Am I cheating with this review? (GTA IV)


CAG Veteran
First of all, reviews that I post on my blog are different than the ones I post professionally, so don't get too uppity about my approach if it seems less than standard...just a warning.

Anyway, I wanted to try something different with my GTA IV review. I didn't like the game as much as most, but I didn't think it was fair to just slap a 6.0 on it and run around laughing like an idiot. Instead, I tried something experimental with my scoring.

Take a look and let me know if this is a dangerous/stupid/smart/worthwhile move.

Oh, and feel free to criticize the actual review in any way you see fit.
Isn't your objective score kinda pointless? I mean, a review is just the personal opinion of the reviewer...
Yeah, honestly you should just give your straight opinion of the game, not two scores (biased and unbiased) everyone's going to have their own opinion of the game and it will pretty much be biased either way you look at it ;) but you shouldn't change your opinion based on what everyone thinks about it. :lol:.

I'd say it was decent but it's not groundbreaking 10, at least to me. But hey, if it holds your interest then its awesome.

Oh and I'm Bawb and this is my first post on these boards. Looking forward to posting here often.
I think having two scores weakens your credibility as a reviewer. You should only use the score you believe the game truly deserves and show that you aren't swayed by other people's opinions.
bread's done