Amazing Transformers Bumblebee costume from Wondercon 2009

That's pretty awesome. If I were him I would sell that shit, could probably bring in some good money...
Did his outfit allow him to transform? Botcon had a few of them that could actually TRANSFORM... There is a youtube video of this!

Amazing stuff.
[quote name='Cracka']Slogan: Wonder Con, a visual explanation for those who Wonder why your still a virgin.[/quote]

Right from your 80's vault of jokes.

Comic cons have really become a pop culture meeting place and there are equal amounts of women to men.

Now back up to your spire of hate.
I apologize, the dude dressed as a transformer probably gets loads of tang. From the pictures it appears to be a chick to dick ratio of about 1/50. That doesn't quite seem equal to me, but maybe my math is bad. There's on chick in the building and she's trying to look at anything except the grown man dressed in a costume.

These conventions would be ok if everybody going was around 12 or younger, because at that age its cool to dress up as your favorite super hero. But if you're still dressing up as super heros and spending tons of time and money into building a costume then it becomes kind of sad.

Its not necessarily lame to be one of the people who goes to see these people dressed up, but the people who dress up in costumes are lame no matter how cool the costume ends up looking.
bread's done