drops.
The game is already going for under $30 on eBay (although I think weekend auctions are getting more). I'm going to try and nab one next week and some point.
Boss fight in Taipei was beyond lame with my all stealth tiny bit of pistol build.

Dunno if it's much of a spoiler, but the fight with Deng was so frustrating. All points in stealth really backfired seeing that you have to duke it out with him. His shield regenerating to 100% in about 3 seconds was just ugh...

Couldn't do shit with full clip of SMG emptied into him, that always resulted in him stun locking the crap outta me when I'd try to reload. Half the time while sneaking around he'd hear me through a wall and come stomp me.

Then the times I did get halfway through to the elevator reinforcements I couldn't dispatch them fast enough so Deng would make his way across the room during the commotion and stun lock me some more while his cronies shot me to death. When I almost killed him a second reinforcement came and that almost made me fling my controller at the wall. Time that I finally got him there wasn't a second reinforcement, not sure if there's supposed to be or if I got screwed the first time I reached that far.

Mostly would get his shield down with a remote mine or sneaking up and meleeing his shields down and get off a chain shot then kite him around 'til he died.

Glad that part's over.

fuck you Deng.
Despite substantial RPG elements wisely complimented by a strong narrative well worth dedicating multiple play-throughs to this game is still providing me with a $30 experience fueled by $15 worth of piss poor game play polish, terrible graphics and spotty hit detection. The only thing that feels even remotely next gen in this game is the ME esque choices IMO. Very embarrassing.

If you're waiting for a price drop then anything under $30 is ideal. The game is definitely worth a purchase and could have easily been something great if only the myriad of game play related issues were properly addressed. I believe everything in the quote from the supposed inside source said a page or two back because had everyone on the team been on board Saudi Arabia wouldn't have felt like a chore for me. The only thing that kept me playing aside from the boss fight were the main character's suave conversation responses which are easily on par with Spider-Man. Most of the e-mails I've read also kicked the ass out of what ME2 had to offer which is another disappointing reminder of the untapped potential this game has.

Ah well... here's hoping there's a decent patch and DLC in the works to sort out the bugs and infuse a hell of a lot more enjoyment into the game.
AP is one of those titles that I anxiously awaited for years. I love decision making in games, and AP apparently has this in spades. I thumbed my nose at all the bad reviews and gamefly'd the game.

I am now 1/3 done with the game, and I find myself wondering, am I really having fun? Ummm somewhat...

I thought I could overlook the legitimate complaint about the gunplay, but good grief, this is the sloppiest shooter ever. Sometimes I can take a guy down with one hit, sometimes I have to unload 10 shotgun shells at him, close range before they go down. Grenade tossing is more satisfying. The shooting is definitely the least enjoyable aspect, and unfortunately, the game has a ton of shooting.

Even worse, the decision making and storyline comes up short for me. I find myself struggling just to keep up with the main plots, and the main character's voice is so wooden. It sucks a lot of fun out the dialogue choices. By comparison, Mass Effect 2 offered superior voice acting, and it was evil fun to make Shepard be a complete ass at times.

I will probably plow on through mainly just to see if the new missions offer soemthing a bit more exciting. Otherwise, AP will go down as huge disappointment for me.​
Having beat the game twice and now on my third play-through I come to realize this game has WAY too many unpolished game play features that DO NOT mesh well together. The primary offender is the game's the critical hit engine which forces you to focus your aim for a certain amount of time in REAL TIME to guarantee your shots will register properly. Because of the ridiculous lack of a proper training mode to help ease the player into it they are left to their own devices often convinced the hit detection is trash when there's actually nothing wrong with it. For a shooter RPG of all hybrids this is an absolute nightmare for newer players who lack patience or were expecting a more ME esque experience. This feature is as hardcore RPG as it gets in the worst way possible IMO.

Once you've gotten through the ins and outs of the engine the game gets a little better but not by much. There are still tons of glitches, higher level abilities lack balance (almost all of them are broken in a lot of respects e.g. the pistol's chain shot is a boss killing easy button), unpolished campaign AI alternating between omnipotence and unquestionable idiocy, cut content (I'm looking at you Sis) and depending on the difficulty and choices you've made I know I've personally ran into a particular mission where I had no choice but to pray the game would right and play itself due to terrible programming...

On Hard difficulty try pissing off the Moscow informant so he'll warn Surkov of your arrival thus changing the beat cops to actual Marines then sneak into the Embassy so both them and enemy faction squads recognize you as hostile. Take one step outside to protect Surkov after rescuing him to see what I mean. Abso-fucking-lutely RIDICULOUS.

Despite the rough introduction I still can't help but accept the game and all its flaws. I'd love a more competent developer to pick it up for a proper sequel since judging from the sales and reviews Sega is going to abandon it asap. Make no mistake it has a lot of good things going for it. Just a shame in order to grasp the brass ring you have to survive a zombie apocalypse first.
Hmm.. Did anyone else who canceled their Alpha Protocol pre-order before launch just get their promotional credit anyway? Or was it just me?
[quote name='bvharris']Hmm.. Did anyone else who canceled their Alpha Protocol pre-order before launch just get their promotional credit anyway? Or was it just me?[/QUOTE]

I just got the credit, too.

This actually happened to me with SSFIV about a month and a half ago. Free credit is awesome. :applause:
bread's done