Am I Drunk or is Eternal Darkness really good?


122 (99%)
The kids went to sleep early tonight (thanks to them waking up way to f'n early this morning), so I stuck Eternal Darkness into the Wii (after about 4 glasses of wine). All I can say is I'm hooked. Does it stay this good or will I play it in a normal state tomorrow and not like it. Im about an hour and a half in.
You're REALLY drunk, it's an okay game, mainly because of the camera.

I should read things and not skim..... :lol:

[quote name='The Crotch']Eternal Darkness: the game that taught me that nothing is scarier than an intentionally bad camera.[/quote]

Yeah, it's very bad, sad too because the rest of the game is fine, story is cool.
I found the game to be really good, and only got better as you go on. Of course I never actually finished the game, but I did play a good part of it, the only thing though is now it is very dated. It was actually in development for the N64, and although it is obviously improved, there is much to desire now. Of course, can't complain since I got it for $10 :)
[quote name='Derrick1979']Guy's drinking wine :whistle2:s[/quote]

I used to think the same way. But after the 500,000 or so beers I drank in my twenties, I was ready for something different. ;)
i hope it is a good game. i bought it here a while back but just coudlnt get into it. its hard to get into those old school re control trype games anymore especially with the restricted camera and what not. i'll try it again later though since all ive heard are good things about it. been trying to play re 0 as well but again the control scheme and camera make it hard to play.
Humor and sarcasm are utteryly lost on you, aren't they?

[quote name='schuerm26']No, the huge wine industry survives only because of female drinkers :roll:[/quote]
[quote name='schuerm26']No, the huge wine industry survives only because of female drinkers :roll:[/QUOTE]

As someone who actually works for a wine company, I can confirm that Eternal Darkness is pretty great.
[quote name='Puffa469']I used to think the same way. But after the 500,000 or so beers I drank in my twenties, I was ready for something different. ;)[/quote]

LOL I know im just giving him hell... I hardly drink at all anymore due to all the beer and booze I drank Between 18-23 lol and now with a child it is no fun to have a hang over and you can't sleep all day....:drool:
Sigh, my copy doesn't work on the Wii :(
I got it off Ebay a while ago and never got around to testing it. It worked once after I cleaned it, but stopped working shortly thereafter.

I read that the Wii's laser is really sensitive :(
[quote name='invinceable104']Sigh, my copy doesn't work on the Wii :(
I got it off Ebay a while ago and never got around to testing it. It worked once after I cleaned it, but stopped working shortly thereafter.

I read that the Wii's laser is really sensitive :([/quote]

That's odd because the Wii should be 100% BC because all Nintendo did was stick a GC into the Wii.
[quote name='bigdaddy']That's odd because the Wii should be 100% BC because all Nintendo did was stick a GC into the Wii.[/quote]

Wii = Slim line Gamecube
Eternal Darkness is one of my top 5 games. Great atmosphere. I would spill the blood of 17 rams for a sequel.
The game is great. The camera is not that good but most games like it at that time had bad camera angles. It would be nice if they would make a second game. Also any one know what the name of that demon it is based off of or atleast where the 333 comes from. I remember reading about it when the game first came out but can not remember it now. Also I about pissed mystelf when
it said to be continued and the game was not even half over.
Yeah, I think the game was just slightly too dirty...I gotta check if my cd doctor can fix gamecube games. It worked once, but other times it said it could not be read or something.

I paid apremium for the game because of all I heard about it.
Phenomenal game. I played it straight through back-to-back-back to get the real ending when it came out.

Easily one of the top 5 on the GC. Hell, I'd probably put it at #2 behind only Metroid Prime.
[quote name='buffdrew84']i could not stand the magic system in this game. ruined it for me[/QUOTE]Are you kidding? The magic system was the second coolest thing about the game, after the insanity effects.
I liked it when I played. Never made it all the way through though.

Tried to go back to it a couple years later, and just couldn't. I always said graphics don't make a game, but I just couldn't play it looking so terrible.
In Italy, you see vinyards like you see corn fields in Indiana. Most Italians drink wide daily. Many Americans do too. Once you reach 30, you'll see.
[quote name='Sofa King Kool']I would really like this game, but now that I know about all the little tricks of insanity, I wouldn't fall for them...[/QUOTE]

Doesn't really matter. I didn't really fall for them either since I'd read about most of them in reviews etc.

It's just a good game, not a game that's just good because of a gimmick like the insanity effects.
I played this game at midnight. I got a good ways in and didn't think it was scary at all. Then I got to the point where the house is kind of strange. And a little bit after that something happen that freaked me hell out. Hmmm its been awhile so it might about good long time after the house goes strange. Whatever, it was good game.
I played this game right after I played the Resident Evil remake (fun game). What blew me away was tha bility to actually control your character with an analog stick that made sense unlike resident evil, so maybe I got overly excited playing it :eek:)

I really liked Eternal Darkness. Some of the models were a little weak, as it was a tweaked N64 game. But it had a great story, amazing characters, a cool battle system, and some sweet sound effects. The ending had me floored as well.

Play on and get through it. It was a blast and I know many 'cubers missed out on it.
To the poster who was talking about Vanilla Vodka and Ginger Ale. I tried it but I guess I don't really like Ginger Ale. I thought it had a stronger taste than it did. I got the Schweppes kind. Maybe there is a better kind, but I was more of a fan of just mixing it in with Coke. I am wondering now how it would taste with AW Cream Soda. That to me, sounds really good.

Edit: I can't find the post about Ginger Ale and Vanilla Vodka!! I swear it used to be in this thread, along with another one from the same person asking if I actually tried it.

Edit 2: Did they get deleted? Was this not the thread where MykeVermin was talking about different kinds of beer? Maybe Im completely screwed up and posting this in the wrong thread.
[quote name='BoomRocker']I played this game right after I played the Resident Evil remake (fun game). What blew me away was tha bility to actually control your character with an analog stick that made sense unlike resident evil, so maybe I got overly excited playing it :eek:)

I really liked Eternal Darkness. Some of the models were a little weak, as it was a tweaked N64 game. But it had a great story, amazing characters, a cool battle system, and some sweet sound effects. The ending had me floored as well.

Play on and get through it. It was a blast and I know many 'cubers missed out on it.[/QUOTE]
Wait...what? Since when couldn't you control the character in REmake with the analog stick?

In any case, I played the game a few years back and loved it. Not sure how well it holds up, but it was good back then.
What i meant was that when you point the analog stick in a direction it was releative to the direction your character was facing in ED. But in RE the analog stick was relative to the screen. I worked around this by using a button push to run forward then only having to reorient myself to left or right (which would get backwards after a few character turns).

All in all i liked ED's control scheme.
bread's done