Amazon B1G1 Free on UMD Movies

I ran across that last night myself. They've got a really good selection of movies (about 125 titles) and after you factor in the discount you end up paying about $6.50 each. Just a note - They don't factor in the B1G1 discount until the final stage of checkout so It'll look like you're paying full price for everything up until then.
after selling my PSP soon after launch, i've just recently picked up another on the cheap (of course). i'm sort of out of the loop, as far as games and movie prices are concerned. is this a good price overall for UMDs or do they come up cheaper often?

i'd like to pick up a few but i'm struggling -- i have to force myself to pay more than $2 for any DVD, so $6.50 for a more limited format is kinda hard to swallow. they do have some nice titles though. i like the convenience of UMDs and the quality, but pound for pound, am i better off just ripping and encoding my own movies?
[quote name='jonac13']Should definitely be in Other Deals, as UMD movies != video games.[/QUOTE]

And how would you propose to play the UMD's? They require the use of video game hardware to play. Think of it as a video game peripheral like a wireless 360 adaptor, dual shock controllers etc.

Thanks for the post OP and regarding the post on price a lot of those titles have been on sale for $5 or 2/$9.99 but some of those titles like Boyz in the Hood and Monty Python and the Holy Grail haven't been under $10-$12 as far as I remember.
I picked up Spiderman, Men in Black, Ghost Rider, and Stripes -- for a total of about 26.00. I've heard many people dis the UMD format but I like it for travelling/camping. I don't know if it is cheaper to buy memory cards and rip dvds however I've had trouble ripping some DVDs with the limited software that I have. The PSP can be hooked up to your TV so it's easy to watch UMD movies on a larger screen.
[quote name='iowagner']The PSP can be hooked up to your TV so it's easy to watch UMD movies on a larger screen.[/quote]
Not everyone has a Slim & Lite though.
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