Amazon: Eternal Sonata (360) $16.99


I got it cheap at CC when they put it on clearance. And I love the first few hrs that I played. Then I suddenly gave it up for time being.

I can't provide link now cuz I'm mobile on my iPhone. But wanted to help fellow cags whose into japrpg.

I just hope now tale of vesperia would drop in price so I can play a few hours and forget it also
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[quote name='GrilledWitOnions']Under more buying choices click XX Used and New - Amazons is still listed.

Really wanna get this, arg![/quote]

In for one and only 2 copies left!
[quote name='newlu']Thanks!!
In for one and only 2 copies left![/quote]
All gone now - good thing too, I was about to pull the trigger! I should go grocery shopping and just stop looking at CAG :p
[quote name='GrilledWitOnions']I see what you did there.[/QUOTE]

I didnt!(like most of the in game music related things) but thanks for pointing it out! :)

This game isnt bad....I felt there was more to be desired overall but the gameplay is fun and the story isnt all that learn a little history while you're at it!
I love Lost Odyssey and will play through it again. I tried to get into Eternal Sonata for both 360 and PS3, but couldn't get past its uninteresting story and repetitiveness.
[quote name='InFlames215']Almost exact same thing for me. Like JRPGs, love Lost Odyssey, but couldn't get myself to like Eternal Sonata.[/quote]

Exact opposite for me, I just can't get into Lost Odyssey. I want to, Everything about it says I should like it, but it's so DULL. I wish I understood why two Microsoft Game Studio-associated developers can't make a game with a steady frame rate. (My experience with Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey so far)

On-topic. I just beat Eternal Sonata tonight. If you've played Star Ocean 3, you'll like the battle system. However:

Comparison to Final Fantasy X, don't read if you haven't finished that:
The ending is about as satisfying as the series of end battles in FFX (as in, lame).

[quote name='MegaKungFuRadio']
[quote name='[B']EXStrike[/b] ]
$20 is about what this game is worth. Star Ocean 4 and The Last Remnant are better RPGs, though.[/quote]
I completely disagree about Star Ocean. Though I finished it, I certainly didn't enjoy it.[/quote]

Did you play and like Star Ocean III?

EDIT: Worth it at ≤ $20, I think it's one of the few good JRPGs this generation
Damn... missed it. This is one of those games that I'm still on the fence about but I probably would have gotten it for $17.
[quote name='GrilledWitOnions']CamelCamelCamel says it's the lowest it's ever been. If I had a job I'd bite, I really want this game (what am I doing on a deal forum w/out a job!)[/quote]

I'm on a deals site BECAUSE I don't have a job. Helps me get my gaming fix cheap.
Now $19.49 - I heard PS3 version is much more harder (and expensive, of course) than Xbox 360? Why? Can anyone care to explain?
[quote name='greenrocks']Now $19.49 - I heard PS3 version is much more harder (and expensive, of course) than Xbox 360? Why? Can anyone care to explain?[/quote]

From what I've read and experienced they've lowered the exp and the enemies hit much harder.
I guess PS3 is more hardcore? o_O; Okay, that came out wrong. Well, I'm getting Eternal Sonata for 360 since I won't want to fight my sweat all the way to the end, so 360 will be light for me like diet (no, I don't drink diet). XD
PS3 version released recently so, like Bioshock, it costs more for the PS3 version compared to the 360 version.
[quote name='earvcunanan']I love Lost Odyssey and will play through it again. I tried to get into Eternal Sonata for both 360 and PS3, but couldn't get past its uninteresting story and repetitiveness.[/quote]

I love a lot of different JRPGs, but I simply could not get into this. I tried, and I tried. I liked the setting...liked the art direction...liked the music. But I couldn't get passed the uninspired gameplay and awful, awful, awful, awful dialogue. Some of it makes "master of unlocking" and "Jill sandwich" seem well-written.
Crazy good deal.

I sort of agree with bigdaddybruce though. Love the art style, music and setting, but the a lot of the dialogue is pretty laughable. Gameplay is pretty decent. Not great, but good enough. I still haven't finished the game though... something always interrupts me.

I also wish some of the achievements were easier to get. I think you'll only get like 300 points for finishing the game the first time. Oh well, not a big deal though.
You know, Big, I agree with you, the voice acting and dialogue is pretty obnoxious.
But it really isn't that much worse than most JRPG's is it?
bread's done